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int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const envp[]); 

**execve()**执行程序由 filename决定。
envp 同样也是参数序列,一般来说他是一种键值对的形式 key=value. 作为我们是新程序的环境。

//(/opt/app/lib3rd:/opt/app/libsdk是我添加的动态库路径,并需要把#ifdef notdef屏蔽)
#ifdef notdef
#define CGI_LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/opt/app/lib3rd:/opt/app/libsdk"  




设置Cookie时,需在 printf(“Content-type:text/html\n\n”); 前设置,否则会当成response body


可以用cgic中的 cgiFormEntries 或者 cgiFormString

int cgiMain() {
	char name[241];
	char number[241];
	fprintf(cgiOut, "<HTML><HEAD>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut, "<TITLE>My CGI</TITLE></HEAD>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut, "<BODY>");
	cgiFormString("name", name, 241);
	cgiFormString("number", number, 241);
	fprintf(cgiOut, "<H1>%s</H1>",name);
	fprintf(cgiOut, "<H1>%s</H1>",number);
	fprintf(cgiOut, "</BODY>\n");
	fprintf(cgiOut, "</HTML>\n");
	return 0;
//cgiFormEntries 获取数据
char **form;


cgi_child( httpd_conn* hc )
    int r;
    char** argp;
    char** envp;
    char* binary;
    char* directory;

    /* Unset close-on-exec flag for this socket.  This actually shouldn't
    ** be necessary, according to POSIX a dup()'d file descriptor does
    ** *not* inherit the close-on-exec flag, its flag is always clear.
    ** However, Linux messes this up and does copy the flag to the
    ** dup()'d descriptor, so we have to clear it.  This could be
    ** ifdeffed for Linux only.
    (void) fcntl( hc->conn_fd, F_SETFD, 0 );

    /* Close the syslog descriptor so that the CGI program can't
    ** mess with it.  All other open descriptors should be either
    ** the listen socket(s), sockets from accept(), or the file-logging
    ** fd, and all of those are set to close-on-exec, so we don't
    ** have to close anything else.

    /* If the socket happens to be using one of the stdin/stdout/stderr
    ** descriptors, move it to another descriptor so that the dup2 calls
    ** below don't screw things up.  We arbitrarily pick fd 3 - if there
    ** was already something on it, we clobber it, but that doesn't matter
    ** since at this point the only fd of interest is the connection.
    ** All others will be closed on exec.
    if ( hc->conn_fd == STDIN_FILENO || hc->conn_fd == STDOUT_FILENO || hc->conn_fd == STDERR_FILENO )
	int newfd = dup2( hc->conn_fd, STDERR_FILENO + 1 );
	if ( newfd >= 0 )
	    hc->conn_fd = newfd;
	/* If the dup2 fails, shrug.  We'll just take our chances.
	** Shouldn't happen though.

    /* Make the environment vector. */
    envp = make_envp( hc );

    /* Make the argument vector. */
    argp = make_argp( hc );
    /* Set up stdin.  For POSTs we may have to set up a pipe from an
    ** interposer process, depending on if we've read some of the data
    ** into our buffer.
    if ( hc->method == METHOD_POST && hc->read_idx > hc->checked_idx )
	int p[2];

	if ( pipe( p ) < 0 )
	    HISON_LOG( LOG_ERR, "pipe - %m" );
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    httpd_write_response( hc );
	    exit( 1 );
	r = fork( );
	if ( r < 0 )
	    HISON_LOG( LOG_ERR, "fork - %m" );
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    httpd_write_response( hc );
	    exit( 1 );
	if ( r == 0 )
	    /* Interposer process. */
	    sub_process = 1;
	    (void) close( p[0] );
	    cgi_interpose_input( hc, p[1] );
	    exit( 0 );
	/* Need to schedule a kill for process r; but in the main process! */
	(void) close( p[1] );
	if ( p[0] != STDIN_FILENO )
	    (void) dup2( p[0], STDIN_FILENO );
	    (void) close( p[0] );
	/* Otherwise, the request socket is stdin. */
	if ( hc->conn_fd != STDIN_FILENO )
	    (void) dup2( hc->conn_fd, STDIN_FILENO );

