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Running Trinity


Running Trinity

Trinity is run via the script: Trinity.pl found in the base installation directory.

Usage info is as follows:

#     ______  ____   ____  ____   ____  ______  __ __
#    |      ||    \ |    ||    \ |    ||      ||  |  |
#    |      ||  D  ) |  | |  _  | |  | |      ||  |  |
#    |_|  |_||    /  |  | |  |  | |  | |_|  |_||  ~  |
#      |  |  |    \  |  | |  |  | |  |   |  |  |___, |
#      |  |  |  .  \ |  | |  |  | |  |   |  |  |     |
#      |__|  |__|\_||____||__|__||____|  |__|  |____/
# Required:
#  --seqType <string>      :type of reads: ( fa, or fq )
#  --JM <string>            :(Jellyfish Memory) number of GB of system memory to use for
#                            k-mer counting by jellyfish  (eg. 10G) *include the 'G' char
#  If paired reads:
#      --left  <string>    :left reads, one or more (separated by space)
#      --right <string>    :right reads, one or more (separated by space)
#  Or, if unpaired reads:
#      --single <string>   :single reads, one or more (note, if single file contains pairs, can use flag: --run_as_paired )
##  Misc:  #########################
#  --SS_lib_type <string>          :Strand-specific RNA-Seq read orientation.
#                                   if paired: RF or FR,
#                                   if single: F or R.   (dUTP method = RF)
#                                   See web documentation.
#  --output <string>               :name of directory for output (will be
#                                   created if it doesn't already exist)
#                                   default( "/Users/bhaas/SVN/trinityrnaseq/trunk/trinity_out_dir" )
#  --CPU <int>                     :number of CPUs to use, default: 2
#  --min_contig_length <int>       :minimum assembled contig length to report
#                                   (def=200)
#  --genome_guided                 :set to genome guided mode, only retains assembly fasta file.
#  --jaccard_clip                  :option, set if you have paired reads and
#                                   you expect high gene density with UTR
#                                   overlap (use FASTQ input file format
#                                   for reads).
#                                   (note: jaccard_clip is an expensive
#                                   operation, so avoid using it unless
#                                   necessary due to finding excessive fusion
#                                   transcripts w/o it.)
#  --prep                          :Only prepare files (high I/O usage) and stop before kmer counting.
#  --no_cleanup                    :retain all intermediate input files.
#  --full_cleanup                  :only retain the Trinity fasta file, rename as ${output_dir}.Trinity.fasta
#  --cite                          :show the Trinity literature citation
#  --version                       :reports Trinity version (BLEEDING_EDGE) and exits.
# Inchworm and K-mer counting-related options: #####
#  --min_kmer_cov <int>           :min count for K-mers to be assembled by
#                                  Inchworm (default: 1)
#  --inchworm_cpu <int>           :number of CPUs to use for Inchworm, default is min(6, --CPU option)
#  --no_run_inchworm              :stop after running jellyfish, before inchworm.
# Chrysalis-related options: ######
#  --max_reads_per_graph <int>    :maximum number of reads to anchor within
#                                  a single graph (default: 200000)
#  --no_run_chrysalis             :stop Trinity after Inchworm and before
#                                  running Chrysalis
#  --no_run_quantifygraph         :stop Trinity just before running the
#                                  parallel QuantifyGraph computes, to
#                                  leverage a compute farm and massively
#                                  parallel execution..
#  --chrysalis_output <string>    :name of directory for chrysalis output (will be
#                                  created if it doesn't already exist)
#                                  default( "chrysalis" )
#  --no_bowtie                    :dont run bowtie to use pair info in chrysalis clustering.
###  Butterfly-related options:  ####
#  --bfly_opts <string>            :additional parameters to pass through to butterfly
#                                   (see butterfly options: java -jar Butterfly.jar ).
#                                   (note: only for expert or experimental use.  Commonly used parameters are exposed through this Trinity menu here).
#    //
#    Alternative reconstruction modes:
#                                  Default mode is the 'regular' Butterfly transcript reconstruction by graph node extension.
#       --PasaFly                  PASA-like algorithm for maximally-supported isoforms (conservative reconstructions, fewer isoforms)
#           or
#       --CuffFly                  Cufflinks-like algorithm to report minimum transcripts (fewest isoforms)
#  Butterfly read-pair grouping settings (used for all reconstruction modes to define 'pair paths'):
#  --group_pairs_distance <int>    :maximum length expected between fragment pairs (default: 500)
#                                   (reads outside this distance are treated as single-end)
#  ///
#  Butterfly default reconstruction mode settings. (no CuffFly or PasaFly custom settings are currently available).
#  --path_reinforcement_distance <int>   :minimum overlap of reads with growing transcript
#                                         path (default: PE: 75, SE: 25)
#                                         Set to 1 for the most lenient path extension requirements.
#  --triplet_lock               : (increase stringency of regular butterfly reconstruction)
#                                  lock triplet-supported nodes: node 'c' having read path 'A-B-C' disables 'Z-B-C' if no such read support exists.
#  --extended_lock              : (further increase the stringency of regular butterfy reconstruction)
#                                  extend the triplet lock to include longer range read path information.
#                                 ex.  in extending path 'A-B-Z' to 'A-B-Z-D', we only find read support for 'A-B-C-D', that 'A-B-Z' extension to 'D' will be blocked.
#                                  (assumes --triplet_lock)
#  /
#  Butterfly transcript reduction settings:
#  --no_path_merging            : all transcript candidates are output (including SNP variations, however, some SNPs may be unphased)
#  By default, alternative transcript candidates are merged (in reality, discarded) if they are found to be too similar, according to the following logic:
#  (identity=(numberOfMatches/shorterLen) > 95.0% or if we have <= 2 mismatches) and if we have internal gap lengths <= 10
#  with parameters as:
#      --min_per_id_same_path <int>          default: 95     min percent identity for two paths to be merged into single paths
#      --max_diffs_same_path <int>           default: 2      max allowed differences encountered between path sequences to combine them
#      --max_internal_gap_same_path <int>    default: 10     maximum number of internal consecutive gap characters allowed for paths to be merged into single paths.
#      If, in a comparison between two alternative transcripts, they are found too similar, the transcript with the greatest cumulative
#      compatible read (pair-path) support is retained, and the other is discarded.
#  //
#  Butterfly Java and parallel execution settings.
#  --bflyHeapSpaceMax <string>     :java max heap space setting for butterfly
#                                   (default: 10G) => yields command
#                  'java -Xmx10G -jar Butterfly.jar ... $bfly_opts'
#  --bflyHeapSpaceInit <string>    :java initial hap space settings for
#                                   butterfly (default: 1G) => yields command
#                  'java -Xms1G -jar Butterfly.jar ... $bfly_opts'
#  --bflyGCThreads <int>           :threads for garbage collection
#                                   (default, not specified, so java decides)
#  --bflyCPU <int>                 :CPUs to use (default will be normal
#                                   number of CPUs; e.g., 2)
#  --bflyCalculateCPU              :Calculate CPUs based on 80% of max_memory
#                                   divided by maxbflyHeapSpaceMax
#  --no_run_butterfly              :stops after the Chrysalis stage. You'll
#                                   need to run the Butterfly computes
#                                   separately, such as on a computing grid.
#                  Then, concatenate all the Butterfly assemblies by running:
#                  'find trinity_out_dir/ -name "*allProbPaths.fasta"
#                   -exec cat {} + > trinity_out_dir/Trinity.fasta'
# Grid-computing options: #######
#  --grid_computing_module <string>  : Perl module in /Users/bhaas/SVN/trinityrnaseq/trunk/PerlLibAdaptors/
#                                      that implements 'run_on_grid()'
#                                      for naively parallel cmds. (eg. 'BroadInstGridRunner')
#  *Note, a typical Trinity command might be:
#        Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 100G --left reads_1.fq  --right reads_2.fq --CPU 6
#     see: /Users/bhaas/SVN/trinityrnaseq/trunk/sample_data/test_Trinity_Assembly/
#          for sample data and 'runMe.sh' for example Trinity execution
#     For more details, visit: http://trinityrnaseq.sf.net
Trinity performs best with strand-specific data, in which case sense and antisense transcripts can be resolved. For protocols on strand-specific RNA-Seq, see: Borodina T, Adjaye J, Sultan M. A strand-specific library preparation protocol for RNA sequencing. Methods Enzymol. 2011;500:79-98. PubMed PMID: 21943893.

