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log4cxx 0.9.7介绍




About log4cxx




Log4cxx is C++ port of Log4j. log4cxx attempts to mimic log4j usage as much as the language will allow and to be compatible with log4j configuration and output formats.

Main concepts of the logging framework are exposed in the short introduction to log4cxx.


Log4cxx可以在http://logging.apache.org/site/binindex.html下载。这个版本的log4cxx-0.9.7是一个过期的版本,它含有很多bug(这些bug已经在CVS中得到修正)。Bug历史可以在http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10550浏览。Bug LOG4CXX-4LOG4CXX-11是新用户经常遇到的问题。鉴于0.9.7版和CVS上的最新版本的区别,当有新的Bug报告时,我们总是优先修改CVS上的最新版,而0.9.7版的修正会被置于比较低的优先级别。


log4cxx-0.9.7 can be downloaded from http://logging.apache.org/site/binindex.html. At this point, log4cxx-0.9.7 is substantially out of date, has known serious deficiencies that have been resolved in the CVS, and should be avoided for new code. Bug reports are available from http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10550. Bugs LOG4CXX-4 and LOG4CXX-11 are the most likely to encountered by new users. Due to the substantial architectural differences between 0.9.7 and the CVS HEAD, new bug reports against 0.9.7 will be given very low priority.

A new release, tenatively designated 0.9.8, is forthcoming from the CVS HEAD. Bug LOGCXX-62 is tracking the remaining blocking issues. In general, the core has substantially improved of log4cxx-0.9.7 but several appenders have not been adapted to the new architecture. Major changes from log4cxx-0.9.7 include use of Apache Portable Runtime (APR) for threading, networking and other services (LOGCXX-36, LOGCXX-64), and simultaneous support for both wide and multibyte messages ( LOGCXX-10).


Ant脚本每天都要对CVS上的最新版本进行几次编译和测试,测试使用的工具是GCC 3.3.5,操作系统是Debian Linux i386. 另外,还通过了其他一些系统和平台的测试,微软的VC6,VC7,VC7.1Borland C++ 5.5 以及SuSE9.1 x86_64i386Fedora Core 3 i386Mac OS X 10.3GCC测试。

The CVS HEAD is automatically built and tested using the Ant build script several times daily by Gump currently using GCC 3.3.5 on Debian Linux i386. It has been observed or reported to build and pass tests on using Microsoft C++ 6, 7 and 7.1 and Borland C++ 5.5 on Microsoft Windows and GCC on SuSE 9.1 x86_64 and i386, Fedora Core 3 i386 and Mac OS X 10.3.

Building log4cxx:

编译说明请参考INSTALL。每天的开发都用到Ant build,它使用Ant-Contrib Project中的<cc><foreach>Ant build可以根据要求产生项目文件供VC6BCApple Xcode使用。Ant Build可以被下载并编辑APRCppUnit。一个自动build的工具同时被提供下载,但它现在还和一些自动工具不兼容(LOGCXX-44)

Build instructions are contained in the INSTALL. An Ant build which uses the <cc> and <foreach> tasks from the Ant-Contrib Project is used for most day-to-day development. The Ant build can produce IDE project files for Microsoft Visual Studio 6, Borland CBuilderX and Apple XCode on request. The Ant build can also download and build APR and CppUnit. An autotools build file is also provided but at this moment is incompatible with some versions of autotools (LOGCXX-44).
