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root@53dea2366136:/etc/monit# cat monitrc

## Monit control file
## Comments begin with a '#' and extend through the end of the line. Keywords
## are case insensitive. All path's MUST BE FULLY QUALIFIED, starting with '/'.
## Below you will find examples of some frequently used statements. For
## information about the control file and a complete list of statements and
## options, please have a look in the Monit manual.
## Global section
## Start Monit in the background (run as a daemon):
  set daemon 120            # check services at 2-minute intervals
#   with start delay 240    # optional: delay the first check by 4-minutes (by
#                           # default Monit check immediately after Monit start)
## Set syslog logging. If you want to log to a standalone log file instead,
## specify the full path to the log file
  set log /var/log/monit.log

## Set the location of the Monit lock file which stores the process id of the
## running Monit instance. By default this file is stored in $HOME/.monit.pid
# set pidfile /var/run/monit.pid
## Set the location of the Monit id file which stores the unique id for the
## Monit instance. The id is generated and stored on first Monit start. By
## default the file is placed in $HOME/.monit.id.
# set idfile /var/.monit.id
  set idfile /var/lib/monit/id
## Set the location of the Monit state file which saves monitoring states
## on each cycle. By default the file is placed in $HOME/.monit.state. If
## the state file is stored on a persistent filesystem, Monit will recover
## the monitoring state across reboots. If it is on temporary filesystem, the
## state will be lost on reboot which may be convenient in some situations.
  set statefile /var/lib/monit/state

## Set limits for various tests. The following example shows the default values:
# set limits {
#     programOutput:     512 B,      # check program's output truncate limit
#     sendExpectBuffer:  256 B,      # limit for send/expect protocol test
#     fileContentBuffer: 512 B,      # limit for file content test
#     httpContentBuffer: 1 MB,       # limit for HTTP content test
#     networkTimeout:    5 seconds   # timeout for network I/O
#     programTimeout:    300 seconds # timeout for check program
#     stopTimeout:       30 seconds  # timeout for service stop
#     startTimeout:      30 seconds  # timeout for service start
#     restartTimeout:    30 seconds  # timeout for service restart
# }

## Set global SSL options (just most common options showed, see manual for
## full list).
# set ssl {
#     verify     : enable, # verify SSL certificates (disabled by default but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED)
#     selfsigned : allow   # allow self signed SSL certificates (reject by default)
# }
## Set the list of mail servers for alert delivery. Multiple servers may be
## specified using a comma separator. If the first mail server fails, Monit
# will use the second mail server in the list and so on. By default Monit uses
# port 25 - it is possible to override this with the PORT option.
# set mailserver mail.bar.baz,               # primary mailserver
#                backup.bar.baz port 10025,  # backup mailserver on port 10025
#                localhost                   # fallback relay
## By default Monit will drop alert events if no mail servers are available.
## If you want to keep the alerts for later delivery retry, you can use the
## EVENTQUEUE statement. The base directory where undelivered alerts will be
## stored is specified by the BASEDIR option. You can limit the queue size
## by using the SLOTS option (if omitted, the queue is limited by space
## available in the back end filesystem).
  set eventqueue
      basedir /var/lib/monit/events # set the base directory where events will be stored
      slots 100                     # optionally limit the queue size
## Send status and events to M/Monit (for more informations about M/Monit
## see https://mmonit.com/). By default Monit registers credentials with
## M/Monit so M/Monit can smoothly communicate back to Monit and you don't
## have to register Monit credentials manually in M/Monit. It is possible to
## disable credential registration using the commented out option below.
## Though, if safety is a concern we recommend instead using https when
## communicating with M/Monit and send credentials encrypted. The password
## should be URL encoded if it contains URL-significant characters like
## ":", "?", "@". Default timeout is 5 seconds, you can customize it by
## adding the timeout option.
# set mmonit http://monit:monit@
#     # with timeout 30 seconds              # Default timeout is 5 seconds
#     # and register without credentials     # Don't register credentials
## Monit by default uses the following format for alerts if the mail-format
## statement is missing::
## --8<--
## set mail-format {
##   from:    Monit <monit@$HOST>
##   subject: monit alert --  $EVENT $SERVICE
##   message: $EVENT Service $SERVICE
##                 Date:        $DATE
##                 Action:      $ACTION
##                 Host:        $HOST
##                 Description: $DESCRIPTION
##            Your faithful employee,
##            Monit
## }
## --8<--
## You can override this message format or parts of it, such as subject
## or sender using the MAIL-FORMAT statement. Macros such as $DATE, etc.
## are expanded at runtime. For example, to override the sender, use:
# set mail-format { from: monit@foo.bar }
## You can set alert recipients whom will receive alerts if/when a
## service defined in this file has errors. Alerts may be restricted on
## events by using a filter as in the second example below.
# set alert sysadm@foo.bar                       # receive all alerts
## Do not alert when Monit starts, stops or performs a user initiated action.
## This filter is recommended to avoid getting alerts for trivial cases.
# set alert your-name@your.domain not on { instance, action }
## Monit has an embedded HTTP interface which can be used to view status of
## services monitored and manage services from a web interface. The HTTP
## interface is also required if you want to issue Monit commands from the
## command line, such as 'monit status' or 'monit restart service' The reason
## for this is that the Monit client uses the HTTP interface to send these
## commands to a running Monit daemon. See the Monit Wiki if you want to
## enable SSL for the HTTP interface.
 set httpd port 2812 and
     use address localhost  # only accept connection from localhost
     allow localhost        # allow localhost to connect to the server and
     allow admin:monit      # require user 'admin' with password 'monit'
#     #with ssl {            # enable SSL/TLS and set path to server certificate
#     #    pemfile: /etc/ssl/certs/monit.pem
#     #}

