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IMPORTANT NOTE The Polycom RealPresence Mobile is designed for EntERPrise deployments and for optimal performance requires Polycom RealPresence infrastructure (CMA 6.2 and newer or RealPresence Resource Manager 7.1 and newer). Polycom RealPresence Mobile runs on the Polycom RealPresence Platform, which enables tablets and smartphones to video conference with other mobile devices as well as desktop and immersive video room systems.

Polycom RealPresence Mobile is for business professionals who want to extend their enterprise video collaboration capabilities beyond the office and conference room to their mobile devices. RealPresence Mobile is an easy-to-use video app that provides premium quality audio, video and content sharing. Cloud-based deployment gives users access to enterprise directories at the swipe-of-a finger. Users simply highlight a name, connect, then communicate.

Features and Benefits

• Share the industry’s highest-quality audio, video and content through standards-based protocols using the latest in compression technologies

• CloudAXIS interoperability delivers B2B and B2C video calling with a simple touch-to-call experience

• Increased productivity and less IT resource drain with consistent user interfaces on your mobile, desktop and room-based systems

• Protect your network and your users with user authentication, media encryption and robust firewall interoperability

You must not be in violation of your wireless data service agreement, if any, when using Polycom RealPresence Mobile. Because some mobile network operators may prohibit or restrict the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) functionality over their networks, such as the use of VoIP telephony over a cellular network, and may also impose additional fees, or other charges in connection with VoIP, POLYCOM recommends that you check the terms of your agreement with the operator prior to any use of the RealPresence Mobile.

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