npm install -g @angular/cli
执行成功后就可以执行 CLI 命令了。
首先,执行 ng help,我们看下都有哪些命令。
aaaaa@xxxMacBook-Pro my-app % ng help
ng <command>
ng add <collection> Adds support for an external library to your
ng analytics Configures the gathering of Angular CLI usage
ng build [project] Compiles an Angular application or library into an
output directory named dist/ at the given output
path. [aliases: b]
ng cache Configure persistent disk cache and retrieve cache
ng completion Set up Angular CLI autocompletion for your
ng config [json-path] [value] Retrieves or sets Angular configuration values in
the angular.json file for the workspace.
ng deploy [project] Invokes the deploy builder for a specified project
or for the default project in the workspace.
ng doc <keyword> Opens the official Angular documentation
(angular.io) in a browser, and searches for a
given keyword. [aliases: d]
ng e2e [project] Builds and serves an Angular application, then
runs end-to-end tests. [aliases: e]
ng extract-i18n [project] Extracts i18n messages from source code.
ng generate Generates and/or modifies files based on a
schematic. [aliases: g]
ng lint [project] Runs linting tools on Angular application code in
a given project folder.
ng new [name] Creates a new Angular workspace. [aliases: n]
ng run <target> Runs an Architect target with an optional custom
builder configuration defined in your project.
ng serve [project] Builds and serves your application, rebuilding on
file changes. [aliases: s]
ng test [project] Runs unit tests in a project. [aliases: t]
ng update [packages..] Updates your workspace and its dependencies. See
ng version Outputs Angular CLI version.
ng new [name]
cd到项目目录下,执行如下命令,执行ng serve
或者npm run serve
ng serve --open
ng generate [功能类型]
ng g <schematic> Run the provided schematic. [default]
ng g app-shell Generates an application shell for running a
server-side version of an app.
ng g application [name] Generates a new basic application definition in the
"projects" subfolder of the workspace.
[aliases: app]
ng g class [name] Creates a new, generic class definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: cl]
ng g component [name] Creates a new, generic component definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: c]
ng g directive [name] Creates a new, generic directive definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: d]
ng g enum [name] Generates a new, generic enum definition for the
given or default project. [aliases: e]
ng g guard [name] Generates a new, generic route guard definition in
the given or default project. [aliases: g]
ng g interceptor [name] Creates a new, generic interceptor definition in
the given or default project.
ng g interface [name] [type] Creates a new, generic interface definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: i]
ng g library [name] Creates a new, generic library project in the
current workspace. [aliases: lib]
ng g module [name] Creates a new, generic NgModule definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: m]
ng g pipe [name] Creates a new, generic pipe definition in the given
or default project. [aliases: p]
ng g resolver [name] Generates a new, generic resolver definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: r]
ng g service [name] Creates a new, generic service definition in the
given or default project. [aliases: s]
ng g service-worker Pass this schematic to the "run" command to create
a service worker
ng g web-worker [name] Creates a new, generic web worker definition in the
given or default project.
ng g service [name]