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最佳Gitter频道:Scala (Best Gitter channels on: Scala)

Scala is an object-oriented functional language that has gained wide acceptance in developer communities for many of its merits. These include runtime performance & stability, developer productivity, access to libraries, ease of learning, use for both static and dynamic language coders. It also has good libraries and language facilities for building concurrent and distributed applications.

Scala是一种面向对象的功能语言,由于其许多优点而在开发人员社区中得到了广泛的认可。 其中包括运行时的性能和稳定性,开发人员的生产力,对库的访问,易于学习,可用于静态和动态语言编码器。 它还具有用于构建并发和分布式应用程序的良好库和语言工具。

We have plenty of channels on Gitter dedicated to Scala — dive in & enjoy!


  • scala/scala — Channel dedicated to the Scala programming language http://www.scala-lang.org/.

    Scala/Scala —专门用于Scala编程语言的频道http://www.scala-lang.org/

  • akka/akka — Channel for all Akka enthusiasts — newbies as well as gurus — for the exchange of knowledge and the coordination of efforts around Akka.

    Akka / akka —所有Akka爱好者(新手和上师)的渠道,用于在Akka周围交流知识和协调工作。

  • scala-js/scala-js — Channel dedicated to the Javascript compiler for Scala.

    scala-js / scala-js —专门用于Scala的Javascript编译器的频道。

  • playframework/playframework — Play Framework combines productivity and performance making it easy to build scalable web applications with Java and Scala. Play is developer friendly with a “just hit refresh” workflow and built-in testing support. With Play, applications scale predictably due to a stateless and non-blocking architecture.

    playframework / playframework -Play Framework结合了生产力和性能,可轻松使用Java和Scala构建可扩展的Web应用程序。 Play具有“按点击刷新”工作流程和内置测试支持,对开发人员友好。 使用Play,由于无状态且无阻塞的体系结构,因此应用程序可以按预期扩展。

  • typelevel/cats — Cats is a library which provides abstractions for functional programming in Scala. The name is a playful shortening of the word category. Cats is currently available for Scala 2.10 and 2.11.

    typelevel / cats — Cats是一个库,为Scala中的函数式编程提供了抽象。 名称是单词类别的有趣的缩写。 Cats当前可用于Scala 2.10和2.11。

  • milessabin/shapeless — Shapeless is a type class and dependent type based generic programming library for Scala. It has evolved from being a resolutely experimental project into library which, while still testing the limits of what’s possible in Scala, is being used widely in production systems.

    英里/无形 — Shapeless是Scala的基于类型类和依赖类型的通用编程库。 它已经从一个坚决的实验项目演变为一个库,该库在仍在测试Scala中可能出现的限制的同时,已在生产系统中广泛使用。

  • slick/slick — Slick is a modern database query and access library for Scala. It allows you to work with stored data almost as if you were using Scala collections while at the same time giving you full control over when a database access happens and which data is transferred.

    slick / slick — Slick是Scala的现代数据库查询和访问库。 它使您几乎可以像使用Scala集合一样使用存储的数据,同时可以完全控制何时进行数据库访问以及传输哪些数据。

  • twitter/finatra — Channel dedicated to Finatra — fast, testable, Scala services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle.

    twitter / finatra —专用于Finatra的频道—基于Twitter-Server和Finagle构建的快速,可测试的Scala服务。

  • gitbucket/gitbucket — A Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & github API compatibility.

    gitbucket / gitbucket —由Scala提供支持的Git平台,具有易于安装,高可扩展性和github API兼容性。

  • functional-streams-for-scala/fs2 — Channel dedicated to a compositional, streaming I/O library for Scala.

    scala / fs2功能流 —专用于Scala的组合式流I / O库的通道。

  • japgolly/scalajs-react — Lifts Facebook’s React library into Scala.js and endeavours to make it as type-safe and Scala-friendly as possible.

    japgolly / scalajs-react-将 Facebook的React提升Scala.js中,并努力使其尽可能地具有类型安全性和友好性。

  • lihaoyi/ Ammonite— Ammonite enables shell-like scripting in the Scala programming language. It is made of a few subprojects:Ammonite-REPL: A Modernized Scala REPL, with tons of bug fixes and features, Ammonite-Ops: A Scala Library for convenient, rock-solid Filesystem Operations, Ammonite-Shell: A modern replacement for the Bash system shell.

    lihaoyi / Ammonite -Ammonite支持使用Scala编程语言进行类似shell的脚本编写。 它由几个子项目组成: Ammonite-REPL :现代化的Scala REPL,具有大量错误修复和功能Ammonite-Ops :用于方便,坚如磐石的文件系统操作的Scala库; Ammonite-Shell :现代替代品。 Bash系统外壳。

  • http4s/http4s — A minimal, idiomatic Scala interface for HTTP http://http4s.org/

    http4s / http4s — HTTP的最小惯用Scala界面http://http4s.org/

  • ensime/ensime-server — Developer chat for ENSIME, which brings Scala and Java IDE-like features to a text editor.

    ensime / ensime-serverENSIME的开发人员聊天室,该聊天室将Scala和类似Java IDE的功能引入了文本编辑器。

  • spray/spray spray is an open-source toolkit for building REST/HTTP-based integration layers on top ofScala and Akka: lightweight, asynchronous, non-blocking, actor-based, testable.

    spray / spray - spray是一个开源工具包,用于在ScalaAkka之上构建基于REST / HTTP的集成层:轻量级,异步,无阻塞,基于actor,可测试。

  • scodec/scodec — Channel dedicated to scodec, a suite of Scala libraries for working with binary data.

    scodec / scodec —专用于scodec的通道, scodec是一套用于处理二进制数据的Scala库。

  • scalatra/scalatra Scalatra is a simple, accessible and free web micro-framework, inspired by Sinatra. It combines the power of the JVM with the beauty and brevity of Scala, helping you quickly build high-performance web sites and APIs.

    Scala特拉/Scala特拉 Scalatra是一个受Sinatra启发的简单,可访问且免费的Web微框架。 它结合了JVM的功能和Scala的优美与简洁,可帮助您快速构建高性能的网站和API。

  • monixio/monix — Reactive Programming for Scala and Scala.js (former Monifu). https://monix.io

    monixio / monix —用于Scala和Scala.js(以前的Monifu)的React性编程。 https://monix.io

  • scalajp/public — Japanese channel dedicated to Scala.

    scalajp /公共 -专门针对Scala的日语频道。

  • dev-ua/scala — Ukrainian developers channel dedicated to Scala.

    dev-ua / scala —专门用于Scala的乌克兰开发人员频道。

Looking for something else? Check out our Explore section or easily start your own channel here.

寻找其他东西? 请查看我们的“ 探索”部分,或在此处轻松启动自己的频道

Did we miss an channel that you think should be featured? Drop us a line in the Gitter HQ and we will add it to the list.

我们是否错过了您认为应精选的频道? 在Gitter HQ中给我们添加一行,然后将其添加到列表中。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-gitter-channels-on-scala-ee1e209844d5/

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