typescript html ui,jQuery UI widgets in TypeScript


You also need to include jquery.d.ts in order to access and manipulate typed jQuery objects. This will allow you to access your slider in the typical jQuery way. For example:

/* Initialize slider with ID 'my_slider'. */


min: 0,

max: 100,

value: 0,

change: (event: Event, ui) => {

/* Update as desired. */



In this example, the type for $('#my_slider') is defined in jquery.d.ts, and all the relevant slider functions and such are defined in jqueryui.d.ts.

Just to finish off the example, in your HTML, you'll want something like:

EDIT: I think this is a bug. Even with the following:

var my_slider : JQueryUI.Slider = $('#my_slider').slider;




It still doesn't register the type information for slide.

Here's a hack-ish fix. Replace the SliderUIParams interface (line 442 in jqueryui.d.ts) with an actual interface:

interface SliderUIParams {

value: number;

values?: number[];

handle: JQuery;


Then, in your slider call, statically type your arugments, e.g.:

slide: (event: Event, ui: JQueryUI.SliderUIParams) => {





