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The Plone community and software fit nicely within the larger Python ecosystem. Here’s why.

Plone社区和软件非常适合大型Python生态系统。 这就是为什么。

For almost as long as I have been involved in the Plone project, I’ve been interested in Plone’s role in the Python ecosystem. Today as I look across the current landscape, I’m proud to announce a new milestone the Plone community can take pride in. But the change didn’t happen overnight, so first let’s take a quick look back.

几乎在参与Plone项目的那一刻,我就对Plone在Python生态系统中的作用感兴趣。 今天,当我纵观当前形势时,我很自豪地宣布Plone社区可以引以为傲的新里程碑。但是这种改变并不是一朝一夕就发生的,所以让我们快速回顾一下。

PSC中的PyPI支持 (PyPI support in PSC)

Circa 2008, Tarek Ziadé and others finished the PyPI integration branch of PloneSoftwareCenter started by Sidnei Da Silva 2 years before.

大约在2008年,TarekZiadé和其他人完成了两年前由Sidnei Da Silva发起的PloneSoftwareCenter的PyPI集成分支。

This was a big step towards the “Pythonification” of Plone, mainly because Plone packages could now be published on plone.org in the same way Python packages are published to the Python Package Index: via “python setup.py upload”. In fact if you are publishing Plone packages, it is recommended that you release to both PyPI and plone.org simultaneously. This ensures your package is visible to the most number of potential users. And you can use mkrelease to automate the process.

这是朝着Plone的“ Python化”迈出的一大步,主要是因为Plone包现在可以以将Python包发布到Python包索引中的相同方式通过“ python setup.py upload”发布到plone.org上。 实际上,如果要发布Plone软件包,建议同时发布到PyPI和plone.org。 这样可确保您的软件包对大多数潜在用户可见。 您可以使用mkrelease自动执行该过程。

RTD的集体文档 (Collective docs at RTD)

Just when you thought things couldn’t get more exciting in Python land, along came readthedocs.org (a Django Dash production, IIRC). And to join the fun in July 2011, I moved Mikko Ohtamaa’s awesome Plone Community Managed Developer Manual to the Github collective and configured the RTD service hook.

就在您认为事情在Python领域变得不再令人兴奋时, readthedocs.org (Django Dash产品IIRC)随之而来。 为了参加2011年7月的活动 ,我将Mikko Ohtamaa出色的Plone社区托管开发人员手册移到了Github 社区,并配置了RTD 服务挂钩

This means that whenever anyone commits a change to the developer manual, within a few minutes a new Sphinx build gets published. It was so easy to set this up, I wish I had done it sooner.

这意味着只要有人对开发人员手册进行更改,就会在几分钟之内发布新的Sphinx构建。 设置起来非常容易,我希望我能早点做。

So you can that see over the years, we have been working ourselves into a frenzy of Python goodness! And last week, it got even better.

因此,您可以看到,多年来,我们一直在努力发展Python的狂热! 上周,情况变得更好。

简介:Plone软件包! (Introducing: Plone packages!)

Thanks to the good folks at Cartwheel Web, makers of the fine Open Comparison service, Plone now has its very own grid comparison website! (Djangopackages.com was first, followed by pyramid.opencomparison.org.)

多亏了Cartwheel Web上的好人,优秀的开放式比较服务的制造商,Plone现在有了自己的网格比较网站 ! ( 首先Djangopackages.com ,其次是pyramid.opencomparison.org 。)

This is a site where folks can add packages hosted elsewhere (e.g. svn, github, pypi), vote on them, and add grid comparisons to compare similarly-featured add-ons, frameworks, and other related software. Grids are the killer feature of this site, and personally I’ve been waiting to use them to answer questions like:

在此站点上,人们可以添加托管在其他位置(例如svn,github,pypi)的软件包,对其进行投票,并添加网格比较以比较功能相似的附加组件,框架和其他相关软件。 网格是该网站的杀手feature,我个人一直在等待使用它们来回答诸如以下的问题:

Q: What’s the best blogging add-on for Plone?


A: http://plone.opencomparison.org/grids/g/weblogs/


The content is entirely user driven (TTW only) so please head over to plone.opencomparison.org, login with your github ID, and start adding packages! And while you are at it, please report any issues you find here: https://github.com/opencomparison/opencomparison/issues. Lastly, let’s all tweet a big thanks to @pydannyand @audreyr for their hard work and generosity!

内容完全由用户驱动(仅限TTW),因此请转到plone.opencomparison.org ,使用您的github ID登录,然后开始添加软件包! 当您使用它时,请在此处报告发现的任何问题: https : //github.com/opencomparison/opencomparison/issues 。 最后,我们都非常感谢@pydanny@audreyr的辛勤工作和慷慨!

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2011/10/plone-first-class-python-citizen/

