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#ps –ef_ps –ef –forest命令用来显示( )。



【填空题】吉田兼好の作『徒然草』の読み方:( )

【单选题】目前最新版本的Linux可以支持( )。

【单选题】在linux下,符号( )表示追加输出重定向。

【单选题】可以使用下面命令( ),快速把一个文件中所有字符转换成大写字符。

【单选题】LINUX内核自行启动后,通过启动一个用户级程序init的方式,完成了自己的引导进程。在这个过程中init进程的进程号PID为( ) 。

【填空题】『十六夜日記』の読み方:( )


【单选题】以下选项中,对命令top说明正确的是( )。

【单选题】某用户stud1的用户目录为/home/stud1.分页显示当前目录下的所有文件的文件名、文件大小、用户、权限、创建时间等信息的命令是( )。

【单选题】vsftpd的主配置文件是( )。

【单选题】Linux1.0 于( )年正式发布,它宣告了Linux操作系统的正式诞生。



【单选题】下列对“链接”理解错误的是 ( )。

【单选题】下面( )命令不会显示用户登录情况。

【单选题】在ext4文件系统中,缺省情况下,为root用户保留( )的空间。

【单选题】使用以下( )命令可以显示正在登录的用户的属组。

【填空题】鎌倉幕府開設から江戸幕府開設までの約( )年間を中世とする。

【单选题】在linux下,符号( )表示输出重定向。

【单选题】使用命令( )可以显示Linux系统中注册的用户数(包含系统用户)。

【单选题】使用free的( )参数可以以MB为单位显示系统中的资源。

【单选题】Linux系统中,命令“echo hello > test”中符号“>”的作用是( )。

【单选题】SHELL脚本中,默认第一行的内容是( )。

【单选题】Linux发行版本中,图形用户界面方式的运行级通常定义为( )。

【单选题】在bash的shell环境中关于>和>>符号描述正确的是( )。

【填空题】『新古今和歌集』は、西暦( )年に成立とされる。


【单选题】TCP/IP模型的应用层包含了所有的高层协议,其中( )能够实现本地与远程主机之间的文件传输工作。

【填空题】『方丈記』の作者は鴨長明である。鴨長明の読み方は( )である。

【单选题】Linux下的Run Level有几个级别( )。

【单选题】下列符号( )可用于shell环境下正则表达式。

【单选题】通过命令( )可以压缩多个文件。

【单选题】输入命令“cat file.1 > file.2”,则结果是 ( )。

【单选题】安装Linux的磁盘分区步骤中,当再次创建第5个分区时,发现创建失败,那么最有可能的情况是( )。

【单选题】DHCP是动态主机配置协议,其作用是为一个内网中的主机自动分配( )地址。

【单选题】以下条目( )加入到/etc/fstab下,可以让我们的系统自动挂载光驱。

【填空题】Part I Directions: In this section, you'll hear some short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. 1 ) A . Teacher and student. B . Secretary and client. C . Policeman and victim. D . Patient and consultant. 2 ) A . Identity theft will cause great damage emotionally. B . Identity theft will cause great damage financially. C . Senior citizens are not the targets of identity theft. D . Senior citizens are the first priorities of identity theft. 3 ) A . It is common to shop online for the cheaper price. B . It is common to shop online with credit cards. C . It is advisable to save credit card information on shopping sites. D . It is advisable to clear credit card information on shopping sites. 4 ) A . The man should have his computer repaired. B . The man should repair his computer by himself. C . The man should never let the repairer get his personal information from the computer. D . The man should let the repairer save his personal information in the computer. 5 ) A . To remove your browser record. B . To keep your browser record. C . To eliminate the private information on the Internet. D . To save the private information on the Internet. 6 ) A . Molly is furious about the increasing number of dangerous criminals. B . Molly is anxious that dangerous criminals put children’s life at risk. C . Molly is worried that fatherlessness is one of the root causes of dangerous crimes. D . Molly is worried about an enormous increase in crime rate. 7 ) A . The woman should send money to her son as quickly as possible. B . The message was sent by her son instead of a thief. C . The message was not sent by her son but a thief. D . The woman should get more details before sending money to her son. 8 ) A . The husband was shopping with his own bank card. B . Somebody else was shopping with the husband’s credit card. C . The wife has finished shopping with her husband’s credit card. D . The husband sent a text message to his wife about shopping. Part II Directions: In this section, you'll hear some long conversations. At the end of each conversation, some questions will be asked. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9 ) A . Wrestling. B . Collecting stamps. C . Collecting matches. D . Playing chess. 10 ) A . In a restaurant. B . In a hotel. C . At a stadium. D . At home. 11 ) A . Because they did not like it anymore. B . Because they ran out of money. C . Because they had little time for it. D . Because they thought it very boring. 12 ) A . Changeable. B . Persistent. C . Indifferent. D . Naughty. Questions 13 to 16 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 13 ) A . He thinks he has more free time than the woman. B . He thinks the woman has more free time than he does. C . He thinks they have more or less the same. D . He thinks having free time is a waste. 14 ) A . Because he does not think the woman learns anything from it. B . Because there are few educational programs. C . Because he does not think it is a hobby. D . Because he thinks it is very boring. 15 ) A . She thinks watching TV is a waste of time. B . She thinks it is interesting to watch educational programs. C . She thinks she can learn a lot by watching TV. D . She thinks it boring to watch TV for a long time. 16 ) A . Watching TV. B . Collecting buttons. C . Traveling. D . Working. Part III Directions: In this section, you’ll hear some passages. At the end of each passage, you'll hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passages you have just heard. 17 ) A . A young policeman who caught some thieves on the street. B . A young man who helped hijack PCs to collect information. C . A young man who created the most advanced computer program. D . A teenager who stole money from people's bank accounts. 18 ) A . He has been put into prison. B . He has been given a new career. C . He has denied committing any crime. D . He has been discharged by the judge. 19 ) A . Accessing computers for dishonest purposes. B . Interfering with computer systems. C . Designing a virus at middle school. D . Possessing software for committing crime. 20 ) A . He will do some work for the police. B . He will have to pay back $ 31,000. C . He will go back to school to finish his study. D . He will create some anti-virus software.

【单选题】管理员用ln –s建立当前目录下test(属主为guest)的符号链接test.link,并将test.link的属主由root改变为nobody,则最终文件test的属主为( )。

【填空题】鴨長明の作『方丈記』の読み方:( )

【单选题】以下选项中,对命令halt说明正确的是的是( )。


【单选题】ps –ef –forest命令用来显示( )。

【单选题】输入命令名或文件名时,按 ( )键可以实现自动补全功能。

【单选题】以下( )命令可以为已运行的进程重新指定优先级。

【单选题】若权限741为rwxr----x,那么权限652是 ( )。

【单选题】使用halt命令的( )参数可以强制关机。

【单选题】在du命令中,显示所有文件所占空间容量的选项是( )

【单选题】当运行命令反馈被拒绝时,你可以用命令( )去修改它的权限使之正常运行。

【单选题】通过命令( )可以解压缩tar文件。
