

JPrintPreview is a Java Print Preview component in JComponentPack.

PrintFactory is a utility class in com.zfqjava.swing package to generate printable in JComponentPack. Component comp, Map map) createPrintable(Image image, Map map) It need two parameters, the first is a instance of Image or a instance of Component, the second parameter is a instance of Map, the key of map could be all the properties of class PrintFactory. For example:

Key: PrintFactory.MARGIN, describe the margin of page. Its value type must be java.awt.Insets, for example: new java.awt.Insets(5,5,5,5);

Key: PrintFactory.HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT, describe the alignment of horizontal its value will be SwingConstants.LEFT or SwingConstants.RIGHT or SwingConstants.CENTER.

Key: PrintFactory.FOOTER_FONT, describe the font of footer, its value type need be java.awt.Font.

Key: PrintFactory.FOOTER_ICON, describe the icon of footer, its value type need be javax.swing.Icon.

Key: PrintFactory.FOOTER_FORMAT, describe the message format of footer, its value type need be java.text.MessageFormat.

Key: PrintFactory.FOOTER_TEXT_ALIGNMENT, describe the alignment of footer text, its value will be SwingConstants.LEFT or SwingConstants.RIGHT or SwingConstants.CENTER.

Key: PrintFactory.FOOTER_ICON_ALIGNMENT, describe the alignment of footer icon, its value will be SwingConstants.LEFT or SwingConstants.RIGHT or SwingConstants.CENTER.

Key: PrintFactory.SHOW_FOOTER_LINE, indicate whether show footer line. Its value will be true of false.

Key: PrintFactory.TABLE_SHOW_ROW_HEADER, Identifies whether show the row header of table. Its value type is java.lang.Boolean.

Key: PrintFactory.TABLE_SHOW_GRID_LINE, Identifies whether show the grid line of table. Its value type is java.lang.Boolean.

Key: PrintFactory.TABLE_PRINT_AREA, describe the area of table will be print , its value type is com.zfqjava.swing.cell.Cell.

Key: PrintFactory.FIT_WIDTH, Identifies whether auto fit page width, its value type is java.lang.Boolean.

Key: PrintFactory.KEEP_ASPECT_RADIO, Identifies keep the aspect radio for fit width or fit height How to set footer icon and its alignment, use following statements is ok.,

public Image getImage(URL url) {

try {

return ImageIO.read(url);

} catch(Exception e) {


return null;



URL url = getClass().getResource("/com/zfqjava/client/resources/images/logo.png");

Map.put(PrintFactory.FOOTER_ICON, new ImageIcon(getImage(url)));

Map.put(PrintFactory.FOOTER_ICON_ALIGNMENT, SwingConstants.LEFT);

JPrintPreview printPreview = new JPrintPreview();

PageFormat pageFormat = new PageFormat();




//how to use PrintFactory, please see above.


JPrintPreview could set page format, see the example code. For more information, please seejava.awt.print.PageFormat.

JPrintPreview have 7 methods to show:

The following three methods show the preview in the current window of parameter.


JInternalFrame internalFrame)


JFrame frame)


Applet applet)

The following four methods show the preview in a new window.



String title)


Component parent,

String title)


Component parent)
