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An overview of Tapestry


Perhaps the hardest part of understanding Tapestry is the fact that it is component-centric not operation-centric. Most web technologies (Struts, servlets, PHP, etc.) are operation-centric. You create servlets (or Actions, or what have you) that are invoked when a user clicks a link or submits a form. You are responsible for selecting an appropriate URL, and the name and type of any query parameters, so that you can pass along the information you need in the URL.


You are also responsible for connecting your output pages (whether they are JSPs, Velocity templates, or some other form of templating technology) to those operations. This requires you to construct those URLs and get them into the href attribute of your <a> tag, or into the action attribute of your <form> tag.


Everything is different inside Tapestry. Tapestry applications consist of pages; pages are constructed from smaller components. Components may themselves be constructed from other components. Every page has a unique name, and every component within a page has its own unique id ... this is a component object model. Effectively, every component has an address that can easily be incorporated into a URL.


In practical terms, your don't write a servlet for the add-item-to-shopping-cart operation. In fact, you don't even write an add-item-to-shopping-cart component. What you do is take an existing component, such as DirectLink, and configure it. When the component renders, it will create a callback URL. When you click that link, the callback URL (which includes the name of the page and the id of the component within the page) will invoke a method on the component ... and that method invokes your application-specific listener method. [1] You supply just the listener method ... not an entire servlet. Tapestry takes care that your listener method is invoked at the right time, under the right conditions. You don't have to think about how to build that URL, what data goes in the URL, or how to hook it up to your application-specific code--that's all handled by the framework.

在有经验的团队里,你不会为add-item-to-shopping-cart操作写一个servlet。事实上,你甚至不需要写一个add-item-to-shopping-cart组件。你不该干这些破事。选一个已经存在的组件并配置一下,像DirectLink。当它发挥作用的时候,它会创建一个callback URL。当你点这个连接,这个回调URL(包含了页面名称以及页面中的组件标识)将会调用组件中的方法……而这个方法调用你的应用明确的侦听者方法(鬼知道它讲什么,继续翻)。你只需要提供一个侦听者方法,而不是一个实际的servlet。Tapestry关心的是在正确的时间,正确的情况下调用你的侦听者方法,你不必再想怎么构造URL,该往URL放啥数据,或者怎么跟你的应用代码勾搭上--这些都在框架的掌控之下啦。哇哈哈哈哈……(随意增加语句,该死)

Tapestry uses a component object model to dispatch incoming requests to the correct page and component.


