To create a simple 2D game with Unity 3D is pretty simple. Let’s get started.
First of all, after creating a project, we have these tabs:Inspector, Project, Hierarchy and Console.
In Inspector, we can modify some properties, add physical components, rigid body and also the script that can control spirits.
In Hierachy, we can create various of layers that allow us to place different objects.
In Project, we can add materials (For instance, images, audios, etc..), some prefab objects and even scripts (written in C# or JavaScript). We can drag and drop an object that we have already created in to Project. So that in the next time, we can use these objects directly.
Now, we are going to do the first lecture.
I would recommend you to create some repositories in Project tab, so that we can easily distinguish various of materials.
Here in this tutorial, I would like to create 5 sub-repositories named Prefabs, Scenes, Scripts, Sounds and Textures. These names can be easily understood, so I won’t explain their functions.
In the next step, we are going to add some layers in Hierarchy tab.