`Vertex shader
ERROR: 0:32: 'a_position' : Only consts can be used in a global initializer
ERROR: 0:70: 'a_normal' : Only consts can be used in a global initializer
ERROR: 0:89: 'a_binormal' : Only consts can be used in a global initializer
ERROR: 0:108: 'a_tangent' : Only consts can be used in a global initializer
ERROR: 0:130: 'a_texCoord0' : Only consts can be used in a global initializer
ERROR: 0:447: ')' : Syntax error: syntax error
ERROR: 6 compilation errors. No code generated.
Fragment shader:
ERROR: 0:206: '(' : Syntax error: syntax error
ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated.
我使用的是gdx官方的sample test.glsl,发现在部分手机上,模型的漫反射和镜面无效,查看了一天,并且解决了,有必要分享出来哈,如果用gdx来加载3D模型,需要一些反射镜面光环境映射,模型看起来也会比较生动比较真实一些。
官方g3d glsl地址
首先解决Only consts can be used in a global initializer:
把 a_position、a_position、a_position、a_tangent、a_texCoord0变量的初始化放到main函数中初始化即可。轻松解决掉5个错误。还剩2个比较棘手。
VS下的'(' : Syntax error: syntax error导致错误原因是 传递参数的时候调用的方法无效,其实我也不知道为啥,调用方法无效,方法已经定义了,为什么无效,无果,只能手动去把这些方法重新在main中实现一下如下代码:
#include "g_attributes.glsl:VS"
#include "u_uniforms.glsl"
#include "skinning.glsl"
#include "common.glsl:VS"
#include "common.glsl:tangentVectorsVS"
#include "lights.glsl:lights"
varying vec3 v_lightDir;
varying vec3 v_lightCol;
varying vec3 v_viewDir;
varying vec3 v_ambientLight;
#ifdef environmentCubemapFlag
varying vec3 v_reflect;
void main() {
#if defined(positionFlag)
g_position = vec4(a_position, 1.0);
g_position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
#if defined(normalFlag)
g_normal = a_normal;
g_normal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
#if defined(binormalFlag)
g_binormal = a_binormal;
g_binormal = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
#endif // binormalFlag
#if defined(tangentFlag)
g_tangent = a_tangent;
g_tangent = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#endif // tangentFlag
#if defined(texCoord0Flag)
g_texCoord0 = a_texCoord0;
g_texCoord0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
#endif // texCoord0Flag
g_position = applySkinning(g_position);
g_normal = normalize(u_normalMatrix * applySkinning(g_normal));
g_binormal = normalize(u_normalMatrix * applySkinning(g_binormal));
g_tangent = normalize(u_normalMatrix * applySkinning(g_tangent));
g_position = u_worldTrans * g_position;
gl_Position = u_projViewTrans * g_position;
mat3 worldToTangent;
worldToTangent[0] = g_tangent;
worldToTangent[1] = g_binormal;
worldToTangent[2] = g_normal;
v_ambientLight = getAmbient(g_normal);
v_lightDir = normalize(-u_dirLights[0].direction) * worldToTangent;
v_lightCol = u_dirLights[0].color;
vec3 viewDir = normalize( -;
v_viewDir = viewDir * worldToTangent;
#ifdef environmentCubemapFlag
v_reflect = reflect(-viewDir, g_normal);
// pushColor();
// pushTexCoord0();//fix
// pullColor(); // pullTexCoord0();
// diffuse = applyColorDiffuse(g_color);
// vec3 specular = fetchColorSpecular();同理,需要重新实现这几个方法如下代码:
g_color = v_color;
g_texCoord0 = v_texCoord0;
vec4 diffuse;
// diffuse = applyColorDiffuse(g_color);
#if defined(diffuseTextureFlag) || defined(diffuseColorFlag)
vec4 fetchDiffuse;
#if defined(diffuseTextureFlag) && defined(diffuseColorFlag)
fetchDiffuse=(texture2D(u_diffuseTexture, g_texCoord0) * u_diffuseColor);
#elif defined(diffuseTextureFlag)
fetchDiffuse= (texture2D(u_diffuseTexture, g_texCoord0));
#elif defined(diffuseColorFlag)
fetchDiffuse= vec4(1.0);
diffuse= g_color * fetchDiffuse;
//fix vivo xplay6 bug
// vec3 specular = fetchColorSpecular();
vec3 specular;
//g_texCoord0, vec3(0.0)
#if defined(specularTextureFlag) && defined(specularColorFlag)
specular= (texture2D(u_specularTexture, g_texCoord0).rgb * u_specularColor.rgb);
#elif defined(specularTextureFlag)
specular=texture2D(u_specularTexture, g_texCoord0).rgb;
#elif defined(specularColorFlag)
specular= vec3(0.0);