tencent php框架,Tencent Server Framework 腾讯 PHP 协程方案



Tencent Server Framework is a coroutine and Swoole based server framework

for fast server deployment which developed by Tencent engineers.


PHP Based. Compared with C++, the framework is more efficient in developing

and programing.

based on Swoole extension. powerful async IO, timers and other infrastructure

capacity can be used in this framework.

support PHP coroutine. Synchronous programing is possible using the coroutine

schedule system, and can lead to the similar server capability with that

of server deveoped in an asynchronous way.

support server monitor and provide interface to add more rules




linux,OS X



Tencent Server Framework can help you to start your server quickly,you

just need to set a few settings

Server config

vim server.ini


;server type:tcp,udp,http

type = http

; port

listen[] = 12312

; entrance file

root = '/data/web_deployment/serv/test/index.php'

;php start path

php = '/usr/local/php/bin/php'


; worker process num

worker_num = 16

; task process num

task_worker_num = 0

; dispatch mode

dispatch_mode = 2

; daemonize

daemonize = 1

; system log

log_file = '/data/log/test.log'

How to start you server

cd /root/tsf/bin/

php swoole testHttpServ start

Support Cmds: start,stop,reload,restart,status,shutdown

How to use TCP/UDP/HTTP Client

we support different network protocols: TCP,UDP,HTTP

$tcpReturn=(yield $this->tcpTest());

$udpReturn=(yield $this->udpTest());

$httpReturn=(yield $this->httpTest());

public function tcpTest(){

$ip = '';

$port = '9905';

$data = 'test';

$timeout = 0.5; //second

yield new Swoole\Client\TCP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);


public function udpTest(){

$ip = '';

$port = '9905';

$data = 'test';

$timeout = 0.5; //second

yield new Swoole\Client\UDP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);


public function httpTest(){


$httpRequest= new Swoole\Client\HTTP($url);


$header = array(

'Content-Length' => 12345,


yield $httpRequest->get($url); //yield $httpRequest->post($path, $data, $header);


How to use Muticall

Beside that,we also support Muticall:

you can use Muticall to send TCP,UDP packets at the sametime

when all the requests come back,return to interrupt

$res = (yield $this->muticallTest());

public function muticallTest(){

$calls=new Swoole\Client\Multi();

$firstReq=new Swoole\Client\TCP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);

$secondReq=new Swoole\Client\UDP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout);

$calls ->request($firstReq,'first'); //first request

$calls ->request($secondReq,'second'); //second request

yield $calls;




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You may contribute in the following ways:


Apache License Version 2.0 see www.apache.org/licenses/LI…
