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Extreme Programming Perspectives

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Extreme Programming (XP) has been established as a significant departure from traditional software development methods. The success of the XP 2001 and XP Universe 2001 conferences is no surprise; some of the brightest minds in software engineering gathered at these venues to discuss the discipline that is XP. These conferences showcase the continuously changing face of XP. Common programming practices will never be the same, and developers and business people alike need to bear this fact in mind as they plan for the future.

Inspired by the techniques and challenges explored at these conferences, Extreme Programming Perspectives presents 47 articles that represent the insights and practical wisdom of the leaders of the XP community. Encompassing a wide variety of key topics on XP and other agile methodologies, this book offers experience-based techniques for implementing XP effectively and provides successful transitioning strategies. Articles are grouped into six main sections: an overview of XP and agile methodologies; XP development practices; issues involved in transitioning to XP and agile methodologies; real-life experiences of working with XP; tools for facilitating XP development; and finally, ideas for expanding and extending XP.



