// Dongao Common scripts // version 1.1 // author greate nomandia
(function(){ if ( !Class ){ var Class = { create: function() { return function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } } } } var DU = Class.create(); DU.prototype = { initialize : function(){}, version : '1.0', $ : {}, commonRegs : { Require : /.+/, Email : /^\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*$/, Phone : /^((\(\d{3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}$/, Mobile : /^((\(\d{3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?1\d{10}$/, Url : /^http:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\/=\?%\-&_~`@[\]\':+!]*([^<>\"\"])*$/, IdCard : /^\d{15}(\d{2}[\w\d])?$/, Currency : /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/, Number : /^\d+$/, Zip : /^[1-9]\d{5}$/, QQ : /^[1-9]\d{4,8}$/, Integer : /^[-\+]?\d+$/, Double : /^[-\+]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/, English : /^[A-Za-z]+$/, Chinese : /^[\u0391-\uFFE5]+$/, UnSafe : /^(([A-Z]*|[a-z]*|\d*|[-_\~!@#\$%\^&\*\.\(\)\[\]\{\}<>\?\\\/\'\"]*)|.{0,5})$|\s/, IsSafe : function(str){return !this.UnSafe.test(str);}, Passport: /[\u0391-\uFFE5\w\d_-]{6,20}/, datetime :/^((((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2})-(0?[13578]|1[02])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2})-(0?[13456789]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|30))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2})-0?2-(0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]))|(((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|((16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))-0?2-29-)) (20|21|22|23|[0-1]?\d):[0-5]?\d:[0-5]?\d$/ }, checkAllByName : function(name, obj){ var chks = $N(name); if(!chks){ return false; } var i=0,len=chks.length; for (;i<len;i++ ){ if( chks[i].type=='checkbox' ){chks[i].checked=obj.checked;} } return obj.checked; }, getCheckedCnt : function(name){ var chks = $N(name); if(!chks) {return false;} var i=0,len=chks.length,cnt=0; for(;i<len;i++){ if( chks[i].type=='checkbox' && chks[i].checked){cnt++;} } return cnt; }, round : function(number,X){ X = (!X ? 2 : X); return Math.round(number*Math.pow(10,X))/Math.pow(10,X); }, getDocumentBody : function(){ return document.body || document.documentElement; }, disableMouseRightBtn : function(){ this.getDocumentBody().oncontextmenu = function(){ if( window.event ) window.event.returnValue = null; } }, disableJSError : function(){ window.onerror = function(){return false;}; }, bindEvent : function(o, method, func){ if ( o.attachEvent ) { o.attachEvent("on"+method,func); } else if ( o.addEventListener ){ o.addEventListener(method,func,false); } else {} }, removeEvent : function(o, method, func){ if (o.removeEventListener) { o.removeEventListener(method, func, false); } else if (o.detachEvent) { try { o.detachEvent('on' + method, func); } catch (e) {} } else {} }, open : function(url, width, height, winname){ var _winname=winname || 'DongaoOpenWin'; var _width = width || 500; var _height= height || 300; var _features='height='+_height+',width='+_width+',left='+((screen.width-_width)/2)+',top='+((screen.height-_height)/2)+',toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,location=no,status=no'; window.open(url, _winname, _features); }, href : function(href, params){ var _params = params ? encodingURI(params) : ''; window.location.href = href+(''==_params?'':'?'+_params ); }, remove : function(obj){ var _obj = ( 'string' == typeof obj ) ? $(obj) : obj; if( !_obj ) { return false; } var _parent = _obj.parentNode; if( _parent ) _parent.removeChild(_obj); } }; window.DU = new DU(); // add protype functions for all string object in scripts. include : trim, judgement of type, byte length get ... etc. String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^\s*(\S*(\s+\S+)*)\s*$/, "$1"); } String.prototype.test = function(reg){ return window.DU.commonRegs[reg].test(this); } // return whether it matched with reg. String.prototype.isNotNull = function(){return this.test('Require');} String.prototype.isNull = function(){return !this.test('Require');} String.prototype.inRange = function(min,max){return min<=this.dataLen()&&this.dataLen()<=max;} String.prototype.lt = function(value){return (this.dataLen()<value);} String.prototype.gt = function(value){return (this.dataLen()>value);} String.prototype.isEmail = function(){return this.test('Email');} String.prototype.isPhone = function(){return this.test('Phone');} String.prototype.isMobile = function(){return this.test('Mobile');} String.prototype.isUrl = function(){return this.test('Url');} String.prototype.isIdCard = function(){return this.test('IdCard');} String.prototype.isCurrency = function(){return this.test('Currency');} String.prototype.isNumber = function(){return this.test('Number');} String.prototype.isPostCode = function(){return this.test('Zip');} String.prototype.isQQ = function(){return this.test('QQ');} String.prototype.isInt = function(){return this.test('Integer');} String.prototype.isDb = function(){return this.test('Double');} String.prototype.isEnglish = function(){return this.test('English');} String.prototype.isChinese = function(){return this.test('Chinese');} String.prototype.isUnSafe = function(){return this.test('UnSafe');} String.prototype.isIsSafe = function(){return this.test('IsSafe');} String.prototype.isPassport = function(){return this.test('Passport');} // for user regist, include chinese,english,number,underline and minus-sign String.prototype.bytesLen = function(){ if (''==this.length){return 0;}var i=0,len=this.length,cc=0,total=0;for(i=0;i<len;i++){cc=this.charCodeAt(i);total+=( 0<=cc&&cc<=255 ) ? 1 : 2;}return total;} String.prototype.dataLen = function(){ return this.trim().bytesLen(); } String.prototype.isDatetime = function(){ return this.test('datetime');} window.$ = function(){ if ( !arguments){ if( document.all ){ return document.all; } } else if ( arguments.length == 2 ){ if ( 'string' == typeof(arguments[1]) ){ return document.getElementById(arguments[0]).getElementsByTagName(arguments[1]); } else if ( 'int' == typeof(arguments[1] )){ return document.getElementById(arguments[0]).childNodes[arguments[1]]; } } else if ( arguments.length==1 ){ return document.getElementById(arguments[0]); } return null; } window.$N = function(){ if( !arguments ){ if( document.all ){ return document.all } } else if( arguments.length > 0 && 'string' == typeof(arguments[0]) && document.getElementsByName ){ return document.getElementsByName(arguments[0]); } return null; } window.$Tag = function(){ if ( !arguments ){ if( document.all ){ return document.all } } else if( arguments.length > 0 && 'string' == typeof(arguments[0]) && document.getElementsByTagName ){ return document.getElementsByTagName(arguments[0]); } return null; } })();