## Services
## Check general system resources such as load average, cpu and memory
## usage. Each test specifies a resource, conditions and the action to be
## performed should a test fail.
#  check system $HOST
#    if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert
#    if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert
#    if cpu usage > 95% for 10 cycles then alert
#    if memory usage > 75% then alert
#    if swap usage > 25% then alert
## Check if a file exists, checksum, permissions, uid and gid. In addition
## to alert recipients in the global section, customized alert can be sent to
## additional recipients by specifying a local alert handler. The service may
## be grouped using the GROUP option. More than one group can be specified by
## repeating the 'group name' statement.
#  check file apache_bin with path /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
#    if failed checksum and
#       expect the sum 8f7f419955cefa0b33a2ba316cba3659 then unmonitor
#    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor
#    if failed uid "root" then unmonitor
#    if failed gid "root" then unmonitor
#    alert security@foo.bar on {
#           checksum, permission, uid, gid, unmonitor
#        } with the mail-format { subject: Alarm! }
#    group server
## Check that a process is running, in this case Apache, and that it respond
## to HTTP and HTTPS requests. Check its resource usage such as cpu and memory,
## and number of children. If the process is not running, Monit will restart
## it by default. In case the service is restarted very often and the
## problem remains, it is possible to disable monitoring using the TIMEOUT
## statement. This service depends on another service (apache_bin) which
## is defined above.
#  check process apache with pidfile /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid
#    start program = "/etc/init.d/httpd start" with timeout 60 seconds
#    stop program  = "/etc/init.d/httpd stop"
#    if cpu > 60% for 2 cycles then alert
#    if cpu > 80% for 5 cycles then restart
#    if totalmem > 200.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart
#    if children > 250 then restart
#    if loadavg(5min) greater than 10 for 8 cycles then stop
#    if disk read > 500 kb/s for 10 cycles then alert
#    if disk write > 500 kb/s for 10 cycles then alert
#    if failed host www.tildeslash.com port 80 protocol http and request "/somefile.html" then restart
#    if failed port 443 protocol https with timeout 15 seconds then restart
#    if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then unmonitor
#    depends on apache_bin
#    group server
## Check filesystem permissions, uid, gid, space usage, inode usage and disk I/O.
## Other services, such as databases, may depend on this resource and an automatically
## graceful stop may be cascaded to them before the filesystem will become full and data
## lost.
#  check filesystem datafs with path /dev/sdb1
#    start program  = "/bin/mount /data"
#    stop program  = "/bin/umount /data"
#    if failed permission 660 then unmonitor
#    if failed uid "root" then unmonitor
#    if failed gid "disk" then unmonitor
#    if space usage > 80% for 5 times within 15 cycles then alert
#    if space usage > 99% then stop
#    if inode usage > 30000 then alert
#    if inode usage > 99% then stop
#    if read rate > 1 MB/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if read rate > 500 operations/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if write rate > 1 MB/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if write rate > 500 operations/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if service time > 10 milliseconds for 3 times within 5 cycles then alert
#    group server
## Check a file's timestamp. In this example, we test if a file is older
## than 15 minutes and assume something is wrong if its not updated. Also,
## if the file size exceed a given limit, execute a script
#  check file database with path /data/mydatabase.db
#    if failed permission 700 then alert
#    if failed uid "data" then alert
#    if failed gid "data" then alert
#    if timestamp > 15 minutes then alert
#    if size > 100 MB then exec "/my/cleanup/script" as uid dba and gid dba
## Check directory permission, uid and gid.  An event is triggered if the
## directory does not belong to the user with uid 0 and gid 0.  In addition,
## the permissions have to match the octal description of 755 (see chmod(1)).
#  check directory bin with path /bin
#    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor
#    if failed uid 0 then unmonitor
#    if failed gid 0 then unmonitor
## Check a remote host availability by issuing a ping test and check the
## content of a response from a web server. Up to three pings are sent and
## connection to a port and an application level network check is performed.
#  check host myserver with address
#    if failed ping then alert
#    if failed port 3306 protocol mysql with timeout 15 seconds then alert
#    if failed port 80 protocol http
#       and request /some/path with content = "a string"
#    then alert
## Check a network link status (up/down), link capacity changes, saturation
## and bandwidth usage.
#  check network public with interface eth0
#    if failed link then alert
#    if changed link then alert
#    if saturation > 90% then alert
#    if download > 10 MB/s then alert
#    if total uploaded > 1 GB in last hour then alert
## Check custom program status output.
#  check program myscript with path /usr/local/bin/myscript.sh
#    if status != 0 then alert
## Includes
## It is possible to include additional configuration parts from other files or
## directories.
   include /etc/monit/conf.d/*
   include /etc/monit/conf-enabled/*



