Text-Mining-DataCamp-Text Mining: Bag of Words


Text-Mining-DataCamp-Text Mining: Bag of Words

1. Jumping into Text Mining with Bag of Words

1.1 What is text mining? (video)
1.2 Understanding text mining
1.3 Quick taste of text mining

We’ve created an object in your workspace called new_text containing several sentences.

  • Load the qdap package.
  • Print new_text to the console.
  • Create term_count consisting of the 10 most frequent terms in new_text.
  • Plot a bar chart with the results of term_count.
# Load qdap

# Print new_text to the console

# Find the 10 most frequent terms: term_count
term_count <- freq_terms(new_text, 10)

# Plot term_count
1.4 Getting started (video)
1.5 Load some text

The data has been loaded for you and is available in coffee_data_file.

  • Create a new object tweets using read.csv() on the file coffee_data_file, which contains tweets mentioning coffee. Remember to add stringsAsFactors = FALSE!
  • Examine the tweets object using str() to determine which column has the text you’ll want to analyze.
  • Make a new coffee_tweets object using only the text column you identified earlier. To do so, use the $ operator and column name.


# Import text data
tweets <- read.csv('https://assets.datacamp.com/production/course_935/datasets/coffee.csv', stringsAsFactors = F)

# View the structure of tweets

# Isolate text from tweets: coffee_tweets
coffee_tweets <- tweets$text
1.6 Make the vector a VCorpus object (1)


  • Load the tm package.
  • Create a Source object from the coffee_tweets vector. Call this new object coffee_source.
# Load tm

# Make a vector source from coffee_tweets
coffee_source <- VectorSource(coffee_tweets)
1.7 Make the vector a VCorpus object (2)


  • Call the VCorpus() function on the coffee_source object to create coffee_corpus.
  • Verify coffee_corpus is a VCorpus object by printing it to the console.
  • Print the 15th element of coffee_corpus to the console to verify that it’s a PlainTextDocument that contains the content and metadata of the 15th tweet. Use double bracket subsetting.
  • Print the content of the 15th tweet in coffee_corpus. Use double brackets to select the proper tweet, followed by single brackets to extract the content of that tweet.
  • Print the content() of the 10th tweet within coffee_corpus
## coffee_source is already in your workspace

# Make a volatile corpus: coffee_corpus
coffee_corpus <- VCorpus(coffee_source)

# Print out coffee_corpus

# Print the 15th tweet in coffee_corpus

# Print the contents of the 15th tweet in coffee_corpus

# Now use content to review plain text of the 10th tweet
1.8 Make a VCorpus from a data frame

In your workspace, there’s a simple data frame called example_text with the correct column names and some metadata. There is also vec_corpus which is a volatile corpus made with VectorSource()

  • Create df_source using DataframeSource() with the example_text.
  • Create df_corpus by converting df_source to a volatile corpus object with VCorpus().
  • Print out df_corpus. Notice how many documents it contains and the number of retained document level metadata points.
  • Use meta() on df_corpus to print the document associated metadata.
  • Examine the pre-loaded vec_corpus object. Compare the number of documents to df_corpus.
  • Use meta() on vec_corpus to compare any metadata found between vec_corpus and df_corpus.
# Create a DataframeSource from the example text
df_source <- DataframeSource(example_text)

# Convert df_source to a volatile corpus
df_corpus <- VCorpus(df_source)

# Examine df_corpus

# Examine df_corpus metadata

# Compare the number of documents in the vector source

# Compare metadata in the vector corpus
1.9 Cleaning and preprocessing text (video)
1.10 Common cleaning functions from tm

Apply each of the following functions to text, simply printing results to the console:

  • tolower()
  • removePunctuation()
  • removeNumbers()
  • stripWhitespace()
# Create the object: text
text <- "<b>She</b> woke up at       6 A.M. It\'s so early!  She was only 10% awake and began drinking coffee in front of her computer."

# Make lowercase

# Remove punctuation

# Remove numbers

# Remove whitespace
1.11 Cleaning with qdap

Apply the following functions to the text object from the previous exercise:

  • bracketX()
  • replace_number()
  • replace_abbreviation()
  • replace_contraction()
  • replace_symbol()
## text is still loaded in your workspace

# Remove text within brackets

# Replace numbers with words

# Replace abbreviations

# Replace contractions

# Replace symbols with words
1.12 All about stop words


  • Review standard stop words by calling stopwords("en").
  • Remove “en” stopwords from text.
  • Add “coffee” and “bean” to the standard stop words, assigning to new_stops.
  • Remove the customized stopwords, new_stops, from text.
## text is preloaded into your workspace

