// open the corresponding .c or .h file
macro OpenCorrespondingCorHfile()
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf ()
bname = GetBufName (hbuf)
len = strlen (bname)
if (".c" == strmid (bname, len-2, len))
filename = strmid (bname, 0, len-2)#".h"
else if (".h" == strmid (bname, len-2, len))
filename = strmid (bname, 0, len-2)#".c"
filename = Nil
if (filename != Nil)
hbufnext = OpenBuf (filename)
if (hbufnext != hNil)
SetCurrentBuf (hbufnext)
macro GetCurrentTime()
time = GetSysTime(1)
str = time.year;
str = cat("@str@-0",time.month)
str = cat("@str@-",time.month)
str = cat("@str@-0",time.day)
str = cat("@str@-",time.day)
str = cat("@str@-0",time.hour)
str = cat("@str@-",time.hour)
str = cat("@str@:0",time.minute)
str = cat("@str@:",time.minute)
str = cat("@str@:0",time.second)
str = cat("@str@:",time.second)
return str
// 搜索子串,有找到返回所在下标,没有返回-1
macro strstr ( szS1, szS2 )
hbuf = NewBuf ( next )
lnS1 = strlen ( szS1 )
lnS2 = strlen ( szS2 )
i = 0
j = -1
AppendBufLine ( hbuf, j )
while ( i < lnS2 )
if ( j == -1 )
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
AppendBufLine ( hbuf, j )
else if ( szS2[i] == szS2[j] )
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
//PutBufLine (hbuf, i, GetBufLine ( hbuf, j ) )
AppendBufLine ( hbuf, j )
j = GetBufLine ( hbuf, j )
i = 0
j = 0
while ( i < lnS1 && j < lnS2 )
if ( j == -1 )
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
else if ( szS1[i] == szS2[j] )
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
j = GetBufLine ( hbuf, j )
CloseBuf ( hbuf )
if ( j == lnS2 )
rec = i - lnS2 // 有找到
rec = -1 //没找到
return rec
// This function trims white spaces from the ends of the selected lines
// in the current file buffer. If the selection is empty, it does the
// whole file.
macro TrimSpaces()
hbuf = GetCurrentBuf()
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)
if (sel.fExtended)
// use selected lines
ln = sel.lnFirst
lnLim = sel.lnLast + 1
// process the whole file buffer
ln = 0
lnLim = GetBufLineCount(hbuf)
// do for each line....
while (ln < lnLim)
s = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln)
sTrim = StrTrimSpaces(s)
if (s != sTrim)
PutBufLine(hbuf, ln, sTrim)
ln = ln + 1
// Helper function: trims white space from the string s.
// Returns resulting string.
macro StrTrimSpaces(s)
cch = strlen(s)
ich = cch - 1
chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
while (ich >= 0)
ch = s[ich]
if (ch != " " && ch != chTab)
return strmid(s, 0, ich + 1)
ich = ich - 1
return ""
/* A U T O E X P A N D */
Automatically expands C statements like if, for, while, switch, etc..
To use this macro,
1. Add this file to your project or your Base project.
2. Run the Options->Key Assignments command and assign a
convenient keystroke to the "AutoExpand" command.
3. After typing a keyword, press the AutoExpand keystroke to have the
statement expanded. The expanded statement will contain a ### string
which represents a field where you are supposed to type more.
The ### string is also loaded in to the search pattern so you can
use "Search Forward" to select the next ### field.
For example:
1. you type "for" + AutoExpand key
2. this is inserted:
for (###; ###; ###)
3. and the first ### field is selected.
macro AutoExpand()
// get window, sel, and buffer handles
hwnd = GetCurrentWnd()
if (hwnd == 0)
sel = GetWndSel(hwnd)
if (sel.ichFirst == 0)
hbuf = GetWndBuf(hwnd)
// get line the selection (insertion point) is on
szLine = GetBufLine(hbuf, sel.lnFirst);
// parse word just to the left of the insertion point
wordinfo = GetWordLeftOfIch(sel.ichFirst, szLine)
ln = sel.lnFirst;
chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
// prepare a new indented blank line to be inserted.
// keep white space on left and add a tab to indent.
