今天在 ubuntu12.04下安装source navigator,编译安装完成后,启动报错,信息如下:
migw@migw-Zhaoyang-E49:/opt/sourcenav/bin$ ./snavigator
Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories:
/opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/tk.tcl: no event type or button # or keysym
no event type or button # or keysym
while executing
"bind Listbox <MouseWheel> {
%W yview scroll [expr {- (%D / 120) * 4}] units
(file "/opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/listbox.tcl" line 182)
invoked from within
"source [file join $tk_library listbox.tcl]"
invoked from within
"if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "macintosh"] && \
[string compare {} $tk_library]} {
source [file join $tk_library button.tcl]
(file "/opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/tk.tcl" line 308)
invoked from within
"source /opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/tk.tcl"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 [list source $file]"
This probably means that tk wasn't installed properly.
註掉 lines 182-184 in the file /opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/listbox.tcl
註掉 lines 457-459 in the file /opt/sourcenav/share/tk8.3/text.tcl