# List standard English stop words

# Print text without standard stop words
removeWords(text, stopwords("en"))

# Add "coffee" and "bean" to the list: new_stops
new_stops <- c("coffee", "bean", stopwords("en"))

# Remove stop words from text
removeWords(text, new_stops)
1.13 Intro to word stemming and stem completion


  • Create a vector called complicate consisting of the words “complicated”, “complication”, and “complicatedly” in that order.
  • Store the stemmed version of complicate to an object called stem_doc.
  • Create comp_dict that contains one word, “complicate”.
  • Create complete_text by applying stemCompletion() to stem_doc. Re-complete the words using comp_dict as the reference corpus.
  • Print complete_text to the console.
# Create complicate
complicate <- c("complicated", "complication", "complicatedly")

# Perform word stemming: stem_doc
stem_doc <- stemDocument(complicate)

# Create the completion dictionary: comp_dict
comp_dict <- c("complicate")

# Perform stem completion: complete_text 
complete_text <- stemCompletion(stem_doc, comp_dict)

# Print complete_text
1.14 Word stemming and stem completion on a sentence

The document text_data and the completion dictionary comp_dict are loaded in your workspace.

  • Remove the punctuation marks in text_data using removePunctuation(), assigning to rm_punc.
  • Call strsplit() on rm_punc with the split argument set equal to " ". Nest this inside unlist(), assigning to n_char_vec.
  • Use stemDocument() again to perform word stemming on n_char_vec, assigning to stem_doc.
  • Create complete_doc by re-completing your stemmed document with stemCompletion() and using comp_dict as your reference corpus.

Are stem_doc and complete_doc what you expected?

# Remove punctuation: rm_punc
rm_punc <- removePunctuation(text_data)

# Create character vector: n_char_vec
n_char_vec <- unlist(strsplit(rm_punc, split = ' '))

# Perform word stemming: stem_doc
stem_doc <- stemDocument(n_char_vec) 

# Print stem_doc

# Re-complete stemmed document: complete_doc
complete_doc <- stemCompletion(stem_doc, comp_dict)

# Print complete_doc
1.15 Apply preprocessing steps to a corpus

Instruction 1:

  • Edit the custom function clean_corpus() in the sample code to apply (in order):
    • tm's removePunctuation().
    • Base R’s tolower().
    • Append "mug" to the stop words list.
    • tm's stripWhitespace().
# Alter the function code to match the instructions
clean_corpus <- function(corpus) {
  # Remove punctuation
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
  # Transform to lower case
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
  # Add more stopwords
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, words = c(stopwords("en"), "coffee", "mug"))
  # Strip whitespace
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, stripWhitespace)

Instruction 2:

  • Create clean_corp by applying clean_corpus() to the included corpus tweet_corp.
  • Print the cleaned 227th tweet in clean_corp using indexing [[227]] and content().
  • Compare it to the original tweet from tweets$text tweet using [227].
# Alter the function code to match the instructions
clean_corpus <- function(corpus){
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removePunctuation)
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, content_transformer(tolower))
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, removeWords, words = c(stopwords("en"), "coffee", "mug"))
  corpus <- tm_map(corpus, stripWhitespace)

# Apply your customized function to the tweet_corp: clean_corp
clean_corp <- clean_corpus(tweet_corp)

# Print out a cleaned up tweet

# Print out the same tweet in original form
1.16 The TDM & DTM (video)
1.17 Understanding TDM and DTM
1.18 Make a document-term matrix


  • Create coffee_dtm by applying DocumentTermMatrix() to clean_corp.
  • Create coffee_m, a matrix version of coffee_dtm, using as.matrix().
  • Print the dimensions of coffee_m to the console using the dim() function. Note the number of rows and columns.
  • Print the subset of coffee_m containing documents (rows) 25 through 35 and terms (columns) "star" and "starbucks".
# Create the document-term matrix from the corpus
coffee_dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(clean_corp)

# Print out coffee_dtm data

# Convert coffee_dtm to a matrix: coffee_m
coffee_m <- as.matrix(coffee_dtm)

# Print the dimensions of coffee_m

# Review a portion of the matrix to get some Starbucks
coffee_m[25:35, c("star", "starbucks")]
1.19 Make a term-document matrix


  • Create coffee_tdm by applying TermDocumentMatrix() to clean_corp.
  • Create coffee_m by converting coffee_tdm to a matrix using as.matrix().
  • Print the dimensions of coffee_m to the console. Note the number of rows and columns.
  • Print the subset of coffee_m containing terms (rows) "star" and "starbucks" and documents (columns) 25 through 35.
# Create a term-document matrix from the corpus
coffee_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(clean_corp)

# Print coffee_tdm data

# Convert coffee_tdm to a matrix: coffee_m
coffee_m <- as.matrix(coffee_tdm)

# Print the dimensions of the matrix

# Review a portion of the matrix
coffee_m[c("star", "starbucks"), 25:35]

2. Word Clouds and More Interesting Visuals

2.1 Common text mining visuals (video)
2.2 Test your understanding of text mining
2.3 Frequent terms with tm


  • Create coffee_m as a matrix using the term-document matrix coffee_tdm from the last chapter.
  • Create term_frequency using the rowSums() function on coffee_m.
  • Sort term_frequency in descending order and store the result in term_frequency.
  • Use single square bracket subsetting, i.e. using only one [, to print the top 10 terms from term_frequency.
  • Make a barplot of the top 10 terms.
## coffee_tdm is still loaded in your workspace

# Convert coffee_tdm to a matrix
coffee_m <- as.matrix(coffee_tdm)

# Calculate the row sums of coffee_m
term_frequency <- rowSums(coffee_m)

# Sort term_frequency in decreasing order
term_frequency <- sort(term_frequency, decreasing = T)

# View the top 10 most common words

# Plot a barchart of the 10 most common words
barplot(term_frequency[1:10], col = "tan", las = 2)
2.4 Frequent terms with qdap

Instruction 1:

  • Create frequency using the freq_terms() function on tweets$text. Include arguments to accomplish the following:
    • Limit to the top 10 terms.
    • At least 3 letters per term.
    • Use "Top200Words" to define stop words.
  • Produce a plot() of the frequency object. Compare it to the plot you produced in the previous exercise.
# Create frequency
frequency <- freq_terms(
  top = 10, 
  at.least = 3, 
  stopwords = "Top200Words"

# Make a frequency barchart

Instruction 2:

  • Again, create frequency using the freq_terms() function on tweets$text. Include the following arguments:
    • Limit to the top 10 terms.
    • At least 3 letters per term.
    • This time use stopwords("english") to define stop words.
  • Produce a plot() of frequency. Compare it to the plot of frequency. Do certain words change based on the stop words criterion?
# Create frequency
frequency <- freq_terms(tweets$text,
  top = 10,
  at.least = 3, 
  stopwords = stopwords("english")

# Make a frequency barchart
2.5 Intro to word clouds (video)
2.6 A simple word cloud


  • Load the wordcloud package.
  • Print out first 10 entries in term_frequency.
  • Extract the terms using names() on term_frequency. Call the vector of strings terms_vec.
  • Create a wordcloud() using terms_vec as the words, and term_frequency as the values. Add the parameters max.words = 50 and colors = "red".
# Load wordcloud package

# Print the first 10 entries in term_frequency

# Vector of terms
terms_vec <- names(term_frequency)

# Create a wordcloud for the values in word_freqs
wordcloud(terms_vec, term_frequency, max.words = 50, colors = "red")
2.7 Stop words and word clouds


  • Apply content() to the 24th document in chardonnay_corp.
  • Append "chardonnay" to the English stopwords, assigning to stops.
  • Examine the last 6 words in stops.
  • Create cleaned_chardonnay_corp with tm_map() by passing in the chardonnay_corp, the function removeWords and finally the stopwords, stops.
  • Now examine the content of the 24 tweet again to compare results.
# Review a "cleaned" tweet

# Add to stopwords
stops <- c(stopwords(kind = 'en'), 'chardonnay')

# Review last 6 stopwords 

# Apply to a corpus
cleaned_chardonnay_corp <- tm_map(chardonnay_corp, removeWords, stops)

# Review a "cleaned" tweet again
2.8 Plot the better word cloud


We’ve loaded the wordcloud package for you behind the scenes and will do so for all additional exercises requiring it.

  • Sort the values in chardonnay_words with decreasing = TRUE. Save as sorted_chardonnay_words.
  • Look at the top 6 words in sorted_chardonnay_words and their values.
  • Create terms_vec using names() on chardonnay_words.
  • Pass terms_vec and chardonnay_words into the wordcloud() function. Review what other words pop out now that “chardonnay” is removed.
# Sort the chardonnay_words in descending order
sorted_chardonnay_words <- sort(chardonnay_words, decreasing = TRUE)

# Print the 6 most frequent chardonnay terms

# Get a terms vector
terms_vec <- names(chardonnay_words)

# Create a wordcloud for the values in word_freqs
wordcloud(terms_vec, chardonnay_words, max.words = 50, colors = "red")
2.9 Improve word cloud colors


  • Call the colors() function to list all basic colors.
  • Create a wordcloud() using the predefined chardonnay_freqs with the colors “grey80”, “darkgoldenrod1”, and “tomato”. Include the top 100 terms using max.words.
# Print the list of colors

# Print the wordcloud with the specified colors
          max.words = 100, 
          colors = c("grey80","darkgoldenrod1", "tomato"))
2.10 Use prebuilt color palettes


  • Use cividis() to select 5 colors in an object called color_pal.
  • Review the hexadecimal colors by printing color_pal to your console.
  • Create a wordcloud() from the chardonnay_freqs term and num columns. Include the top 100 terms using max.words, and set the colors to your palette, color_pal.
# Select 5 colors 
color_pal <- cividis(5)

# Examine the palette output

# Create a wordcloud with the selected palette
          max.words = 100, 
          colors = color_pal)
2.11 Other word clouds and word networks (video)
2.12 Find common words


  • Create all_coffee by using paste() with collapse = " " on coffee_tweets$text.
  • Create all_chardonnay by using paste() with collapse = " " on chardonnay_tweets$text.
  • Create all_tweets using c() to combine all_coffee and all_chardonnay. Make all_coffee the first term.
  • Convert all_tweets using VectorSource().
  • Create all_corpus by using VCorpus() on all_tweets.
# Create all_coffee
all_coffee=paste(coffee_tweets$text,collapse=" ")

# Create all_chardonnay
all_chardonnay=paste(chardonnay_tweets$text,collapse=" ")

# Create all_tweets

# Convert to a vector source

# Create all_corpus
2.13 Visualize common words


  • Create all_clean by applying the predefined clean_corpus() function to all_corpus.
  • Create all_tdm, a TermDocumentMatrix from all_clean.
  • Create all_m by converting all_tdm to a matrix object.
  • Create a commonality.cloud() from all_m with max.words = 100 and colors = "steelblue1".
# Clean the corpus
all_clean <- clean_corpus(all_corpus)

# Create all_tdm
all_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(all_clean)

# Create all_m
all_m <- as.matrix(all_tdm)

# Print a commonality cloud
commonality.cloud(all_m, max.words = 100, colors = "steelblue1")
2.14 Visualize dissimilar words


all_corpus is preloaded in your workspace.

  • Create all_clean by applying the predefined clean_corpus function to all_corpus.
  • Create all_tdm, a TermDocumentMatrix, from all_clean.
  • Use colnames() to rename each distinct corpora within all_tdm. Name the first column “coffee” and the second column “chardonnay”.
  • Create all_m by converting all_tdm into matrix form.
  • Create a comparison.cloud() using all_m, with colors = c("orange", "blue") and max.words = 50.
# Clean the corpus
all_clean <- clean_corpus(all_corpus)

# Create all_tdm
all_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(all_clean)

# Give the columns distinct names
colnames(all_tdm) <- c("coffee", "chardonnay")

# Create all_m
all_m <- as.matrix(all_tdm)

# Create comparison cloud
                 colors = c("orange", "blue"),
                 max.words = 50)
2.15 Polarized tag cloud

Instruction 1:

  • Convert all_tdm_m to a data frame. Set the rownames to a column named "word".
  • Filter to keep rows where all columns are greater than zero, using the syntax . > 0.
  • Add a column named difference, equal to the count in the chardonnay column minus the count in the coffee column.
  • Filter to keep the top 25 rows by difference.
  • Arrange the rows by desc()ending order of difference.
top25_df <- all_tdm_m %>%
  # Convert to data frame
  as_data_frame(rownames = "word") %>% 
  # Keep rows where word appears everywhere
  filter_all(all_vars(. > 0)) %>% 
  # Get difference in counts
  mutate(difference = chardonnay - coffee) %>% 
  # Keep rows with biggest difference
  top_n(25, wt = difference) %>% 
  # Arrange by descending difference

Instruction 2:

  • Set the left count to the chardonnay column.
  • Set the right count to the coffee column.
  • Set the labels to the word column.
top25_df <- all_tdm_m %>%
  # Convert to data frame
  as_data_frame(rownames = "word") %>% 
  # Keep rows where word appears everywhere
  filter_all(all_vars(. > 0)) %>% 
  # Get difference in counts
  mutate(difference = chardonnay - coffee) %>% 
  # Keep rows with biggest difference
  top_n(25, wt = difference) %>% 
  # Arrange by descending difference
  # Chardonnay counts
  # Coffee counts
  # Words
  labels = top25_df$word, 
  top.labels = c("Chardonnay", "Words", "Coffee"), 
  main = "Words in Common", 
  unit = NULL,
  gap = 8,
2.16 Visualize word networks


Update the word_associate() plotting code to work with the coffee data.

  • Change the vector to coffee_tweets$text.
  • Change the match string to "barista".
  • Change "chardonnay" to "coffee" in the stopwords too.
  • Change the title to "Barista Coffee Tweet Associations" in the sample code for the plot.
# Word association
word_associate(coffee_tweets$text, match.string = "barista", 
               stopwords = c(Top200Words, "coffee", "amp"), 
               network.plot = TRUE, cloud.colors = c("gray85", "darkred"))

# Add title
title(main = "Barista Coffee Tweet Associations")
2.17 Teaser simple word clustering


A hierarchical cluster object, hc, has been created for you from the coffee tweets.

Create a dendrogram using plot() on hc.

# Plot a dendrogram

3. Adding to Your tm Skills

3.1 Simple word clustering (video)
3.2 Test your understanding of text mining
3.3 Distance matrix and dendrogram

The data frame rain has been preloaded in your workspace.

  • Create dist_rain by using the dist() function on the values in the second column of rain.
  • Print the dist_rain matrix to the console.
  • Create hc by performing a cluster analysis, using hclust() on dist_rain.
  • plot() the hc object with labels = rain$city to add the city names.
# Create dist_rain
dist_rain <- dist(rain[, 2])

# View the distance matrix

# Create hc
hc <- hclust(dist_rain)

# Plot hc
plot(hc, labels = rain$city)
3.4 Make a dendrogram friendly TDM


tweets_tdm has been created using the chardonnay tweets.

  • Print the dimensions of tweets_tdm to the console.
  • Create tdm1 using removeSparseTerms() with sparse = 0.95 on tweets_tdm.
  • Create tdm2 using removeSparseTerms() with sparse = 0.975 on tweets_tdm.
  • Print tdm1 to the console to see how many terms are left.
  • Print tdm2 to the console to see how many terms are left.
# Print the dimensions of tweets_tdm

# Create tdm1
tdm1 <- removeSparseTerms(tweets_tdm, sparse = 0.95)

# Create tdm2
tdm2 <- removeSparseTerms(tweets_tdm, sparse = 0.975)

# Print tdm1

# Print tdm2
3.5 Put it all together: a tea based dendrogram


  • Create tweets_tdm2 by applying removeSparseTerms() on tweets_tdm. Use sparse = 0.975.
  • Create tdm_m by using as.matrix() on tweets_tdm2 to convert it to matrix form.
  • Create tweets_dist containing the distances of tdm_m using the dist() function.
  • Create a hierarchical cluster object called hc using hclust() on tweets_dist.
    Make a dendrogram with plot() and hc.
# Create tweets_tdm2
tweets_tdm2 <- removeSparseTerms(tweets_tdm, sparse = 0.975)

# Create tdm_m
tdm_m <- as.matrix(tweets_tdm2)

# Create tweets_dist
tweets_dist <- dist(tdm_m)

# Create hc
hc <- hclust(tweets_dist)

# Plot the dendrogram
3.6 Dendrogram aesthetics


The dendextend package has been loaded for you, and a hierarchical cluster object, hc, was created from tweets_dist.

  • Create hcd as a dendrogram using as.dendrogram() on hc.
  • Print the labels of hcd to the console.
  • Use branches_attr_by_labels() to color the branches. Pass it three arguments: the hcd object, c("marvin", "gaye"), and the color "red". Assign to hcd_colored.
  • plot() the dendrogram hcd_colored with the title "Better Dendrogram", added using the main argument.
  • Add rectangles to the plot using rect.dendrogram(). Specify k = 2 clusters and a border color of "grey50".
# Create hcd
hcd <- as.dendrogram(hc)

# Print the labels in hcd

# Change the branch color to red for "marvin" and "gaye"
hcd_colored <- branches_attr_by_labels(hcd, c("marvin", "gaye"), color = "red")

# Plot hcd
plot(hcd_colored, main = "Better Dendrogram")

# Add cluster rectangles 
rect.dendrogram(hcd_colored, k = 2, border = "grey50")
3.7 Using word association


  • Create associations using findAssocs() on tweets_tdm to find terms associated with “venti”, which meet a minimum threshold of 0.2.
  • View the terms associated with “venti” by printing associations to the console.
  • Create associations_df, by calling list_vect2df(), passing associations, then setting col2 to "word" and col3 to "score".
  • Run the ggplot2 code to make a dot plot of the association values.
# Create associations
associations <- findAssocs(tweets_tdm, "venti", 0.2)

# View the venti associations

# Create associations_df
associations_df <- list_vect2df(associations, col2 = "word", col3 = "score")

# Plot the associations_df values
ggplot(associations_df, aes(score, word)) + 
  geom_point(size = 3) + 
3.8 Getting past single words (video)
3.9 N-gram tokenization
3.10 Changing n-grams


A corpus has been preprocessed as before using the chardonnay tweets. The resulting object text_corp is available in your workspace.

  • Create a tokenizer function like the above which creates 2-word bigrams.
  • Make unigram_dtm by calling DocumentTermMatrix() on text_corp without using the tokenizer() function.
  • Make bigram_dtm using DocumentTermMatrix() on text_corp with the tokenizer() function you just made.
  • Examine unigram_dtm and bigram_dtm. Which has more terms?
# Make tokenizer function 
tokenizer <- function(x)
  NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = 2, max = 2))

# Create unigram_dtm
unigram_dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(text_corp)

# Create bigram_dtm
bigram_dtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(
  control = list(tokenize = tokenizer))

# Print unigram_dtm

# Print bigram_dtm
3.11 How do bigrams affect word clouds?

The chardonnay tweets have been cleaned and organized into a DTM called bigram_dtm.

  • Create bigram_dtm_m by converting bigram_dtm to a matrix.
  • Create an object freq consisting of the word frequencies by applying colSums() on bigram_dtm_m.
  • Extract the character vector of word combinations with names(freq) and assign the result to bi_words.
  • Pass bi_words to str_subset() with the matching pattern "^marvin" to review all bigrams starting with “marvin”.
  • Plot a simple wordcloud() passing bi_words, freq and max.words = 15 into the function.
# Create bigram_dtm_m
bigram_dtm_m <- as.matrix(bigram_dtm)

# Create freq
freq <- colSums(bigram_dtm_m)

# Create bi_words
bi_words <- names(freq)

# Examine part of bi_words
str_subset(bi_words, pattern = "^marvin")

# Plot a wordcloud
wordcloud(bi_words, freq, max.words = 15)
3.12 Different frequency criteria (video)
3.13 Changing frequency weights

Instruction 1:

  • Create tdm, a term frequency-based TermDocumentMatrix() using text_corp.
  • Create tdm_m by converting tdm to matrix form.
  • Examine the term frequency for “coffee”, “espresso”, and “latte” in a few tweets. Subset tdm_m to get rows c("coffee", "espresso", "latte") and columns 161 to 166.
# Create a TDM
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(text_corp)

# Convert it to a matrix
tdm_m <- as.matrix(tdm)

# Examine part of the matrix
tdm_m[c("coffee", "espresso", "latte"), 161:166]

Instruction 2:

  • Edit the TermDocumentMatrix() to use TfIdf weighting. Pass control = list(weighting = weightTfIdf) as an argument to the function.
  • Run the code and compare the new scores to the first part of the exercise.
# Edit the controls to use Tfidf weighting
tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(text_corp, 
control = list(weighting = weightTfIdf))

# Convert to matrix again
tdm_m <- as.matrix(tdm)

# Examine the same part: how has it changed?
tdm_m[c("coffee", "espresso", "latte"), 161:166]
3.14 Capturing metadata in tm


  • Rename the first column of tweets to “doc_id”.
  • Set the document schema with DataframeSource() on the smaller tweets data frame.
  • Make the document collection a volatile corpus nested in the custom clean_corpus() function.
  • Apply content() to the first tweet with double brackets such as text_corpus[[1]] to see the cleaned plain text.
  • Confirm that all metadata was captured using the meta() function on the first document with single brackets.

Remember, when accessing part of a corpus the double or single brackets make a difference! For this exercise you will use double brackets with content() and single brackets with meta().

# Rename columns
names(tweets)[1] <- "doc_id"

# Set the schema: docs
docs <- DataframeSource(tweets)

# Make a clean volatile corpus: text_corpus
text_corpus <- clean_corpus( VCorpus(docs))

# Examine the first doc content

# Access the first doc metadata

4. Battle of the Tech Giants for Talent

4.1 Amazon vs. Google (video)
4.2 Organizing a text mining project
4.3 Step 1: Problem definition
4.4 Step 2: Identifying the text sources


  • View the structure of amzn with str() to get its dimensions and a preview of the data.
  • Create amzn_pros from the positive reviews column amzn$pros.
  • Create amzn_cons from the negative reviews column amzn$cons.
  • Print the structure of goog with str() to get its dimensions and a preview of the data.
  • Create goog_pros from the positive reviews column goog$pros.
  • Create goog_cons from the negative reviews column goog$cons.
# Print the structure of amzn

# Create amzn_pros
amzn_pros <- amzn$pros

# Create amzn_cons
amzn_cons <- amzn$cons

# Print the structure of goog

# Create goog_pros
goog_pros <- goog$pros

# Create goog_cons
goog_cons <- goog$cons
4.5 Step 3:Text organization (video)
4.6 Text organization

Instruction 1:

  • Apply qdap_clean() to amzn_pros, assigning to qdap_cleaned_amzn_pros.
  • Create a vector source (VectorSource()) from qdap_cleaned_amzn_pros, then turn it into a volatile corpus (VCorpus()), assigning to amzn_p_corp.
  • Create amzn_pros_corp by applying tm_clean() to amzn_p_corp.
# qdap_clean the text
qdap_cleaned_amzn_pros <- qdap_clean(amzn_pros)

# Source and create the corpus
amzn_p_corp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(qdap_cleaned_amzn_pros))

# tm_clean the corpus
amzn_pros_corp <- tm_clean(amzn_p_corp)

Instruction 2:

  • Apply qdap_clean() to amzn_cons, assigning to qdap_cleaned_amzn_cons.
  • Create a vector source from qdap_cleaned_amzn_cons, then turn it into a volatile corpus, assigning to amzn_c_corp.
  • Create amzn_cons_corp by applying tm_clean() to amzn_c_corp.
# qdap_clean the text
qdap_cleaned_amzn_cons <- qdap_clean(amzn_cons)

# Source and create the corpus
amzn_c_corp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(qdap_cleaned_amzn_cons))

# tm_clean the corpus
amzn_cons_corp <- tm_clean(amzn_c_corp)
4.7 Working with Google reviews

Instruction 1:

  • Apply qdap_clean() to goog_pros, assigning to qdap_cleaned_goog_pros.
  • Create a vector source (VectorSource()) from qdap_cleaned_goog_pros, then turn it into a volatile corpus (VCorpus()), assigning to goog_p_corp.
  • Create goog_pros_corp by applying tm_clean() to goog_p_corp.
# qdap_clean the text
qdap_cleaned_goog_pros <- qdap_clean(goog_pros)

# Source and create the corpus
goog_p_corp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(qdap_cleaned_goog_pros))

# tm_clean the corpus
goog_pros_corp <- tm_clean(goog_p_corp)

Instruction 2:

  • Apply qdap_clean() to goog_cons, assigning to qdap_cleaned_goog_cons.
  • Create a vector source from qdap_cleaned_goog_cons, then turn it into a volatile corpus, assigning to goog_c_corp.
  • Create goog_cons_corp by applying tm_clean() to goog_c_corp.
# qdap clean the text
qdap_cleaned_goog_cons <- qdap_clean(goog_cons)

# Source and create the corpus
goog_c_corp <- VCorpus(VectorSource(qdap_cleaned_goog_cons))

# tm clean the corpus
goog_cons_corp <- tm_clean(goog_c_corp)
4.8 Steps 4 & 5: Feature extraction & analysis
4.9 Feature extraction & analysis: amzn_pros


  • Create amzn_p_tdm as a TermDocumentMatrix from amzn_pros_corp. Make sure to add control = list(tokenize = tokenizer) so that the terms are bigrams.
  • Create amzn_p_tdm_m from amzn_p_tdm by using the as.matrix() function.
  • Create amzn_p_freq to obtain the term frequencies from amzn_p_tdm_m.
  • Create a wordcloud() using names(amzn_p_freq) as the words, amzn_p_freq as their frequencies, and max.words = 25 and color = "blue" for aesthetics.
# Create amzn_p_tdm
amzn_p_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(
  control = list(tokenize = tokenizer)

# Create amzn_p_tdm_m
amzn_p_tdm_m <- as.matrix(amzn_p_tdm)

# Create amzn_p_freq
amzn_p_freq <- rowSums(amzn_p_tdm_m)

# Plot a wordcloud using amzn_p_freq values
  max.words = 25, 
  color = "blue")
4.10 Feature extraction & analysis: amzn_cons


Create amzn_c_tdm by converting amzn_cons_corp into a TermDocumentMatrix and incorporating the bigram function control = list(tokenize = tokenizer).
Create amzn_c_tdm_m as a matrix version of amzn_c_tdm.
Create amzn_c_freq by using rowSums() to get term frequencies from amzn_c_tdm_m.
Create a wordcloud() using names(amzn_c_freq) and the values amzn_c_freq. Use the arguments max.words = 25 and color = "red" as well.

# Create amzn_c_tdm
amzn_c_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(
  control = list(tokenize = tokenizer))

# Create amzn_c_tdm_m
amzn_c_tdm_m <- as.matrix(amzn_c_tdm)

# Create amzn_c_freq
amzn_c_freq <- rowSums(amzn_c_tdm_m)

# Plot a wordcloud of negative Amazon bigrams
wordcloud(names(amzn_c_freq), amzn_c_freq,
  max.words = 25, color = "red")
4.11 amzn_cons dendrogram


  • Create amzn_c_tdm as a TermDocumentMatrix using amzn_cons_corp with control = list(tokenize = tokenizer).
  • Print amzn_c_tdm to the console.
  • Create amzn_c_tdm2 by applying the removeSparseTerms() function to amzn_c_tdm with the sparse argument equal to .993.
  • Create hc, a hierarchical cluster object by nesting the distance matrix dist(amzn_c_tdm2) inside the hclust() function. Make sure to also pass method = "complete" to the hclust() function.
  • Plot hc to view the clustered bigrams and see how the concepts in the Amazon cons section may lead you to a conclusion.
# Create amzn_c_tdm
amzn_c_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(
  control = list(tokenize = tokenizer))

# Print amzn_c_tdm to the console

# Create amzn_c_tdm2 by removing sparse terms 
amzn_c_tdm2 <- removeSparseTerms(amzn_c_tdm, sparse = .993)

# Create hc as a cluster of distance values
hc <- hclust(
  d = dist(amzn_c_tdm2), method = "complete")

# Produce a plot of hc
4.12 Word association

The amzn_pros_corp corpus has been cleaned using the custom functions like before.

