近日,在将一个旧Android Studio项目(带native c/c++)升级了新版本gradle 4.0.1后(Android Studio版本4.0.1),发现重新clean再构建时,提示:
More than one file was found with OS independent path ‘lib/armeabi-v7a/xxx.so’. If you are using jniLibs and CMake IMPORTED targets, see https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features#automatic_packaging_of_prebuilt_dependencies_used_by_cmake
虽然一开始也是一脸茫然,但既然提示信息里都提供了连接了,那就看一下吧,顺带一提,给出的链接我写这篇博文的时候并不是最终信息位置,最终链接在这里:https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/gradle-plugin#cmake-imported-targets ,仔细阅读了一下,发现实际上是从gradle 4.0开始就对jni的预编译依赖引用方式做出了修改:
With Android Gradle Plugin 4.0, the above configuration is no longer necessary and will result in a build failure:
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External native build now automatically packages those libraries, so explicitly packaging the library with jniLibs
results in a duplicate. To avoid the build error, move the prebuilt library to a location outside jniLibs
or remove the jniLibs
configuration from your build.gradle