You also need to include jquery.d.ts in order to access and manipulate typed jQuery objects. This will allow you to access your slider in the typical jQuery way. For example:
/* Initialize slider with ID 'my_slider'. */
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: 0,
change: (event: Event, ui) => {
/* Update as desired. */
In this example, the type for $('#my_slider') is defined in jquery.d.ts, and all the relevant slider functions and such are defined in jqueryui.d.ts.
Just to finish off the example, in your HTML, you'll want something like:
EDIT: I think this is a bug. Even with the following:
var my_slider : JQueryUI.Slider = $('#my_slider').slider;
It still doesn't register the type information for slide.
Here's a hack-ish fix. Replace the SliderUIParams interface (line 442 in jqueryui.d.ts) with an actual interface:
interface SliderUIParams {
value: number;
values?: number[];
handle: JQuery;
Then, in your slider call, statically type your arugments, e.g.:
slide: (event: Event, ui: JQueryUI.SliderUIParams) => {