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QTestLib 介绍ppt稿




Author :           Tao Xia
Date:              2009-3-17

1. Basic Method About QTestLib


(1) QT += testlib, #include <QTest>

(2) A class inherite from QObject.

(3) slots function to hold test content.

(4) Data_Driven function.   

   void QTestClass::funcName()
        QFETCH(Type, Name);
        QFETCH(Type, Name2);

    void QTestClass::funcName_data()

        QTest::newRow("Description")<< value1 << value2 << ...
        QTest::newRow("Description")<< value1 << value2 << ...

(5) KEY words:
    QCOMPARE(para1, para2); 
    QTEST_MAIN(ClassName)                // Put anywhere cpp.
    Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(TYPE)         // To support self-define data type.

2. QTestLib example in PhoneAPI UT.


(1) Project File, the files including problem.
(2) On-Off, condition select.
(3) Test data preparation.
(4) Completely auto test.

3. GUI Test


    QTest::keyClicks()    //KeyAction

QTest::keyClicks(myWidget, "hello world");

    QTest::keyClick()     //

 QTest::keyClick(myWidget, Qt::Key_Escape, Qt::ShiftModifier, 200);

    QTest::mouseClick()      //MouseAction

void QTest::mouseClick ( QWidget

 * widget, Qt::MouseButton


 modifier = 0, QPoint

 pos = QPoint(), int delay= -1 )

void TestGui::testGui() {
QLineEdit lineEdit;
QTest::keyClicks(&lineEdit, "hello world");
QCOMPARE(lineEdit.text(), QString("hello world"));


4. Stub


If it is possible to implement the routines in a generic file in machine-independent C, using only other machine-independent functions in the C library, then you should do so. Otherwise, make them stubs. A stub function is a function which cannot be implemented on a particular machine or operating system. Stub functions always return an error, and set errno to ENOSYS (Function not implemented). See Error Reporting. If you define a stub function, you must place the statement stub_warning(function), where function is the name of your function, after its definition; also, you must include the file <stub-tag.h> into your file. This causes the function to be listed in the installed <gnu/stubs.h>, and makes GNU ld warn when the function is used.

5. Unit Test