// this preserves the indentation level.
ich = 0
while (szLine[ich] == ' ' || szLine[ich] == chTab)
ich = ich + 1
szLine = strmid(szLine, 0, ich) # chTab
sel.lnFirst = sel.lnLast
sel.ichFirst = wordinfo.ich
sel.ichLim = wordinfo.ich
// expand szWord keyword...
if (wordinfo.szWord == "if" ||
wordinfo.szWord == "while" ||
wordinfo.szWord == "elseif")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "###");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "}");
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "for")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###; ###; ###)")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "###");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "}");
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "switch")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " (###)")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "case ###:")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # chTab # "###")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 4, "@szLine@" # chTab # "break;")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 5, "@szLine@" # "}")
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "do")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "{")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "###");
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 3, "@szLine@" # "} while (###);")
else if (wordinfo.szWord == "case")
SetBufSelText(hbuf, " ###:")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 1, "@szLine@" # "###")
InsBufLine(hbuf, ln + 2, "@szLine@" # "break;")
SetWndSel(hwnd, sel)
LoadSearchPattern("###", true, false, false);
/* G E T W O R D L E F T O F I C H */
Given an index to a character (ich) and a string (sz),
return a "wordinfo" record variable that describes the
text word just to the left of the ich.
wordinfo.szWord = the word string
wordinfo.ich = the first ich of the word
wordinfo.ichLim = the limit ich of the word
macro GetWordLeftOfIch(ich, sz)
wordinfo = "" // create a "wordinfo" structure
chTab = CharFromAscii(9)
// scan backwords over white space, if any
ich = ich - 1;
if (ich >= 0)
while (sz[ich] == " " || sz[ich] == chTab)
ich = ich - 1;
if (ich < 0)
// scan backwords to start of word
ichLim = ich + 1;
asciiA = AsciiFromChar("A")
asciiZ = AsciiFromChar("Z")
while (ich >= 0)
ch = toupper(sz[ich])
asciiCh = AsciiFromChar(ch)
if ((asciiCh < asciiA || asciiCh > asciiZ) && !IsNumber(ch))
break // stop at first non-identifier character
ich = ich - 1;
ich = ich + 1
wordinfo.szWord = strmid(sz, ich, ichLim)
wordinfo.ich = ich
wordinfo.ichLim = ichLim;
return wordinfo
macro GetWordLeftOfIch ( ich, sz )
wordinfo = "";
chTab = CharFromAscii ( 9 );
asciiA = AsciiFromChar ( "A" );
asciiZ = AsciiFromChar ( "Z" );
ich = ich - 1;
if ( sz[ich] == " " || sz[ich] == chTab )
ichLim = ich + 1;
while ( ich >= 0 )
ch = toupper ( sz[ich] );
asciiCh = AsciiFromChar ( ch );
if ( ( asciiCh < asciiA || asciiCh > asciiZ ) && !IsNumber ( ch ) && ch != "{" && ch != "#" )
ich = ich - 1;
ich = ich + 1;
wordinfo.szWord = strmid ( sz, ich, ichLim );
wordinfo.ich = ich;
wordinfo.ichLim = ichLim;
return wordinfo;
This is an example macro that can be used to create a
secondary key mapping which maps keys after an initial
key press.
For example, the user presses Ctrl+K, followed by "d"
to run the "Cut Line" command.
This example assumed Ctrl+K, but you can use whatever key
combination you want.
1. Add this macro to a .EM file and add it to
your project.
2. Use the Key Assignments command to map this macro
to Ctrl+K. The macro name "CtrlK" will show up in the list
of commands.
3. Now you can type Ctrl+K, followed by another key
to invoke either "Cut Line" or "Paste Line". These
two commands were picked by random. You could add
what ever key combinations and commands you want.
macro CtrlK()
// Wait for the next key press and return the key code.
key = GetKey()
// Map the key code into a simple character.
// If you only need a simple character, you can
// call GetChar() instead of GetKey + CharFromKey
ch = CharFromKey(key)
ch = ToUpper(ch)
if (ch == "D")
// Ctrl+K, followed by Ctrl+D
if (IsCtrlKeyDown(key))
// run the "Paste Line" command
// Ctrl+K, followed by "D"
// run the "Cut Line" command
// Note: you can also use IsAltKeyDown and
// IsFuncKey to further discriminate keys.