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最佳Gitter渠道:材料设计 (Best Gitter channels: Material Design)

Material Design is a design language developed by Google. It consists of specifications for a unified system of visual, motion, and interaction design that adapts across different devices and different screen sizes. Material design is multidimensional in its ability to communicate and react to user’s actions — it has been developed for the purpose of providing a consistent and unified user experience, both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Material Design是Google开发的一种设计语言。 它由适用于不同设备和不同屏幕尺寸的视觉,运动和交互设计统一系统的规范组成。 材料设计在传达和响应用户行为方面具有多维能力–开发该材料的目的是提供一致且统一的用户体验,既实用又美观。

Check out the Material Design -related channels on Gitter & join the conversation!

Gitter上查看与Material Design相关的渠道并加入对话!

  • Google/material-design-liteMaterial Design Lite (MDL) lets you add a Material Design look and feel to your static content websites. It doesn’t rely on any JavaScript frameworks or libraries. Optimized for cross-device use, gracefully degrades in older browsers, and offers an experience that is accessible from the get-go.

    Google / material-design-lite - Material Design Lite(MDL)可让您向静态内容网站添加Material Design外观。 它不依赖任何JavaScript框架或库。 针对跨设备使用进行了优化,可以在旧版浏览器中正常降级,并提供可从一开始就访问的体验。

  • Dogfalo/materializeMaterialize is a modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design.

    Dogfalo / materialize Materialize是基于Material Design的现代响应式前端框架。

  • Callemall/material-uiMaterial-UI is a CSS framework and a set of React components that implement Google’s Material Design specification.

    Callemall / material-ui Material-UI是一个CSS框架和一组实现Google的Material Design规范的React组件。

  • Angular/materialFor developers using AngularJS, Angular Material is the reference implementation of Google’s Material Design Specification. This project provides a set of reusable, well-tested, and accessible UI components based on Material Design.

    Angular / material 对于使用AngularJS的开发人员,Angular Material是Google的Material Design Specification的参考实现。 该项目提供了一组基于Material Design的可重用,经过测试和可访问的UI组件。

  • Mikepenz/MaterialDrawerMaterial Drawer is a simple take on creating an easy to use and fast material navigation drawer implementation.

    Mikepenz / MaterialDrawer 材料抽屉是创建易于使用和快速的材料导航抽屉实现的简单方法。

  • PapyrosPapyros is a library of QML widgets implementing Google’s Material Design

    Papyros Papyros是QML小部件的库,实现了Google的Material Design

  • Ionic-Material Seamless Material Design theme for Ionic.

    离子材料 -无缝钢管材质的设计主题为离子

  • FezVrastaMaterial Design for Bootstrap is a Bootstrap V3 compatible theme — an easy way to use the new Material Design guidelines by Google in your Bootstrap 3 based application.

    FezVrasta Bootstrap的材料设计是与Bootstrap V3兼容的主题—一种简便的方法,可以在基于Bootstrap 3的应用程序中使用Google的新Material Design指南

  • Django-materialMaterial design for Django Forms and Admin. Template driven.

    Django-material Django表单和管理的材料设计。 模板驱动。

  • Liri-project/liri-browser — A minimalistic material design web browser written for Papyros.

    Liri-project / liri-browser —为Papyros编写的简约的材料设计Web浏览器。

Are you looking for something else? Check out the Explore section or easily start your own channel here. Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

您还在寻找其他东西吗? 查看“ 探索”部分,或在此处轻松启动自己的频道 。 我们是否错过了您认为应精选的频道? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

Happy designing!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-gitter-channels-material-design-2b137171083f/

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