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Cody LindleyJavaScript启发


JavaScript Guru Douglas Crockford famously said "JavaScript is the only language people feel like they don't need to learn to use." A quote that will surely provide a laugh, but it's funny because it's true. What furthers this sentiment is that JavaScript frameworks like jQuery have turned JavaScript into a language different than what it truly is, and has made client-side coding so easy that there's sometimes no need to really learn JavaScript. Anyone worth their salt, however, knows that in order to expertly and efficiently use any tool, you have to start with the basics.

JavaScript专家Douglas Crockford曾说过:“ JavaScript是人们唯一不需要学习使用的语言。” 这句话肯定会带来笑声,但很有趣,因为它是真的。 这种情绪进一步加剧了像jQuery这样JavaScript框架,使JavaScript变成了一种与其真正的语言不同的语言,并使客户端编码变得如此容易,以至于有时不需要真正学习 JavaScript。 但是,任何人只要花点时间就能知道,要熟练而有效地使用任何工具,就必须从基础开始。

That's where JavaScript Enlightenment comes in. JavaScript Enlightenment is an outstanding book by Cody Lindley, one of several members of the jQuery team. I'll let book's description speak for itself:

这就是JavaScript的启蒙进来。JavaScript的启蒙运动是一个优秀的书科迪林德利,jQuery开发团队的一些成员之一。 我让本书的描述说明一切:

This book is not about JavaScript design patterns or implementing an object-oriented paradigm with JavaScript code. It was not written to distinguish the good features of the JavaScript language from the bad. It is not meant to be a complete reference guide. It is not targeted at people new to programming or those completely new to JavaScript. Nor is this a cookbook of JavaScript recipes. Those books have been written. It was my intention to write a book to give the reader an accurate JavaScript worldview through an examination of native JavaScript objects and supporting nuances: complex values, primitive values, scope, inheritance, the head object, etc. I intend this book to be a short and digestible summary of the ECMA-262, Edition 3 specification, focused on the nature of objects in JavaScript.

本书不是关于JavaScript设计模式,也不是关于使用JavaScript代码实现面向对象的范例。 它并不是为了区分JavaScript语言的优缺点而编写的。 它并不意味着要成为完整的参考指南。 它不针对编程新手或JavaScript新手。 这也不是JavaScript食谱的食谱。 这些书已经写好了。 我打算写一本书,通过检查原生JavaScript对象和支持的细微差别(包括复杂值,原始值,作用域,继承,头对象等),为读者提供准确JavaScript世界观。 ECMA-262,第3版规范的简短摘要,着重于JavaScript对象的性质。

In short, JavaScript Enlightment takes JavaScript back to its basics. The chapter summary is really drives that point home:

简而言之, JavaScript Enlightment使JavaScript回归了基础。 本章的总结实际上是将这一点带回家的原因:

  1. Constructing Objects

  2. Working with Objects and Properties

  3. Object()

  4. Function()

  5. The Head/Global Object

  6. The this Keyword

  7. Scope and Closures

  8. Prototype Property

  9. Array()

  10. String()

  11. Number()

  12. Boolean()

  13. Null

  14. Undefined

  15. Math Function


There are a couple of things I really enjoyed about Cody's writing style:


  • Many authors write in a way to reinforce that they're the smartest guy in the room. What people like them don't understand is that eager-to-learn developers have already bought the book: they trust that you're the expert, so you don't have to use advanced verbiage to look intelligent. Cody skips that ego-centric exercise, explaining JavaScript concepts in Layman's terms.

    许多作者以某种方式强调自己是会议室中最聪明的人。 像他们这样的人不理解的是,渴望学习的开发人员已经购买了这本书:他们相信您是专家,因此您不必使用高级词汇就能显得聪明。 Cody跳过了以自我为中心的练习,以Layman的术语解释了JavaScript概念。
  • Each section covers one JavaScript object/concept, so the book is very focused. Too often development books bleed into and out of topics without true explanation.

    每个部分都涵盖一个JavaScript对象/概念,因此本书非常集中。 在没有真正解释的情况下,开发书籍经常流失主题。
  • Lindley's book is packed full of code examples; if you're anything like me, code examples tell you as much if not more than plan text. Every person has their own style of leaning, but there's nothing like a solid code example you can play around with.

    Lindley的书中挤满了代码示例。 如果您像我一样,代码示例告诉您的内容不只是计划文本。 每个人都有自己的学习风格,但是没有什么可以像一个坚实的代码示例那样玩。

The books itself, when it comes to topics covered, is great for beginners and intermediates a like; there's a lot of learning and reinforcing of core JavaScript concepts. Each code snippet provides a link to a working version of the code, which comes in handy if you want to quickly tinker with such code. Lastly, there's plenty of personality in Lindley's book; it's not simply a reference to flick through -- designers and developers will enjoy reading JavaScript Enlightenment.

对于涉及的主题,书籍本身对于初学者和中级者都非常有用。 有很多关于JavaScript核心概念的学习和增强。 每个代码段都提供了指向该代码工作版本的链接,如果您想快速修改此类代码,该链接将非常有用。 最后,林德利的书中有很多个性。 它不仅是快速浏览的参考,而且设计人员和开发人员将喜欢阅读JavaScript启发

Cody Lindley's JavaScript Enlightenment is an essential resource for any designer or developer looking to to understand JavaScript at its core, regardless of skill level or JavaScript framework. Lindley's ability to explain key JavaScript concepts with realistic, useful code examples is what really makes JavaScript Enlightenment shine. Don't be a slave to your JavaScript framework, because copy'n'paste is no way to go through a development life! Get enlightened by JavaScript Enlightenment!

对于想了解其核心JavaScript的任何设计人员或开发人员,无论技能水平或JavaScript框架如何,Cody Lindley的JavaScript启发都是必不可少的资源。 Lindley用逼真的有用的代码示例解释关键JavaScript概念的能力真正使JavaScript Enlightenment脱颖而出。 不要成为您JavaScript框架的奴隶,因为copy'n'paste不可能贯穿整个开发过程! 受到JavaScript启发的启发

翻译自: https://davidwalsh.name/javascript-enlightenment
