Spring-data-redis works with AWS Elasticache cluster-mode-disabled


There are two modes of Redis Cluster, one is cluster-mode-disabled, the other is enabled. The difference is the first one only has one shard, all the data is stored in primary node and synchronized to the replicas.

For cluster mode disabled, there are primary endpoint and read endpoint. For primary endpoint, when the failover happens, replica will be promoted to primary, the promoted node will propogate the new address to the DNS, for read endpoint, new node will be created, the data will be copied from just promoted primary node. The new address will also be updated to DNS.

The above topology matches the Master/Replica mode of Redis. There is no document for how to use springboot to connect the primary and read endpoint. Because the core library is maintained by Lecttuce. There is issue reported in stackoverflow, java - Configuring Spring Data Redis with Lettuce for ElastiCache Master/Slave - Stack Overflow

Now the core library seems to support this primary/read endpoint feature. Please refer Master Replica · lettuce-io/lettuce-core Wiki · GitHub. Copy the sample code as following:

public LettuceConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
    LettuceClientConfiguration clientConfig = LettuceClientConfiguration.builder()
    RedisStaticMasterReplicaConfiguration redisStaticMasterReplicaConfiguration =
     RedisStaticMasterReplicaConfiguration(REDIS_CLUSTER_PRIMARY_ENDPOINT, redisPort);
    redisStaticMasterReplicaConfiguration.addNode(REDIS_CLUSTER_READER_ENDPOINT, redisPort);
    return new LettuceConnectionFactory(redisStaticMasterReplicaConfiguration, clientConfig);