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初识Javalin web framework

  • Javalin

    A simple web framework for Java and Kotlin.

    Javalin is just a few thousand lines of code on top of Jetty, and its performance is equivalent to raw Jetty code.

    Javalin runs on top of Jetty, one of the most used and stable web-servers on the JVM.

    Javalin started as a fork of the Java and Kotlin web framework SparkJava, but turned into a ground-up rewrite influenced by the JavaScript framework koa.js.

    Javalin user survey

  • Jetty


    Jetty provides a web server and servlet container, additionally providing support for HTTP/2, WebSocket, OSGi, JMX, JNDI, JAAS and many other integrations.

    The Jetty project has been hosted at the Eclipse Foundation since 2009.

  • SparkJava

    Spark is a free and open-source software web application framework and domain-specific language written in Java.

    It is an alternative to other java web application frameworks such as JAX-RS, Play framework and Spring MVC.

  • Documentation

    javalinjava生态下的一个web framework,要学习javalin,需要先了解Gradle


