is there a way to regulate the UMS-mode? I would like to implement a feature, that lets the user select which files he wants to share with a pc. Say you only want the pc see the picture subfolder, but not all the other folders on your sd. I am not sure if this is possible and most likely I will require root access when possible.
I know this will bring no real security, because you can always remove the sd card and read all the files on it. I thought of this feature mainly because of my crappy car radio. It can read mp3 files from a usb stick. But the many different folders and strange files on a android sd card seems to kill it. Furthermore I think there are a lot of other situation when you would prefer only to show a smaller part of your sd memory to a pc.
Can you imagine any other way to simulate the described behaviour? Can I generate completely new usb modes and implement my own UMS?
Every idea is welcome.
Sincerely Erik