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.BDK的安装问题  Copy to clipboard
Posted by: fbbobo
Posted on: 2003-08-13 10:58

下在了BDK1。1可是运行的时候提示:java VM错误,请重新安装或者更换JVM

2.Re:BDK的安装问题 [Re: fbbobo] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: cn
Posted on: 2003-08-14 00:16

1.When I run the BeanBox under J2SE v 1.4 I get an exception. What's going on here? http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans/faq/faq.help.html#Q28
There were some changes made to the Introspector in order for EventSets created by the Intospector to conform to the JavaBeans specification. See bugs 4402159 and 4407239 for details. Unfortunately, the ExplicitButtonBeanInfo class that shipped with the BDK do not conform to the JavaBeans specification and are rejected. This is not as bad as it seems. Other than the exeption being thrown at startup and the failure to load the buttons.jar file, the rest of the BeanBox will work fine.

As a work around, you may want to go into the sunw.demo.buttons.ExplicitBeanInfo.getEventSetDescriptors() source file, change the first actionPerformed string in the first EventSetDescriptor to be action and recompile the class. The source file for the demo beans used in the BeanBox is in <BDK_INSTALL_DIR>demo/sunw/demo/buttons/ExplicitButtonBeanInfo.java. At around line 47, change:

 EventSetDescriptor push = new EventSetDescriptor(beanClass,                    "actionPerformed",            java.awt.event.ActionListener.class,            "actionPerformed");


 EventSetDescriptor push = new EventSetDescriptor(beanClass,                    "action",            java.awt.event.ActionListener.class,            "actionPerformed");

3.你可能用的是WIN平台,如果是,请检查缺省的JVM是SUN的1.4的版本还是微软的版本,如果是微软的版本,请换为SUN的版本,因为BDK 1.1 - April '99 要求JDK1.2+的运行环境
