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Dotty —— Scala 的下一代编译器和技术研究平台


Dotty 详细介绍
Dotty 是 Scala 的下一代编译器,也是 Scala 的新语言概念和编译器技术研究平台。


Union, intersection and literal singleton types Implemented
Trait parameters Implemented
@static methods and fields Implemented
SBT incremental build Implemented
Option-less pattern matching Implemented
Automatic tupling of function parameters Implemented
Multiversal equality Implemented
Phantom types Implemented
Implicit function types Implemented
Auto-Specialization In progress
Whole program optimizer In progress
HList & HMaps/Record types In progress

Effects Considered

文章转载自 开源中国社区 [http://www.oschina.net]
