注:arcgis server 版本为9.3,其他版本未试
arcgis server 中发布wms、wfs等很简单,只要在发布的mapService中那个功能中勾住相应的选项就完了,但是发布之后使用的时候会遇到一些问题,目前本人遇到以下问题,当时找了半天才找到原因,现在公布之,节约全人类的时间
========About WMS==========
========About WFS==========
Controlling the axis order
Features returned in some geographic coordinate systems (for example, WGS 84) have an axis order of lat, long (y,x) by default. This is in compliance with the WFS 1.1 specification. For example, a point may be returned from a getfeature request with its coordinates specified as follows:
1.Log on to the machine running ArcGIS server as an administrator.
2.Shut down ArcGIS Server.
3.Go to the location of the service configuration files. For example, if ArcGIS Server is installed in c:\arcgis, go to c:\arcgis\server\user\cfg.
4.Open the configuration file for your service (for example, myservice.cfg) in a text editor.
5.In the WFS section, add the following to the properties:
<AxisOrderWFS11>longlat</AxisOrderWFS11> For example: