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MemoryPool 内存池 仿std::allocator 实现

#pragma once

#include <limits.h>  
#include <stddef.h>  

template <typename T, size_t BlockSize = 4096>  
class MemoryPool  
    /* Member types */  
    typedef T               value_type;       // T 的 value 类型  
    typedef T*              pointer;          // T 的 指针类型  
    typedef T&              reference;        // T 的引用类型  
    typedef const T*        const_pointer;    // T 的 const 指针类型  
    typedef const T&        const_reference;  // T 的 const 引用类型  
    typedef size_t          size_type;        // size_t 类型  
    typedef ptrdiff_t       difference_type;  // 指针减法结果类型  
    template <typename U> struct rebind {  
      typedef MemoryPool<U> other;  
    /* Member functions */  
    /* 构造函数 */  
    MemoryPool() throw();  
    MemoryPool(const MemoryPool& memoryPool) throw();  
    template <class U> MemoryPool(const MemoryPool<U>& memoryPool) throw();  
    /* 析构函数 */  
    ~MemoryPool() throw();  
    /* 元素取址 */  
    pointer address(reference x) const throw();  
    const_pointer address(const_reference x) const throw();  
    // Can only allocate one object at a time. n and hint are ignored  
    // 分配和收回一个元素的内存空间  
    pointer allocate(size_type n = 1, const_pointer hint = 0);  
    void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n = 1);  

    // 可达到的最多元素数  
    size_type max_size() const throw();  
    // 基于内存池的元素构造和析构  
    void construct(pointer p, const_reference val);  
    void destroy(pointer p);  
    // 自带申请内存和释放内存的构造和析构  
    pointer newElement(const_reference val);  
    void deleteElement(pointer p);  
    // union 结构体,用于存放元素或 next 指针  
    union Slot_ {  
      value_type element;  
      Slot_* next;  
    typedef char* data_pointer_;  // char* 指针,主要用于指向内存首地址  
    typedef Slot_ slot_type_;     // Slot_ 值类型  
    typedef Slot_* slot_pointer_; // Slot_* 指针类型  
    slot_pointer_ currentBlock_;  // 内存块链表的头指针  
    slot_pointer_ currentSlot_;   // 元素链表的头指针  
    slot_pointer_ lastSlot_;      // 可存放元素的最后指针  
    slot_pointer_ freeSlots_;     // 元素构造后释放掉的内存链表头指针  
    size_type padPointer(data_pointer_ p, size_type align) const throw();  // 计算对齐所需空间  
    void allocateBlock();  // 申请内存块放进内存池  

//   说明:实现代码 [10/30/2016 ZOSH];
#include "MemoryPool.hpp"


#pragma  once

// 计算对齐所需补的空间  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::size_type  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::padPointer(data_pointer_ p, size_type align)  
	const throw()  
	size_t result = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(p);  
	return ((align - result) % align);  

/* 构造函数,所有成员初始化 */  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::MemoryPool()  
	currentBlock_ = 0;  
	currentSlot_ = 0;  
	lastSlot_ = 0;  
	freeSlots_ = 0;  

/* 复制构造函数,调用 MemoryPool 初始化*/  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::MemoryPool(const MemoryPool& memoryPool)  

/* 复制构造函数,调用 MemoryPool 初始化*/  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
template<class U>  
MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::MemoryPool(const MemoryPool<U>& memoryPool)  

/* 析构函数,把内存池中所有 block delete 掉 */  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::~MemoryPool()  
	slot_pointer_ curr = currentBlock_;  
	while (curr != 0) {  
		slot_pointer_ prev = curr->next;  
		// 转化为 void 指针,是因为 void 类型不需要调用析构函数,只释放空间  
		operator delete(reinterpret_cast<void*>(curr));  
		curr = prev;  

/* 返回地址 */  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::pointer  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::address(reference x)  
	const throw()  
	return &x;  

/* 返回地址的 const 重载*/  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::const_pointer  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::address(const_reference x)  
	const throw()  
	return &x;  

// 申请一块空闲的 block 放进内存池  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
void  MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::allocateBlock()  
	// Allocate space for the new block and store a pointer to the previous one  
	// operator new 申请对应大小内存,返回 void* 指针  
	data_pointer_ newBlock = reinterpret_cast<data_pointer_>  
		(operator new(BlockSize));  
	// 原来的 block 链头接到 newblock  
	reinterpret_cast<slot_pointer_>(newBlock)->next = currentBlock_;  
	// 新的 currentblock_  
	currentBlock_ = reinterpret_cast<slot_pointer_>(newBlock);  
	// Pad block body to staisfy the alignment requirements for elements  
	data_pointer_ body = newBlock + sizeof(slot_pointer_);  
	// 计算为了对齐应该空出多少位置  
	size_type bodyPadding = padPointer(body, sizeof(slot_type_));  
	// currentslot_ 为该 block 开始的地方加上 bodypadding 个 char* 空间  
	currentSlot_ = reinterpret_cast<slot_pointer_>(body + bodyPadding);  
	// 计算最后一个能放置 slot_type_ 的位置  
	lastSlot_ = reinterpret_cast<slot_pointer_> (newBlock + BlockSize - sizeof(slot_type_) + 1);  

// 返回指向分配新元素所需内存的指针  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::pointer  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::allocate(size_type, const_pointer)  
	// 如果 freeSlots_ 非空,就在 freeSlots_ 中取内存  
	if (freeSlots_ != 0) {  
		pointer result = reinterpret_cast<pointer>(freeSlots_);  
		// 更新 freeSlots_  
		freeSlots_ = freeSlots_->next;  
		return result;  
	else {  
		if (currentSlot_ >= lastSlot_)  
			// 之前申请的内存用完了,分配新的 block  
		// 从分配的 block 中划分出去  
		return reinterpret_cast<pointer>(currentSlot_++);  

// 将元素内存归还给 free 内存链表  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline void  MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::deallocate(pointer p, size_type)  
	if (p != 0) {  
		// 转换成 slot_pointer_ 指针,next 指向 freeSlots_ 链表  
		reinterpret_cast<slot_pointer_>(p)->next = freeSlots_;  
		// 新的 freeSlots_ 头为 p  
		freeSlots_ = reinterpret_cast<slot_pointer_>(p);  

// 计算可达到的最大元素上限数  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::size_type  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::max_size()  
	const throw()  
	size_type maxBlocks = size_type(-1) / BlockSize;  
	return (BlockSize - sizeof(data_pointer_)) / sizeof(slot_type_) * maxBlocks;  

// 在已分配内存上构造对象  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline void  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::construct(pointer p, const_reference val)  
	// placement new 用法,在已有内存上构造对象,调用 T 的复制构造函数,  
	new (p) value_type (val);  

// 销毁对象  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline void  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::destroy(pointer p)  
	// placement new 中需要手动调用元素 T 的析构函数  

// 创建新元素  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline typename MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::pointer  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::newElement(const_reference val)  
	// 申请内存  
	pointer result = allocate();  
	// 在内存上构造对象  
	construct(result, val);  
	return result;  

// 删除元素  
template <typename T, size_t BlockSize>  
inline void  
	MemoryPool<T, BlockSize>::deleteElement(pointer p)  
	if (p != 0) {  
		// placement new 中需要手动调用元素 T 的析构函数  
		// 归还内存  


#pragma once

#include <memory>

template <typename T>
struct StackNode_
	T data;
	StackNode_* prev;

/** T is the object to store in the stack, Alloc is the allocator to use */
template <class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
class StackAlloc
	typedef StackNode_<T> Node;
	typedef typename Alloc::template rebind<Node>::other allocator;

	/** Default constructor */
	StackAlloc() {head_ = 0; }
	/** Default destructor */
	~StackAlloc() { clear(); }

	/** Returns true if the stack is empty */
	bool empty() {return (head_ == 0);}

	/** Deallocate all elements and empty the stack */
	void clear() {
		Node* curr = head_;
		while (curr != 0)
			Node* tmp = curr->prev;
			allocator_.deallocate(curr, 1);
			curr = tmp;
		head_ = 0;