root@53dea2366136:/etc/monit/conf.d# cat spawn-fcgi.conf
# 该配置文件是 监听9001端口的pid文件
check process spawn-fcgi-9001 with pidfile /var/run/scan.9001.pid
    start program = "/light_keypoints/scan/start.sh 9001"
    if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then unmonitor



root@53dea2366136:/etc/monit/conf.d# service monit start
 * Starting daemon monitor monit                                                              [ OK ]


root@53dea2366136:/etc/monit/conf.d# monit status
Monit 5.25.1 uptime: 0m

Process 'spawn-fcgi-9001'
  status                       Does not exist
  monitoring status            Monitored
  monitoring mode              active
  on reboot                    start
  data collected               Tue, 10 Mar 2020 08:01:45

System '53dea2366136'
  status                       OK
  monitoring status            Monitored
  monitoring mode              active
  on reboot                    start
  load average                 [0.00] [0.02] [0.00]
  cpu                          0.0%us 0.0%sy 0.0%wa
  memory usage                 337.3 MB [4.2%]
  swap usage                   0 B [0.0%]
  uptime                       6d 23h 37m
  boot time                    Tue, 03 Mar 2020 08:24:40
  data collected               Tue, 10 Mar 2020 08:01:45


root@53dea2366136:/etc/monit/conf.d#  monit start all


root@53dea2366136:/etc/monit# monit status
Monit 5.25.1 uptime: 9h 30m

Process 'spawn-fcgi-9001'
  status                       OK
  monitoring status            Monitored
  monitoring mode              active
  on reboot                    start
  pid                          435
  parent pid                   1
  uid                          0
  effective uid                0
  gid                          0
  uptime                       9h 22m
  threads                      1
  children                     0
  cpu                          0.0%
  cpu total                    0.0%
  memory                       0.1% [7.0 MB]
  memory total                 0.1% [7.0 MB]
  security attribute           (null)
  disk read                    0 B/s [272 kB total]
  data collected               Wed, 11 Mar 2020 04:02:13

