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QlikView 学习资料


QlikView Script - 进阶篇1Script调用Macro 之变化

QlikView Script 基础教程1- 注解

QlikView Script 基础教程2- MapSubString()使用

QlikView Script 基础教程3- 组合件处理


·        Applications are missing a dashboard summaryoverview tab, which gives the users a quick summary of the current state of thebusiness. 

o   Recommendation: Look into implementing the DAR methodologyfor your applications. We suggest creating an application that is made up ofthree different parts: Dashboard page – which gives an overview of thebusiness, an Analytical page – which gives the users interactive KPI’s to dotheir analysis, and a Reporting page – which provides the user detail databehind the analytics. Further description on this methodology can be found at: http://community.qlik.com/blogs/qlikviewdesignblog/2013/11/08/dar-methodology


·        Inconsistent layout between the threeapplications. The CBA dashboard has a different layout from the Secured Financeand Sources and Users dashboards.

o   Recommendation: Create a template QVW of all the colors andlayout you want your dashboards to consist of. To leverage your existing data models, use the binary load function toload the data into your template.


·        Lack of linked objects.

o   Recommendation:  Usethe linked objects features to maintain common objects look and feel betweensheets.  This eases maintenance. When oneobject is updated, the rest of the linked objects will get updated as well.




·        Gradient backgrounds and slanted dimensionlabels can hinder the readability of the dashboard.




o   Recommendation:  Use asolid background, and if there’s space try to avoid using slanted dimensionlabels.


·        Coloring all text within a chart columncounteracts the intent of highlighting the important values.

o   Recommendation:  Use asingle color to highlight only the values that are important for the user tofocus on.



·        Avoid using filters on the top and right pane ofthe dashboards


o   Recommendation:  Havingyour filters on the top pane of your dashboard uses valuable chart real estate.  In addition, having your filters on the rightpane may not be visible to users where their monitor resolution does not fitthe entire dashboard.    Like web pages and software applications,keep your filters on the left side to adhere to that mainstream userexperience. http://community.qlik.com/blogs/qlikviewdesignblog/2013/04/25/left-or-right-side-navigation


·        Use of Pie Chart when there are many dimensionvalues.


o   Recommendation:  Ratherthan using a Pie chart, consider using a sorted bar chart to highlight the highperformers.




·        Ensure the correct chart is used when selectingthe type of analysis.

o   Recommendation: First determine the type analysis you wouldlike the chart to portray.  Generallythere are four different types: Comparison, Relationship, Distribution, andComposition.  Below are examples of the differentcharts to consider for each type:

§  Comparison– Bar Chart, Radar Chart

§  Relationship– Scatter Chart

§  Distribution  –  LineChart

§  Composition– Stacked Chart, Pie Chart

Below is a chart thatfurther explains the thought process when selecting a visualization:


For further details on the topic: http://www.qlik.com/us/blog/posts/patrik-lundblad/dissecting-how-to-choose-the-right-chart

·        As you adopt an Ajax implementation, high numberof objects per a sheet creates delays in Ajax rendering.

o   Recommendation:  Limitthe number of objects per a sheet.  Textboxes used as borders or UI should be made part of an image to be used as thesheet backgrounds.  Doing so will reduceindividual objects that need to render on their own.

o   Recommendation: In result of separating objects, you willend up with a document with many sheets. To manage this, look into using these methods to maintain them:Container Objects, Sub Tabular, Pick List, or a combination of the three.  Further details to how to implement thesesheet maintenance methods can be found here: http://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-4379


·        Look into using Comparative Analysis for yourcharts:

o   Recommendation:  Byusing Alternate State and Set Analysis, you can build dynamic group comparisonswithin your charts. Below is an example from our FinancialStock Analysis Demo. As you can see from the chart below, the user candynamically choose which stocks he wants compare against in the Group A vs GroupB Comparison.  Having this flexibility,the user can go through different scenarios within his Business Discoverysession.  More details can found here: http://community.qlik.com/docs/DOC-3837