	/** Put an element on the top of the stack */
	void push(T element) {
		Node* newNode = allocator_.allocate(1);
		allocator_.construct(newNode, Node());
		newNode->data = element;
		newNode->prev = head_;
		head_ = newNode;

	/** Remove and return the topmost element on the stack */
	T pop() {
		T result = head_->data;
		Node* tmp = head_->prev;
		allocator_.deallocate(head_, 1);
		head_ = tmp;
		return result;

	/** Return the topmost element */
	T top() { return (head_->data); }

	allocator allocator_;
	Node* head_;

// 内存池.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>  
#include <cassert>  
#include <time.h>  
#include <vector>  
#include <stack>  

#include "MemoryPool.h"  

#include "StackAlloc.h"

#include "eigen_allocator.h"

using namespace std;  

/* Adjust these values depending on how much you trust your computer */  
#define ELEMS 1000000  
#define REPS 5  

int main()  
	typedef double ElemType; 
//	typedef size_t ElemType; 

	clock_t start;  

	MemoryPool<ElemType> pool;  
	start = clock();  
	for(int i = 0;i < REPS;++i)  
		for(int j = 0;j< ELEMS;++j)  
			// 创建元素  
			ElemType* x = pool.newElement(i * ELEMS + j);  

			// 释放元素  

	std::cout << "MemoryPool Time: ";  
	std::cout << (((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "\n\n";  

	start = clock();  
	for(int i = 0;i < REPS;++i)  
		for(int j = 0;j< ELEMS;++j)  
			ElemType* x = new ElemType;  
			delete x;  
	std::cout << "new/delete Time: ";  
	std::cout << (((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "\n\n";  

	return 0;  


int main2()
	clock_t start;

	std::cout << "Copyright (c) 2013 Cosku Acay, http://www.coskuacay.com\n";
	std::cout << "Provided to compare the default allocator to MemoryPool.\n\n";

	/* Use the default allocator */
	StackAlloc<int, std::allocator<int> > stackDefault;
	start = clock();
	for (int j = 0; j < REPS; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < ELEMS / 4; i++) {
			// Unroll to time the actual code and not the loop
		for (int i = 0; i < ELEMS / 4; i++) {
			// Unroll to time the actual code and not the loop
	std::cout << "Default Allocator Time: ";
	std::cout << (((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "\n\n";

	/* Use MemoryPool */
	StackAlloc<int, MemoryPool<int> > stackPool;
	start = clock();
	for (int j = 0; j < REPS; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < ELEMS / 4; i++) {
			// Unroll to time the actual code and not the loop

		for (int i = 0; i < ELEMS / 4; i++) {
			// Unroll to time the actual code and not the loop

	std::cout << "MemoryPool Allocator Time: ";
	std::cout << (((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "\n\n";

	std::cout << "Here is a secret: the best way of implementing a stack"
		" is a dynamic array.\n";

	/* Compare MemoryPool to std::vector */
	//std::stack<int> stackVector;
	std::stack<int> stackVector;

	//   说明:当前内存池不支持vector [10/30/2016 ZOSH];
	//std::vector<int, MemoryPool<int> > stackVector;

	start = clock();
	for (int j = 0; j < REPS; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < ELEMS / 4; i++) {
			// Unroll to time the actual code and not the loop
		for (int i = 0; i < ELEMS / 4; i++) {
			// Unroll to time the actual code and not the loop
	std::cout << "Stack Time: ";
	std::cout << (((double)clock() - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << "\n\n";

	std::cout << "The vector implementation will probably be faster.\n\n";
	std::cout << "MemoryPool still has a lot of uses though. Any type of tree"
		" and when you have multiple linked lists are some examples (they"
		" can all share the same memory pool).\n";

	return 0;

// 注意time, StackAlloc<int, std::allocator<int> >  小于 StackAlloc<int, MemoryPool<int> >  小于 std::stack<int> stackVector;  但std::vector<int> stackVector; 最快