If you have strand-specific data, specify the library type. There are four library types:

  • Paired reads:

    • RF: first read (/1) of fragment pair is sequenced as anti-sense (reverse(R)), and second read (/2) is in the sense strand (forward(F)); typical of the dUTP/UDG sequencing method.

    • FR: first read (/1) of fragment pair is sequenced as sense (forward), and second read (/2) is in the antisense strand (reverse)

  • Unpaired (single) reads:

    • F: the single read is in the sense (forward) orientation

    • R: the single read is in the antisense (reverse) orientation

By setting the --SS_lib_type parameter to one of the above, you are indicating that the reads are strand-specific. By default, reads are treated as not strand-specific.

Other important considerations:

  • Whether you use Fastq or Fasta formatted input files, be sure to keep the reads oriented as they are reported by Illumina, if the data are strand-specific. This is because, Trinity will properly orient the sequences according to the specified library type. If the data are not strand-specific, now worries because the reads will be parsed in both orientations.

  • If you have both paired and unpaired data, and the data are NOT strand-specific, you can combine the unpaired data with the left reads of the paired fragments. Be sure that the unpaired reads have a /1 as a suffix to the accession value similarly to the left fragment reads. The right fragment reads should all have /2 as the accession suffix. Then, run Trinity using the --left and --right parameters as if all the data were paired.

  • If you have multiple paired-end library fragment sizes, set the --group_pairs_distance according to the larger insert library. Pairings that exceed that distance will be treated as if they were unpaired by the Butterfly process.

  • by setting the --CPU option, you are indicating the maximum number of threads to be used by processes within Trinity. Note that Inchworm alone will be capped at 6 threads, since performance will not improve for this step beyond that setting)

Typical Trinity Command Line

A typical Trinity command for assembling non-strand-specific RNA-seq data would be like so, running the entire process on a single high-memory server (aim for 1G RAM per 1M ~76 base Illumina paired reads, but often much less memory is required):

Run Trinity like so:

Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 10G --left reads_1.fq  --right reads_2.fq --CPU 6

Example data and sample pipeline are provided and described here.

Output of Trinity

When Trinity completes, it will create a Trinity.fasta output file in the trinity_out_dir/ output directory (or output directory you specify).

Obtain basic stats for the number of transcripts, components, and contig N50 value by running:

% $TRINITY_HOME/util/TrinityStats.pl trinity_out_dir/Trinity.fasta
Total trinity transcripts:  9351
Total trinity components:   8695
Contig N50: 1585

After obtaining Trinity transcripts, there are downstream processes available to further explore these data.



