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发布NBearV3.0.5 beta包括SDK文档


发布NBearV3.0.5 beta包括SDK文档和“3 Minutes Tutorial”。


Release History of NBear V3

Version 3.0.5 Beta


1) Added SDK document and a "3 Minute Tutorial" in doc folder.
2) Fixed bug in query property change which causes un-contained property objects to be updated or deleted.
3) Added "Remember Output Namespace" ability to NBear.Tools.EntityDesignToEntity.exe tool.

Version 3.0.4 Preview


1) Fixed bug in property cascade save when an entity has no base entities.
2) Fixed bug in query property change which causes un-contained property objects to be deleted.
3) Added entity meta data as entity static member to enhance strong typed query performance.

Version 3.0.3 Preview


1) Added OnQueryOnePropertyChanged() & OnQueryPropertyChanged() protected method to entity base class and generated entitis to support more intelligent query property changing. Changed back the AddArrayItem & RemoveArrayItem from non-static to static from v3.0.2. You can now easily use AddArrayItem & RemoveArrayItem helper methods or use any manual approach to modify query property value, entities will automatically remember what is needed to delete and what is needed to create or update.

Version 3.0.2 Preview


1) Changed The AddArrayItem & RemoveArrayItem from static to non-static and changed the param list to fix the bug - "when deleting a property related object, the relation info is not deleted automatically in the deletion."
2) Supported "~/", "~/", "./" or "./" suffix in entity config file path, which standing for the base directory of the running application.
3) Enhanced NBear.Tools.DbToEntityDesign to support getting column's data type and size info (for SQL Server only).

Version 3.0.1 Preview


1) Added full entity query property cascade save support.
2) Combined Create & Update for entity into Save method in NBear.Data.Gateway.

Version 3.0.0 Preview


1) Re-design of the entire ORM architecture to support full function ORM abilities.
2) Re-write cases/simpleguestbook with V3 architecture and fixed all reported bugs.
