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Get or Set Query String Values from URL using URI.js




URI.js is a mature javascript library for manipulation of URI. URI.js provides methods to get or set query string values using javascript functions on browsers.

Download URI.js or URI.min.js from Official URI.js Github Repository or build it from Here. Add it into your html page for using it in your script.

function to get Query String value from URL using URI.js

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/URI.js"></script> function getQueryStringValue(queryParam){ // Get current URL. var currentURL = new URI(); // If queryParam is in the querystring of currentURL if(currentURL.hasQuery(queryParam)){ // Get all querystring values as a json object var qsValues = currentURL.query(true); // return queryParam's value return qsValues[queryParam]; } else { // queryParam is not in the querystring. So return as undefined. return undefined; } } // If currentURL="http://www.ecommerce.com/product.html?customerId=27" then, // getQueryStringValue("customerId") returns "27" // getQueryStringValue("notPresentQueryParam") returns undefined

URI.js Introduction

URI.js offers methods for manipulating URLs. Please see below code to get an intro on few possible operations with URI.js.

// Get current URL from the browser bar.
var url = new URI(); // return http://smoothprogramming.com/tutorials/get-set-query-string-values-from-url-using-uri-js // This is equivalent to window.location.href command in js. url = new URI("http://www.smoothprogramming.com:80/tutorials/get-set-query-string-values-from-url-using-uri-js.html"); // Sets URL to http://www.smoothprogramming.com:80/tutorials/get-set-query-string-values-from-url-using-uri-js.html url; // return "http://www.smoothprogramming.com:80/tutorials/get-set-query-string-values-from-url-using-uri-js.html" url.protocol()); // return "http" url.origin(); // return "http://www.smoothprogramming.com:80" url.hostname()); // return "www.smoothprogramming.com" url.host()); // return "www.smoothprogramming.com:80" url.port()); // return "80" url.path()); // return "/tutorials/get-set-query-string-values-from-url-using-uri-js.html" url.directory()); // return "/tutorials" url.filename()); // return "get-set-query-string-values-from-url-using-uri-js.html"

Get Query String Values

// Querystring values
url = new URI("http://www.ecommerce.com/product.html?customerId=27&checkout=true"); // Get querystring part from URL url.query(); // returns "customerId=27&checkout=true" // Get Querystring value as JSON object url.query(true); // returns "{"customerId":"27","checkout":"true"}" //Is customerId in the querystring list ? url.hasQuery("customerId"); // returns true //Is dummyQuerystr in the querystring list ? url.hasQuery("dummyQueryStr"); // returns false // Is customerId value = 27? url.hasQuery("customerId", "27"); // returns true //is customerId value = 50? url.hasQuery("customerId", "50"); // returns false

Set Query String Values

url = new URI("http://www.ecommerce.com/product.html"); //set customerId as Querystring url.addQuery("customerId", "27"); //returns "http://www.ecommerce.com/product.html?customerId=27" //Remove customerId as Querystring url.removeQuery("customerId"); // returns "http://www.ecommerce.com/product.html"



This post has only most useful and important list of methods to manipulate URL using URI.js. If you are interested in detail documentation of all URI.js then, please refer URI.js Documentation Page.


URI.js Github Repo

