Supported databases & drivers
Application modules
Shipping modules
Adding languages
Administration menu
Web Services
Customer web service
Invoices web services
Store templates
What is Shopizer
Shopizer is an e-Commerce sotware providing online sales management functionalities such as:
Store front CMS Shopping cart Order fulfillment Online invoicing Billing
Shopizer is 100% java open source released under LGPL licence. You can do anything you want with this software under no condition. We decline any responsibility with any incident related to the usage of this software. The software is built to run out of the box without any java knowledge, meaning that you can build a complete e-commerce solution and run it in this software without any coding. We provide professional services and support packages for any help required in customizing or enhancing this software to fit your needs. 2 distributions of the software are available:
Click and run bundled distribution
This distribution is a binary distribution already bundled and ready to run. It is bundled with Jetty application server and HSQL embeded database. This distribution comes by default configured for HSQL database but can be configured to run on other databases as well. There is no need to have specific software other than a supported Java virtual machine. This distribution does not contain source code.
Source distribution
This distribution contains all source files required to build and run Shopizer on your favorite application server. This distribution requires ANT for building the source code and a supported java virtual machine. This distribution comes by default configured for HSQL database but can be configured to run on other databases as well.
Software requirements
In order to run Shopizer you need a JEE servlet container. Any servlet container certified for Java version 1.5 and up will be sufficient.
Here are a few JEE Application server / servlet container
Apache Tomcat -
Jetty -
Apache ANT ( is recommended to build the application from the source files (source distribution)
Shopizer source and bundled distributions come with HSQL embeded database but can be configured to run with MySQL and Oracle databases at this point.
Additional software recommended for development
* Ireport version 3.7.4 ( for modifying jasper reports (this software should match jasperreports library version).
* Eclipse ( as an integrated development environment
128M of memory is enough to run the system, 256M is preferable. Add this line to your JVM startup script : -Xms256M -Xmx256M
Shopizer Urls
Administration console
User name : admin
Initial password : password
Online store
If you are running multiple merchants, you will invoke a specific store by using http://<your host>/shop/shop?merchantId=<your merchant id> You will find your merchant id on the dashboard page of the administration console
Standalone shopping cart
Shopizer's shopping cart can be invoked from an url with parameter
additional parameters
&qty=<QUANTITY> &request_locale=<fr> | <en> (or any supported ISO language)
It is also possible to add multiple items in the shopping cart by adding _ and the count to productId
* http://<YOUR HOST>/shop/cart/addToCart?merchantId=<MERCHANTID>&productId_<COUNT>=<PRODUCTID>
additional parameters can be
It is possible to set product attribute by adding
&attributeId=<ATTRIBUTEID> &attributeId_<COUNT> when having multiple products in the url parameters
Shopizer main components
This is the store front, shopping cart, order fulfillment and invoicing web application. the prefix 'sm' stands for sales manager. All artifacts in this web application are packaged inshop.war
This is the store administration web application. All artifacts in this web application are packaged in central.war
Those are common libraries and modules used in sm-central and sm-shop. All application and integration modules are contained in this library. This library needs to reside in shop.war and central.war
This is a simple web application for storing files such as store logo, banner, product images, custom scripts, flash files etc… This is given as a comodity web application as there are other means to store files content within Shopizer. See other alternatives below in that document.
Continue to configuration