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上周在自己的Windows 7上配上了TestLink和Bugzilla,之前,发现网上有好多讨论Bugzilla的配置问题,主要是perl模块和Email配置,其实很简单,只不过大部分人对Perl和CGI很陌生。关键是Bugzilla两个文件的配置一个是localconfig文件主要配置数据库参数,一个是data/params主要用来配置web server和smtp server。当然这两个工具都少不了apache的简单配置,有时间我会把所有配置文件的详细配置参数贴上来。




今天把TestLink 和 Bugzilla整合的配置贴上来,希望对其他人有些帮助,也为了做一个记录。




1. Set up & configure TestLink

1)Set up & Configure MySQL

2)Set up Apache Server

3)Set up PHP engine

4) Modify C:/Windows/php.ini

doc_root = "D:/Apache2.2/htdocs"

extension_dir = "D:/PHP/ext"

cgi.force_redirect = 0




mysql.default_port = 3305

mysql.default_host = localhost

mysql.default_user = root

mysql.default_password = jiapu123

mysqli.default_port = 3305

mysqli.default_host = localhost

mysqli.default_pw = jiapu123

(Copy all *.dll files to C:/Windows from D:/PHP)

5) Modify D:/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf

LoadModule php5_module "D:/PHP/php5apache2_2.dll"

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

6) Copy testlink to D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/

8) Run testlink install script


7) Modify D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/testlink/config.inc.php

//$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'FILE';

$tlCfg->config_check_warning_mode = 'SILENT';


2.  Set up & configure bugzilla.

1)  Set up & configure DataBase(MySQL has already set up);

2)  Set up & configure Web Server(Apache has already set up);

3)  Set up ActivePerl;

4)  Download bugzilla and copy to D:/Apache2.2/htdocs;

5)  Run checksetup.pl in command line using:

D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/bugzilla>perl checksetup.pl

Then you will be given some notes, such as:

* NOTE: You must run any commands listed below as Administrator.


    ppm install Chart

   ppm install XML-Twig

    ppm install MIME-tools

   ppm install PatchReader

    ppm install perl-ldap

    ppm install Authen-SASL

        ppm install RadiusPerl

       ppm install HTML-Scrubber

       ppm install Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper

       ppm install Email-Reply

       ppm install DBD-mysql

6)  Run checksetup.pl again to create admin user to bugzilla;

7)  Configure localconfig(mainly is DataBase) for buzilla:

$webservergroup = 'daemon';

$db_driver = 'mysql';

$db_host = 'localhost';

$db_name = 'bugzilla';

$db_user = 'jiapu';

$db_pass = 'jiapu';

$db_port = 3305;

$db_check = 1;

$index_html = 1;

8)  Run checksetup.pl the third time to finish setting up bugzilla;

9)  Configure D:/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf for bugzilla, such as: webserver and perl module

LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so

Group daemon

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI

AllowOverride All

ScriptInterpreterSource Registry-Strict

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.cgi

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "D:/Apache2.2/cgi-bin/"

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

<Directory D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/bugzilla>

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Options +Indexes +ExecCGI

DirectoryIndex index.cgi

AllowOverride Limit


10) Modify Registration table, Create a new item: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/.cgi/Shell/ExecCGI/Command, Modify the default Value data: d:/Perl/bin/perl.exe –T

11) Configure SMTP server in params from the file:        D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/bugzilla/data/

'mail_delivery_method' => 'SMTP',

'mailfrom' => 'chxd99@163.com',

'maintainer' => 'jchen@jiapu.com',

'shadowdbhost' => 'localhost',

'shadowdbport' => '3305',

'smtp_password' => '******',

'smtp_username' => 'chxd99',

'smtpserver' => 'smtp.163.com',

'urlbase' => '',

12) Restart apache, visit

3.  Combine Bugzilla with TestLink

1)  Configure config.inc.php in D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/testlink:

/** [Bug Tracking systems] */

$g_interface_bugs = 'BUGZILLA';

2)  Configure bugzilla.cfg.php in D:/Apache2.2/htdocs/testlink/cfg:

define('BUG_TRACK_DB_HOST', 'localhost');

define('BUG_TRACK_DB_NAME', 'bugzilla');

define('BUG_TRACK_DB_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');


define('BUG_TRACK_DB_USER', 'jiapu');

define('BUG_TRACK_DB_PASS', 'jiapu');

define('BUG_TRACK_HREF', "");



     至此就安装配置完毕,有人在论坛上问,怎么知道这两个工具整合到一起了?首先需要参照TestLink 和 Bugzilla的user's Guid,好好练习,当在TestLink中执行一个TestCase并且这个Case failed时,就可以链接到Bugzilla添加Bug了。


