# Released by rdb under the Unlicense (unlicense.org)
# Based on information from:
# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/joystick-api.txt
import os, struct, array
from fcntl import ioctl
# Iterate over the joystick devices.
print('Available devices:')
for fn in os.listdir('/dev/input'):
if fn.startswith('js'):
print(' /dev/input/%s' % (fn))
# 这句显示手柄在硬件中的端口位置: /dev/input/js0
# We'll store the states here.
axis_states = {}
button_states = {}
# 先前校验时,方向盘是x,左侧踏板是z,右侧踏板是rz。
# These constants were borrowed from linux/input.h
axis_names = {
0x00: 'x',
0x01: 'y',#y获取y轴的值----------------
axis_map = []
# Open the joystick device.打开操作杆装置
fn = '/dev/input/js0'
print('Opening %s...' % fn)
jsdev = open(fn, 'rb')#以二进制读模式打开
# # Get the device name.
buf = array.array('u', ['\0'] * 5)
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80006a13 + (0x10000 * len(buf)), buf) # JSIOCGNAME(len)
js_name = buf.tostring()#装置名字
print('Device name: %s' % js_name)
# Get number of axes and buttons.轴
buf = array.array('B', [0])
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80016a11, buf) # JSIOCGAXES
num_axes = buf[0]
# Get the axis map.
buf = array.array('B', [0] * 0x40)
ioctl(jsdev, 0x80406a32, buf) # JSIOCGAXMAP
for axis in buf[:num_axes]:
axis_name = axis_names.get(axis, 'unknown(0x%02x)' % axis)
axis_states[axis_name] = 0.0
# Main event loop
# EV_SYN 0x00 同步事件
# EV_KEY 0x01 按键事件
# EV_REL 0x02 相对坐标,用于鼠标
# EV_ABS 0x03 绝对坐标,用于摇杆
while True:
evbuf = jsdev.read(8)
if evbuf:
time, value, type, number = struct.unpack('IhBB', evbuf)
if type & 0x02:
axis = axis_map[number]
if axis:
# print("{}".format(axis))
if axis == "x":
fvalue = value / 32767
axis_states[axis] = fvalue
print("%s: %.3f" % (axis, fvalue))
elif axis == "y":
fvalue = value / 32767
axis_states[axis] = fvalue
print("%s: %.3f" % (axis, fvalue))
elif type & 0x01:
if number==0x00:#0号按钮
elif number==0x01:
elif number==0x02:
elif number==0x03:
elif number==0x04:
elif number == 0x05:
print(number, '=', value)
elif number == 0x06:
print(number, '=', value)