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lily project



very good article from china microtrend team





Lily is Smart Data, at Scale, made Easy.

It is the first data repository built from the ground up to bring Big Data / NOSQL technology into the hands of the enterprise application architect.

Lily combines all the practical features to power internet-scale content applications:

  • the flexibility to accommodate a wealth of semi-structured data
  • the performance, distribution and robustness to power webscale applications, storing terabytes of data with an economy of cost in both on-premise installs, private or public clouds
  • ease of use and ease of mind required for enterprise service levels
  • built-in interactive indexing and industry-leading search service integration

Lily helps you being smart with your data. Beyond core storage, index and search services, Lily will track usage of your data and builds profiles of your users. It gives you better analytical insights and your audience better recommendations.

Learn more


Lily builds further upon Hadoop, HBase and SOLR. It wraps these leading-edge Apache Software Foundation technologies into an open source, easy-to-use, all-in-one solution bringing Big Data storage, indexing and search to the enterprise.

Lily runs well with Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop. For CDH or Cloudera Enterprise users, Lily easily installs on top.

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posted on 2011-12-11 19:50  lexus 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏




