$ roo.sh
___ _ __ _ __(_)_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
/ __| '_ \| '__| | '_ \ / _` | | '__/ _ \ / _ \
\__ \ |_) | | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_) | (_) |
|___/ .__/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, | |_| \___/ \___/
|_| |___/ 2.0.0.RC2
Welcome to Spring Roo. For assistance press TAB or type "hint" then hit ENTER.
roo> help
!g Passes a command directly through to the Felix shell
!os Allows execution of operating system (OS) commands. Ex.:
`!os mkdir test_dir`
*/ End of block comment
/* Start of block comment
// Inline comment markers (start of line only)
; Inline comment markers (start of line only)
addon create advanced
Create a new advanced add-on for Spring Roo (commands +
operations + metadata + trigger annotation + dependencies).
addon create i18n Create a new internationalization add-on for Spring Roo,
with a new language.
with a new language.Created add-on can be installed later
into a project for localizing the project to that new
addon create simple Create a new simple add-on for Spring Roo (commands +
addon create suite Create a new Spring Roo Addon Suite for Spring Roo (two
sample addons + repository + suite generator).
addon create wrapper
Create a new add-on for Spring Roo which wraps a maven
artifact to create a OSGi compliant bundle.
addon development mode
Switches the system into development mode, which enables
add-on development commands and shows greater diagnostic
addon info bundle Provide information about a specific Spring Roo Add-on from
installed repositories.
addon install bundle
Install Spring Roo Add-on from installed repositories.
addon install url Install Spring Roo Add-on using an URL.
addon list List all installed addons.
addon remove Removes an installed Spring Roo Add-on.
addon repository add
Adds a new OBR Repository to ROO Shell.
addon repository introspect
Introspects all installed OBR Repositories and list all
their addons.
addon repository list
Lists installed OBR Repositories.
addon repository remove
Removes an existing OBR Repository from ROO Shell.
addon search Search all known Spring Roo Add-ons from installed
addon suite install name
Installs some 'Roo Addon Suite' from installed OBR
addon suite install url
Installs some 'Roo Addon Suite' from URL.
addon suite list Lists all installed 'Roo Addon Suite'. If you want to list
all available 'Roo Addon Suites' on Repository, use
--repository parameter.
addon suite start Starts some installed 'Roo Addon Suite'. By default, an
installed 'Roo Addon Suite' is started automatically.
addon suite stop Stops some started 'Roo Addon Suite'.
addon suite uninstall
Uninstalls some installed 'Roo Addon Suite'.
backup Backups your project to a zip file located in root
cache setup Installs support for using intermediate memory in generated
project by using Spring Cache abstraction. Users can specify
different providers to use for managing it.
class Creates a new Java class source file in any project path
constructor Creates a class constructor.
dto Creates a new DTO (Data Transfer Object) class in the
directory _src/main/java_ of the selected project module (if
any) with @RooDTO annotation.
email receiver setup
Installs a Spring JavaMailReceiver in your project.
email sender setup Install a Spring JavaMailSender in your project
embeddable Creates a new Java class source file with the JPA
`@Embeddable` annotation in the directory _src/main/java_ of
the selected project module (if any).
entity jpa Creates a new JPA persistent entity in the directory
_src/main/java_ of the selected project module (if any) with
`@RooEntity` annotation.
entity projection Creates new projection classes from entities in the
directory _src/main/java_ of the selected project module (if
any) annotated with `@RooEntityProjection`. Transient,
static and entity collection fields are not valid for
enum constant Inserts a new enum constant into an enum class.
enum type Creates a new Java enum source file in any project path.
equals Add `equals()` and `hashCode()` methods to a class.
exit Waits until all metadata and files are refreshed and
updated, then exits the shell. You can also use `exit`
field boolean Adds a private boolean field to an existing Java source
field date Adds a private date field to an existing Java source file.
field embedded Adds a private `@Embedded` field to an existing Java source
file. This command is only available for entities annotated
with `@RooJpaEntity` (Roo JPA entities). Therefore, you
should focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make
this command available.
field enum Adds a private enum field to an existing Java source file.
The field type must be a Java enum type.
field file Adds a byte array field for storing uploaded file contents.
field list Adds a private `List` field to an existing Java source file,
representing (always) a bidirectional relation with other
entity. Therefore, this command will also add a field on the
other side of the relation (the owner side, with `mappedBy`
attribute), which will be a `List` field for 'many-to-many'
relations, or a *not* `Collection` field for a 'one-to-many'
relation. All added fields will have the needed JPA
annotations to properly manage bidirectional relations.This
command is only available for entities annotated with
`@RooJpaEntity` (Roo JPA entities). Therefore, you should
focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make this
command available.
field number Adds a private numeric field to an existing Java source
file. User can choose the field type between a wide range of
numeric types.
field other Inserts a private field into the specified file. User can
choose a custom type for the field by specifying its fully
qualified name.
field reference Adds a private reference field, representing (always) a
bidirectional 'one-to-one' relation, to an existing Java
source file. Therefore, this command will add as well a
'one-to-one' field on the other side of the relation. This
command is only available for entities annotated with
`@RooJpaEntity`, so you should focus the desired entity in
the Roo Shell to make this command available.
field set Adds a private `Set` field to an existing Java source file,
representing (always) a bidirectional relation with other
entity. Therefore, this command will also add a field on the
other side of the relation (the owner side, with `mappedBy`
attribute), which will be a `Set` field for 'many-to-many'
relations, or a *not* `Collection` field for a 'one-to-many'
relation. All added fields will have the needed JPA
annotations to properly manage bidirectional relations. This
command is only available for entities annotated with
`@RooJpaEntity` (Roo JPA entities). Therefore, you should
focus the desired entity in the Roo Shell to make this
command available.
field string Adds a private String field to an existing Java source file.
finder add Installs a finder in the given target (must be an entity).
This command needs an existing repository for the target
entity, you can create it with `repository jpa` command. The
finder will be added to targeted entity associated
repository and associated service if exists or when it will
be created.
focus Changes Roo Shell focus to a different type in the project.
help Shows a summary of all Spring Roo commands.
hint Provides step-by-step hints and context-sensitive guidance.
interface Creates a new Java interface source file in any project
jms receiver Creates an JMS receiver.
jms sender Creates an JMS sender.
jpa audit add Adds support for auditing a JPA entity. This will add JPA
and Spring listeners to this entity to record the entity
jpa audit setup Installs audit support into your project, preparing it to
audit entity changes.
jpa setup Installs or updates a JPA persistence provider in your
project. User can execute this command for diferent profiles
with different persistence configurations.
metadata cache Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type.
metadata for id Shows detailed information about the metadata item.
metadata for module Shows the ProjectMetadata for the indicated project module.
metadata for type Shows detailed metadata for the indicated type.
metadata status Shows metadata statistics of the current project.
metadata trace Traces metadata event delivery notifications.
module create Creates a new Maven module in current *multimodule* project.
module focus Changes Roo Shell focus to a different project module, when
in a multimodule project.
process manager debug
Indicates if process manager debugging is desired. It is
only available if 'addon development mode' is true.
project scan now Performs a manual file system scan, calling thread monitors
and checking that all files are updated.
project scan speed Changes the time inteval between file system scans.
project scan status Displays file system scanning information such as the time
lasted for last scan and scanning frequency.
project setup Creates a new Maven project.
property add Adds or updates a particular property from application
config properties file.
property list Lists all properties from an application config properties
property remove Removes a particular property from application config
properties file.
push-in Allows to push-in elements declared in the ITDs to its .java
files. You could specify `--all` option to apply push-in on
every component of generated project, or you could define
any package, class or method to apply push-in, combining
quit Waits until all metadata and files are refreshed and
updated, then exits the shell. You can also use `exit`
reference guide Writes the reference guide XML fragments (in DocBook format)
into the current working directory. It is only available if
'development mode' is `true`.
repository jpa Generates new Spring Data repository for specified entity or
for all entities in generated project.
script Parses the specified resource file and executes its Roo
commands. You can as well execute _*.roo_ example scripts in
the Roo classpath. Ex.: `script --file clinic.roo`.
security authorize Includes `@PreAuthorize` annotation to an specific method
for controlling access to its invocation.
security filtering Include `@PreFilter`/`@PostFilter` annotation to an specific
method to filter results of a method invocation based on an
security setup Install Spring Security into your project.
service Creates new service interface and its implementation related
to an entity, or for all the entities in generated project,
with some basic management methods by using Spring Data
repository methods.
settings add Adds or updates a Roo project setting, which can modify the
configuration of some commands acting in the current
project. These settings are located in
settings list Lists all settings added into Roo project configuration.
These settings are located in
settings remove Removes a specific setting from Roo project configuration.
Use 'settings list' to see the Roo settings added to the
system properties Shows the shell's properties such as if 'addon development
mode' is enabled, JVM version, file encoding...
test integration Creates a new integration test class for the specified
class. The generated test class will contain a basic
structure and the necessary testing components.
test unit Creates a unit test class with a basic structure and with
the necessary testing components, for the specified class.
version Displays Roo Shell banner and version.
web flow Installs a Spring Web Flow into your project.
web mvc controller Generates new `@RooController's` in the directory
_src/main/java_ of the selected project module (if any). The
generated controllers should manage specific entities in the
web mvc detail Generates new `@RooController` for relation fields which
detail wants to be managed. It must be a `@OneToMany` field.
Generated controllers will have `@RooDetail` with info about
the parent entity and the parent views where the detail will
be displayed.
web mvc exception handler
Adds methods to handle an application exception in a
specified controller or a class annotated with
web mvc finder Publishes existing finders to web layer, generating
controllers and additional views for them. It adds
`@RooWebFinder` annotation to MVC controller type.
web mvc language Installs new language in generated project views. Also,
could be used to specify the default language of the
web mvc setup Includes Spring MVC configuration on generated project.
Needed for several MVC related commands.
web mvc templates setup
Includes view generation templates on current project. Will
allow developers to customize view generation by modifying
the templates from _[PROJECT-ROOT]/.roo/templates/..._
web mvc view setup Includes all necessary resources of provided response type
on generated project. This response type will be needed by
`web mvc controller`, `web mvc detail` and `web mvc
templates setup` commands.
ws client Generates a new Web Service client by the provided WSDL
ws endpoint Generates a new Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) and its
** Type 'hint' (without the quotes) and hit ENTER for step-by-step guidance **
roo> hint
Welcome to Roo! We hope you enjoy your stay!
Before you can use many features of Roo, you need to start a new project.
To do this, type 'project setup' (without the quotes) and then hit TAB.
Enter a --topLevelPackage like 'com.mycompany.projectname' (no quotes).
When you've finished completing your --topLevelPackage, press ENTER.
Your new project will then be created in the current working directory.
Note that Roo frequently allows the use of TAB, so press TAB regularly.
Once your project is created, type 'hint' and ENTER for the next suggestion.
You're also welcome to visit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/spring-roo
for Roo help.