System '53dea2366136'
  status                       OK
  monitoring status            Monitored
  monitoring mode              active
  on reboot                    start
  load average                 [0.00] [0.00] [0.00]
  cpu                          0.1%us 0.4%sy 0.0%wa
  memory usage                 338.3 MB [4.2%]
  swap usage                   0 B [0.0%]
  uptime                       7d 19h 38m
  boot time                    Tue, 03 Mar 2020 08:24:40
  data collected               Wed, 11 Mar 2020 04:02:13


# 配置文件检测
monit -t 
# 启动monit 服务 daemon
service monit start

# 启动monit daemon时指定配置文件
monit -c /var/monit/monitrc 

# 当更新了配置文件需要重载
monit reload 

# 查看所有服务状态
monit status 

# 查看某个服务状态
monit status someone 

 # 启动所有服务
monit start all

# 启动某个服务
monit start  someone

 # 停止所有服务
monit stop all

# 停止某个服务
monit stop  someone

monit -V # 查看版本



  set daemon  120        #设置monit检查的间隔时间,单位是秒!!

  set logfile syslog facility log_daemon  #用syslog来记录log

  set logfile /var/logs/monit.log #设置日志路径

  set idfile /var/.monit.id #设置PID文件的位置

  set mailserver,               # primary mailserver  邮件服务器的IP

  set mail-format { from: monit@test.com }  #设置你的邮件从哪个账号发出

  set alert phoneNumber@139.com     #发到我的139邮箱,用139邮箱是因为139有一个邮件到达通知功能

  set httpd port 2812 and    #设置monit监听的端口号

  use address   # 设置monit服务器的IP,可以让你方便的http访问

  allow admin:pass      #设置用户名和密码

  ################################# Services  ##############################


  check device system with path /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00

  if space usage > 85% for 5 times within 15 cycles then alert

  if space usage > 95% then stop

  if inode usage > 85% then alert

  if inode usage > 95% then stop


  #sshd   监控sshd进程

  check process sshd with pidfile /var/run/sshd.pid

  start program "/etc/init.d/sshd start"

  stop  program "/etc/init.d/sshd stop"

  if failed host port 22  then restart

  if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout


  #cron       监控crontab进程

  check process cron with pidfile /var/run/crond.pid

  group system

start program = "/etc/init.d/crond start"

  stop program = "/etc/init.d/crond stop"

  if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout        depends on cron_rc


  #scripts   监控nginx的日志切割脚本文件

  check file cut_nginx_log.sh with path /scripts/cut_nginx_log.sh

  group scripts

  if failed checksum then unmonitor

  if failed permission 755 then unmonitor

  if failed uid root then unmonitor

  if failed gid root then unmonitor


  #systemfile                监控passwd文件和group文件

  check file passwd with path /etc/passwd

  group system

  if failed checksum then unmonitor

  if failed permission 644 then unmonitor

  if failed uid root then unmonitor

  if failed gid root then unmonitor

  check file group with path /etc/group

  group system

  if failed checksum then unmonitor

  if failed permission 644 then unmonitor

  if failed uid root then unmonitor

  if failed gid root then unmonitor


  # 监控本机的25,110端口号

  check host localhost with address

  if failed port 25  with timeout 15 seconds then exec "/usr/bin/qmailctl restart"

  if failed port 110 protocol pop with timeout 15 seconds then exec "/usr/bin/vpopmailctl restart"
