其实安装还是很简单的,首先在Pentaho的官方位置下载社区版的server,下载了之后,解压到一个文件夹就可以了,之后需要安装JDK,小伙伴注意了,这是个坑啊,java8是不支持的,所以需要安装java7才可以,然后就是配置环境变量PATH,JAVA_HOME, PENTAHO_HAVA_HOME,都需要配置,之后,可以在DOS下面测试一下:java -version,,如果可以看到java版本,并且和你指定的路径是一样的,就是安装好了。具体的安装步骤可以查看上面列出的参考资料,同时将资料粘贴如下。
Your steps may vary slightly as I had an older version of the JDK installed. However, the gist is “just click Next till your done”.
You should now have the Java SDK installed into something like (your exact path may vary based on the version):
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_04\bin
As last step check that your path is set correctly.
If you want to show the value of PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME in PowerShell, then enter:
Get-Childitem env:PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME
I had to reboot to get this to work.
Now that we have Java installed we can get on with our main task of installing the Pentaho BI Server.
I am not going to cover automatic startup of the Pentaho Server on Windows because my assumption is that some developers choose to run Pentaho on Windows, but that product deployments
I recommend that you resize the command window that displays the Tomcat messages. This will make it easier to read messages that are output by Tomcat.
- In the top left corner of the Window, click the Java icon.
- Click Properties.
- Select the Layout tab.
- Set the Width = 120
- Set the Height = 45
- Click OK.
That’s it. The core Pentaho BI server is installed and ready for development. However, a good next step is to change the database that Pentaho uses, but we’ll leave that for another post.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There are 3 things you have to take care of:
When running on windows, it is easy to run into Windows' path-length limitation. This then will break the jar-loading which in return gives you random errors as the Tomcat server cannot find the classes contained in these jars. So when you install, do not install it deep into a directory, keep it at the root of your disk. From hard experience, I now always install it in DRIVE:\Pentaho
The Server will not run without the system database. If your logs show you a Quartz-Error, or a Hibernate error, then your HSQL database is not running. In the download, you'll find a "data" directory. Start the "start-hypersonic.bat" before you start the main Pentaho server.
Pentaho does not run with Java 8. There seem to be some incompatible changes in the JDK and I have not been able to actually start it up correctly. You have to use JDK 1.7 to be successful. ALso make sure that your JAVA_HOME or PENTAHO_JAVA_HOME points to the correct JDK.
The Pentaho bat files try to locate a Java installation automatically, and without explicitly setting these environment variables, any JDK may be picked up at random. Usually that is the last JDK that has been installed or updated. So to be safe, lock down the JDK by setting these variables (via Control Panel-> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables)