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通配符 Globbing赏析


什么是 Globing?



Definition - What does Globbing mean?

Globbing is the process of using wildcard characters to request or evaluate sets of files with the same partial names or sets of characters. Users make the wildcard represent an unknown character or string to search for a wider set of filenames on a particular domain.



Techopedia explains Globbing

Two of the most common forms of globbing are using a question mark to represent a certain unnamed character in the file, and using an asterisk look for a continuous string of characters. But of these two methods, the asterisk method is probably more popular, and goes back to the popular use of PC-DOS command-line operating systems. In these systems, a user would enter a command to search the drive to return lists of filenames with the same extensions, or with the same partial titles. Since the file extension came after the dot in the file name, the user would get a list of all files with a given extension with a command like this:


On the other hand, users could look for partial titles by entering other characters with the asterisk on the left side of the dot – for example, for a list of executables with titles including the character set "run," the command would look like this:


Another use of globbing is in a certain kind of hacking that promotes a denial of service attack. Globbing requires quite a few resources on the part of the server to look for many different files in a large archive of files. Creating sufficiently vague globbing commands can essentially send the server running on a wild goose chase and deplete those resources.



扩展 wildcard 通配符 为 真实的文件。


  • 网络通配符;文件名代换;通配符扩展


有三种类型的模式: 通配符globbing),正则表达式,以及精确(exact)通配符模式 大部分人熟悉通配符,因为它被使用在DOS的文 …
...3. Shell的基本语法3.1. 变量3.2. 文件名代换Globbing):* ? []3.3. 命令代换:`或 $()3.4. 算术代换:$(())3.5. 转义字符\3.6. 单...
...件不存在则创建它,如果文件存在则追加输出至末尾处。 通配符扩展( globbing)。通配符的概念源自于正则表达式,使得解释器智能地处理 …




Globbing is the process of expanding a non-specific file name containing a wildcard character into a set of specific file names that exist in storage on a computer, server, or network. A wildcard is a symbol that can stand for one or more characters. The most common wildcard symbols are the question mark (?) for a single character and the asterisk (*) for a contiguous string of characters.


wildcard 的来历






在网球、羽毛球等职业体育比赛中,比赛正赛和资格赛的签表中都有一定数目的签位,根据排名优势,一些报名选手可以直接进入正赛或资格赛,组委会一般还会将外卡颁发给部分本土选手以及一些排名不够但有特殊情况的选手(如曾经的顶尖选手因伤休战而致排名不够、曾经在该项比赛中取得佳绩、在赛季表现特别抢眼等),使其有资格参加正赛或资格赛。总之, 外卡是向那些本来没有资格参加正赛或资格赛的优秀选手发出的,持有外卡就可以参加比赛了。




一滴或者一团, 可以匹配任意东西, 将一团或者一滴 替换为 真实东西的过程 叫globbing



美 [ɡlɑb]
英 [ɡlɒb]
  • n.一小滴;一小团
  • 网络球蛋白(globulin);展开通配符;一团
  • 1.
    一小滴;一小团a small amount of a liquid or substance in a round shape


glob (programming)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computer programming, in particular in a Unix-like environment, glob patterns specify sets of filenames with wildcard characters. For example, the Unix command mv *.txt textfiles/ moves (mv) all files with names ending in .txt from the current directory to the directory textfiles. Here, * is a wildcard standing for "any string of characters" and *.txt is a glob pattern. The other common wildcard is the question mark (?), which stands for one character.


占位符 --- wildcard本质上是一种占位符


placeholder (plural placeholders)

Something used or included temporarily or as a substitute for something that is not known or must remain generic; that which holds, denotes or reserves a place for something to come later. quotations ▼

This is placeholder data, so you'll want to include the real numbers as soon as you have them.


