Ruby + Passenger 5 分钟 入门


本文的目的是尽可能浅显的介绍Ruby + Passenger的使用。如果想深入了解Passenger,可参考后续相关章节。


Ruby + Passenger 实验


  1. 准备Ruby程序

    # 此项目是本人在github上提交的Ruby demo程序
    git clone


  2. 安装Gem包

    # check the Gemfile and install the Gems
    # enter the dir
    cd ROR_Blog
    # confirm whether it is has the 'passenger'
    cat Gemfile | grep -r -i 'passenger'
    # install packages without production mode
    bundle install --without production


  3. 直接启动服务

    # start the service
    rails s
    # then open the http://localhost:3000 to check the main page of the application


  4. 验证进程

    # check the ruby related process
    ps aux | grep ruby
    # we will see there is only one ruby process ‘rails’
  5. 确认log

    # check the log files under the 'log' dir
    ll log
    # then we can see there is no passenger*.log



  1.  编辑Gemfile添加Passenger
    # add passenger to Gemfile
    echo 'gem "passenger", require: "phusion_passenger/rack_handler"' >> Gemfile


  2. 安装Gems, 包含Passenger
    # confirm the passenger existing in the 'passenger'
    cat Gemfile | grep 'passenger'
    # install Gemfiles including the 'passenger'
    bundle install --without production


  3. 启动passenger
    # kill the 'rails s' to free the 3000 port 
    # start passenger service
    passenger start


  4. 验证进程
    # check the ruby related process
    ps aux | grep ruby
    # then we would see one ruby process 'passenger'
  5. 确认log
    # check the log files under the 'log' dir
    ll log
    # then we can see there is one passenger*.log



通过Passenger启动Ruby程序是非常简单的。Ruby on Rails框架提供了内嵌的服务器工具。这些服务器工具可以和rails server命令进行交互。rails server不是一个应用服务器, 仅仅是启动应用和应用服务器的wrapper。如果Gemfile中指定了Passenger,则rails server会启动Passenger而不是默认服务器,如果没有Passenger,则会启动默认应用服务区。

通常在生产环境中,我们不会直接使用rails s起启动服务,而使用Passenger等应用服务器的原因。
