ignition Ignition helps you getting your Android applications off the ground quickly, by offering ready-to-use components and utility classes that wrap a lot of the boilerplate that's involved when writing Android apps. https://github.com/mttkay/ignition
android-priority-jobqueue A Job Queue specifically written for Android to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. https://github.com/yigit/android-priority-jobqueue
Anvil Tiny library for building reactive UI components (with data binding and event listeners binding), inspired by React.js. https://github.com/zserge/anvil
Rosie Rosie is an Android framework to create applications following the principles of Clean Architecture. https://github.com/Karumi/Rosie
AndroidDynamicLoader A plugin system that runs like a browser, but instead of load web pages, it load plugins which runs natively on Android system. https://github.com/mmin18/AndroidDynamicLoader
Archi This repository showcases and compares different architectural patterns that can be used to build Android apps. https://github.com/ivacf/archi
EasyMVP A full-featured framework that allows building android applications following the principles of Clean Architecture. https://github.com/6thsolution/EasyMVP
MultipleTheme Android换肤/夜间模式的Android框架,配合theme和换肤控件框架可以做到无缝切换换肤(无需重启应用和当前页面)。 This framework of Android app support multiple theme(such as day/night mode) and needn’t finish current application or current activity. https://github.com/dersoncheng/MultipleTheme
legend Legend is a Hook framework for Android Development, it allows you to Hook Java methods without ROOT. Even more exciting is that it supports both Dalvik and Art environment! https://github.com/asLody/legend
tinker Tinker is a hot-fix solution library for Android, it supports dex, library and resources update without reinstall apk. https://github.com/Tencent/tinker
EventBus Android optimized event bus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality. https://github.com/greenrobot/EventBus
RxJava RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava
AndroidEventBus A lightweight eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. https://github.com/bboyfeiyu/AndroidEventBus
SimpleNoSQL A simple NoSQL client for Android. Meant as a document store using key/value pairs and some rudimentary querying. Useful for avoiding the hassle of SQL code. https://github.com/Jearil/SimpleNoSQL
DBFlow A blazing fast, powerful, and very simple ORM android database library that writes database code for you. https://github.com/agrosner/DBFlow
sqlbrite A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations. https://github.com/square/sqlbrite
RecyclerViewItemAnimators This repo provides simple animators for the item views in the RecyclerView This code is cloned from DefaultItemAnimator provided by Google customizing the animations. https://github.com/gabrielemariotti/RecyclerViewItemAnimators
EasyAndroidAnimations Easy Android Animations is an animation library that aims to make android animations easier, with 50+ builtin animations, it allows you to introduce many complex animation effects in your application with one or two lines of code. https://github.com/2359media/EasyAndroidAnimations
BaseAnimation BaseAnimation network Android animation set, custom controls, nearly 200 kinds of source code! BaseAnimation, if a new version is updated automatically to remind everyone, I hope everyone will contribute their animated XML files or other source, together to create this open source app! https://github.com/z56402344/BaseAnimation
AppIntroAnimation AppIntroAnimation is a set of code snippets to make cool intro screen for your app with special Image Translation and Transformation animation effects. It is very easy to use and customize without adding third party library integrations. https://github.com/TakeoffAndroid/AppIntroAnimation
QuickSand Automatically manipulates the duration of animations dependent on view count. Quicksand .. the more you struggle. https://github.com/blundell/QuickSand
CannyViewAnimator CannyViewAnimator is an enhanced version of ViewAnimator. It allows to use Animators and Transitions to extend Visibility. https://github.com/LiveTyping/CannyViewAnimator
AndroidAsync Asynchronous socket, http (client+server), websocket, and socket.io library for android. Based on nio, not threads. https://github.com/koush/AndroidAsync
android-upload-service Easily upload files (FTP / Multipart / Binary) in the background with progress indication notification. Supports OkHttp and Hurl stack. Can be extended with custom network layers and custom upload types https://github.com/gotev/android-upload-service
robospice Repo of the Open Source Android library : RoboSpice. RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous long running tasks easy. It is specialized in network requests, supports caching and offers REST requests out-of-the box using extension modules. https://github.com/stephanenicolas/robospice
LiteHttp LiteHttp is a simple, intelligent and flexible HTTP framework for Android. With LiteHttp you can make HTTP request with only one line of code! It could convert a java model to the parameter and rander the response JSON as a java model intelligently. http://litesuits.com?form=ghttp https://github.com/litesuits/android-lite-http
LiteAsync An ameliorative, enhanced AsyncTask for Android. LiteAsync provides SimpleTask, SafeTask, CachedTask, etc, for rapid development. More convenient is, it has a TaskExecutor which can executes ordered, cyclicbarrier, delayed and timer Task. https://github.com/litesuits/android-lite-async