    /* Set up stdout/stderr.  If we're doing CGI header parsing,
    ** we need an output interposer too.
    if ( strncmp( argp[0], "nph-", 4 ) != 0 && hc->mime_flag )
	int p[2];

	if ( pipe( p ) < 0 )
	    HISON_LOG( LOG_ERR, "pipe - %m" );
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    httpd_write_response( hc );
	    exit( 1 );
	r = fork( );
	if ( r < 0 )
	    HISON_LOG( LOG_ERR, "fork - %m" );
	    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
	    httpd_write_response( hc );
	    exit( 1 );
	if ( r == 0 )
	    /* Interposer process. */
	    sub_process = 1;
	    (void) close( p[1] );
	    cgi_interpose_output( hc, p[0] );
	    exit( 0 );
	/* Need to schedule a kill for process r; but in the main process! */
	(void) close( p[0] );
	if ( p[1] != STDOUT_FILENO )
	    (void) dup2( p[1], STDOUT_FILENO );
	if ( p[1] != STDERR_FILENO )
	    (void) dup2( p[1], STDERR_FILENO );
	if ( p[1] != STDOUT_FILENO && p[1] != STDERR_FILENO )
	    (void) close( p[1] );
	/* Otherwise, the request socket is stdout/stderr. */
	if ( hc->conn_fd != STDOUT_FILENO )
	    (void) dup2( hc->conn_fd, STDOUT_FILENO );
	if ( hc->conn_fd != STDERR_FILENO )
	    (void) dup2( hc->conn_fd, STDERR_FILENO );

    /* At this point we would like to set close-on-exec again for hc->conn_fd
    ** (see previous comments on Linux's broken behavior re: close-on-exec
    ** and dup.)  Unfortunately there seems to be another Linux problem, or
    ** perhaps a different aspect of the same problem - if we do this
    ** close-on-exec in Linux, the socket stays open but stderr gets
    ** closed - the last fd duped from the socket.  What a mess.  So we'll
    ** just leave the socket as is, which under other OSs means an extra
    ** file descriptor gets passed to the child process.  Since the child
    ** probably already has that file open via stdin stdout and/or stderr,
    ** this is not a problem.
    /* (void) fcntl( hc->conn_fd, F_SETFD, 1 ); */

#ifdef CGI_NICE
    /* Set priority. */
    (void) nice( CGI_NICE );
#endif /* CGI_NICE */

    /* Split the program into directory and binary, so we can chdir()
    ** to the program's own directory.  This isn't in the CGI 1.1
    ** spec, but it's what other HTTP servers do.
    directory = strdup( hc->expnfilename );
    if ( directory == (char*) 0 )
	binary = hc->expnfilename;      /* ignore errors */
	binary = strrchr( directory, '/' );
	if ( binary == (char*) 0 )
	    binary = hc->expnfilename;
	    *binary++ = '\0';
	    (void) chdir( directory );  /* ignore errors */
    //HISON_LOG( LOG_INFO, "binary:%s", binary );

    /* Default behavior for SIGPIPE. */
    (void) sigset( SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL );
#else /* HAVE_SIGSET */
    (void) signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL );
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

    /* Run the program. */
    //HISON_LOG( LOG_INFO, "binary:%s argp:%s  envp:%s", binary,argp[0],envp[0]);
    (void) execve( binary, argp, envp );

    /* Something went wrong. */
    HISON_LOG( LOG_INFO, "execve %.80s - %m", hc->expnfilename );
    httpd_send_err( hc, 500, err500title, "", err500form, hc->encodedurl );
    httpd_write_response( hc );
    _exit( 1 );

1、make_envp make_argp获取环境变量、运行参数
