本次系列的目标就是三轮, 第一轮知道spring官网的cloud部分都有啥,都能干啥, 第二轮是针对有用的部分做文档阅读,第三轮是横向对比.所以文档是一节节的更新的.而且这玩意主要是让我自己做笔记的.所以不接受吐槽.
Spring Cloud Function是一个具有以下高级目标的项目:
在无服务器提供程序上启用Spring Boot功能(自动配置,依赖项注入,指标)。
Spring Cloud Function features:
Choice of programming styles - reactive, imperative or hybrid.
Function composition and adaptation (e.g., composing imperative functions with reactive).
Support for reactive function with multiple inputs and outputs allowing merging, joining and other complex streaming operation to be handled by functions.
Transparent type conversion of inputs and outputs.
Packaging functions for deployments, specific to the target platform (e.g., Project Riff, AWS Lambda and more)
Adapters to expose function to the outside world as HTTP endpoints etc.
Deploying a JAR file containing such an application context with an isolated classloader, so that you can pack them together in a single JVM.
Compiling strings which are Java function bodies into bytecode, and then turning them into @Beans
that can be wrapped as above.
Adapters for AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Apache OpenWhisk and possibly other "serverless" service providers.
Here’s a complete, executable, testable Spring Boot application (implementing a simple string manipulation):
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public Function<Flux<String>, Flux<String>> uppercase() {
return flux -> flux.map(value -> value.toUpperCase());
看到Flux和function我就知道我猜的八九不离十, 流式布局和函数式编程.