Construct a TDM called amzn_p_tdm from amzn_pros_corp and control = list(tokenize = tokenizer).
Create amzn_p_m by converting amzn_p_tdm to a matrix.
Create amzn_p_freq by applying rowSums() to amzn_p_m.
Create term_frequency using sort() on amzn_p_freq along with the argument decreasing = TRUE.
Examine the first 5 bigrams using term_frequency[1:5].
You may be surprised to see “fast paced” as a top term because it could be a negative term related to “long hours”. Look at the terms most associated with “fast paced”. Use findAssocs() on amzn_p_tdm to examine "fast paced" with a 0.2 cutoff.

# Create amzn_p_tdm
amzn_p_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(
  control = list(tokenize = tokenizer)

# Create amzn_p_m
amzn_p_m <- as.matrix(amzn_p_tdm)

# Create amzn_p_freq
amzn_p_freq <- rowSums(amzn_p_m)

# Create term_frequency
term_frequency <- sort(amzn_p_freq, decreasing = T)

# Print the 5 most common terms

# Find associations with fast paced
associations <- findAssocs(amzn_p_tdm, "fast paced", 0.2)
4.13 Quick review of Google reviews

The all_goog_corpus object consisting of Google pro and con reviews is loaded in your workspace.

Create all_goog_corp by cleaning all_goog_corpus with the predefined tm_clean() function.
Create all_tdm by converting all_goog_corp to a term-document matrix.
Create all_m by converting all_tdm to a matrix.
Construct a comparison.cloud() from all_m. Set max.words to 100. The colors argument is specified for you.

# Create all_goog_corp
all_goog_corp <- tm_clean(all_goog_corpus)

# Create all_tdm
all_tdm <- TermDocumentMatrix(all_goog_corp)

# Create all_m
all_m <- as.matrix(all_tdm)

# Build a comparison cloud
  colors = c("#F44336", "#2196f3"),
  max.words = 100)
4.14 Cage match! Amazon vs. Google pro reviews


  • Create common_words from all_tdm_df using dplyr functions.
    • filter() on the AmazonPro column for nonzero values.
    • Likewise filter the GooglePro column for nonzero values.
    • Then mutate() a new column, diff which is the abs (absolute) difference between the term frequencies columns.
  • Although we could have piped again, create top5_df by applying top_n to common_words to extract the top 5 values in the diff column. It will print to your console for review.
  • Create a pyramid.plot passing in top5_df$AmazonPro then top5_df$GooglePro and finally add labels with top5_df$terms.
# Filter to words in common and create an absolute diff column
common_words <- all_tdm_df %>% 
    AmazonPro != 0,
    GooglePro != 0
  ) %>%
  mutate(diff = abs(AmazonPro - GooglePro))

# Extract top 5 common bigrams
(top5_df <- top_n(common_words, 5))

# Create the pyramid plot
pyramid.plot(top5_df$AmazonPro, top5_df$GooglePro, 
             labels = top5_df$terms, gap = 12, 
             top.labels = c("Amzn", "Pro Words", "Goog"), 
             main = "Words in Common", unit = NULL)
4.15 Cage match, part 2! Negative reviews


  • Using top_n() on common_words, obtain the top 5 bigrams weighted on the diff column. The results of the new object will print to your console.
  • Create a pyramid.plot(). Pass in top5_df$AmazonNeg, top5_df$GoogleNeg, and labels = top5_df$terms. For better labeling, set
    • gap to 12.
    • top.labels to c("Amzn", "Neg Words", "Goog")

The main and unit arguments are set for you.

# Extract top 5 common bigrams
(top5_df <- top_n(common_words, 5, wt = diff))

# Create a pyramid plot
    # Amazon on the left
    # Google on the right
    # Use terms for labels
    labels = top5_df$terms,
    # Set the gap to 12
    gap = 12,
    # Set top.labels to "Amzn", "Neg Words" & "Goog"
    top.labels = c("Amzn", "Neg Words", "Goog"),
    main = "Words in Common", 
    unit = NULL
4.16 Step 6: Reach a conclusion (video)
4.17 Draw conclusions, insights, or recommendations


4.18 Draw another conclusion, insight, or recommendation


4.19 Finished!