自动修复工具概述——AutoFix [ISSTA 2014]



本文旨在讲述现有的自动修复工具AutoFix(来源于ISSTA 2014).

一、AutoFix [2014 ISSTA]

1.1 文章名

Automated Fixing of Programs with Contracts

作者:Yu Pei ∗ · Carlo A. Furia ∗ · Martin Nordio ∗ · Yi Wei † Bertrand Meyer ∗ · Andreas Zeller ‡

感觉有空可以看看Yu Pei老师的文章。这个名字很熟悉。

1.2 什么样的工具

AutoFix, an automated debugging technique that can fix faults in general-purpose software.

1.3 一句话概括工作

To provide high-quality fix suggestions and to enable automation of the whole debugging process, AutoFix relies on the presence of **simple specification elements in the form of contracts (such as pre- and postconditions)”.
The only required user input to the AutoFix supporting tool is then a faulty program annotated with contracts.
The tool produces a collection of validated fixes for the fault ranked according to an estimate of their suitability.

1.4 怎么validate的?


1.5 自动缺陷定位技术逐渐走向工业化?

Techniques to detect errors automatically are becoming increasingly available and slowly making their way into industrial practice.

[34] Patrice Godefroid, Michael Y. Levin, and David A. Molnar. SAGE: white-box fuzzing for security testing. Communications of the ACM, 55(3):40–44, 2012.
[14] Al Bessey, Ken Block, Benjamin Chelf, Andy Chou, Bryan Fulton, Seth Hallem, Charles-Henri Gros, Asya Kamsky, Scott McPeak, and Dawson R. Engler. A few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world. Communications of the ACM, 53(2):66–75, 2010.
[77] John Penix. Large-scale test automation in the cloud. In Martin Glinz, Gail C. Murphy, and Mauro Pezzè, editors, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, page 1122. IEEE, 2012.

1.6 和谁(哪个工具)作比较


1.7 看来还有很多其他的工具?(在related work中)

作者的related work是真的详细,好几页,我也看蒙了,但是我觉得对我们理解之前的修复工作、工具、技术都是很有帮助的。

- source code repairs
BugFix [41]
co-evolutionary algorithm to evolve the buggy program into one that satisfies its formal specification [10, 7]
GenProg [95, 94], which is evaluated with various open-source program [47, 46]
Par [45]

constraint-based techniques [35] using a SAT solver.
SemFix [65] [17]

Pachika [23]


1.8 用了什么技术?

AutoFix combines various program analysis techniques——such as dynamic invariant inference, simple static analysis, and fault localization——and produces a collection of suggested fixes, ranked according to a heuristic measurement of relevance.


1.9 contracts是什么

AutoFix works on Eiffel classes equipped with contracts [60]. Contracts define the specification of a class and consist of assertions: preconditions (require), postconditions (ensure), intermediate assertions (check), and class invariants (translated for simplicity of presentation into additional pre- and postconditions in the examples of this paper).

Contracts provide a criterion to determine the correctness of a routine: every execution of a routine starting in a state satisfying the precondition (and the class invariant) must terminate in a state satisfying the postcondition (and the class invariant); every intermediate assertion must hold in any execution that reaches it; every call to another routine must occur in a state satisfying the callee’s precondition. Whenever one of these conditions is violated, we have a fault uniquely identified by a location in the routine where the violation occurred and by the specific contract clause that is violated.

The correctness of a program is defined relative to its specification; in the case of automated program fixing, this implies that the validated fixes are only as good as the available tests or, if these are generated automatically, as the available contracts. In other words, evidently incomplete or incorrect contracts may let inappropriate candidate fixes pass the validation phase.

这个解答了1.4 的问题。

2.0 缺陷定位、测试用例怎么搞得?

The experiments discussed in Section 5 all use the random testing framework AutoTest [61] developed in our pervious work.


Relying on AutoTest makes the whole process, from fault detection to fixing, completely automatic; our experiments show that even short AutoTest sessions are sufficient to produce suitable test cases that AutoFix can use for generating good-quality fixes.

Since each snapshot refers to a specific program location, fault localization (described in Section 4.2) boils down to ranking snapshots according to a combination of static and dynamic analyses that search for the origins of faults.

1)fault localization在文章中分成了两部分,静态的分析(control dependence),和动态的分析(执行测试用例,用到了SBFL [96])

[96] W. Eric Wong, Vidroha Debroy, and Byoungju Choi. A family of code coverage-based heuristics for effective fault localization. Journal of Systems and Software, 83(2):188–208, 2010.


3)每次修复也是对snapshot修复,好像是根据rank list,来自上到下修复,


2.1 idea来源

1)之前的工作:In previous work, we presented the basic algorithms behind AutoFix and demonstrated them on some preliminary examples [91, 76].

The present paper discusses the latest AutoFix implementation, which combines and integrates the previous approaches to improve the flexibility and generality of the overall fixing technique.

[91] Yi Wei, Yu Pei, Carlo A. Furia, Lucas S. Silva, Stefan Buchholz, Bertrand Meyer, and Andreas Zeller. Automated fixing of programs with contracts. In Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, pages 61–72. ACM, 2010.
[76] Yu Pei, Yi Wei, Carlo A. Furia, Martin Nordio, and Bertrand Meyer. Code-based automated program fixing. In Proceedings of the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, pages 392–395. ACM, 2011.

2)主要是这个contracts的修复还没有人做过。感觉之前大家都是做test-based program repair,这个也算是一个很好的idea吧,
但是我觉得contracts和test suite的区别,我没有看太清楚。

2.2 缺陷定位,语句选择策略



2.3 工具源码地址

