一开始考虑用模板加OLE技术,读写Excel, 但使用模板限制较多,且维护和变更过程复杂;通过查询BING搜索引擎,获知可通过BCS相关的工具类实现内表/结构到Excel文件的转换(另外通过XML技术,也可以读写文件,可以参考ABAP开源项目ABAP2XLSX)
Send an Internal Table as an excel attachment via email
Sending Email with excel attachment
report bcs_example_7.
* This report provides an example for sending an Excel
* attachment in Unicode Systems
gc_tab type c value cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab,
gc_crlf type c value cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf.
mailto type ad_smtpadr
default 'john.doe@crazy-company.com'. "#EC *
data send_request type ref to cl_bcs.
data document type ref to cl_document_bcs.
data recipient type ref to if_recipient_bcs.
data bcs_exception type ref to cx_bcs.
data main_text type bcsy_text.
data binary_content type solix_tab.
data size type so_obj_len.
data sent_to_all type os_boolean.
perform create_content.
perform send.
*& Form send
form send.
* -------- create persistent send request ------------------------
send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
* -------- create and set document with attachment ---------------
* create document object from internal table with text
append 'Hello world!' to main_text. "#EC NOTEXT
document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'RAW'
i_text = main_text
i_subject = 'Test Created By BCS_EXAMPLE_7' ). "#EC NOTEXT
* add the spread sheet as attachment to document object
i_attachment_type = 'xls' "#EC NOTEXT
i_attachment_subject = 'ExampleSpreadSheet' "#EC NOTEXT
i_attachment_size = size
i_att_content_hex = binary_content ).
* add document object to send request
send_request->set_document( document ).
* --------- add recipient (e-mail address) -----------------------
* create recipient object
recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( mailto ).
* add recipient object to send request
send_request->add_recipient( recipient ).
* ---------- send document ---------------------------------------
sent_to_all = send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
commit work.
if sent_to_all is initial.
message i500(sbcoms) with mailto.
message s022(so).
* ------------ exception handling ----------------------------------
* replace this rudimentary exception handling with your own one !!!
catch cx_bcs into bcs_exception.
message i865(so) with bcs_exception->error_type.
endform. "send
*& Form create_content
* Create Example Content
* 1) Write example text into a string
* 2) convert this string to solix_tab
form create_content.
data lv_string type string.
data ls_t100 type t100.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* as example content we use some system messages out of t100
* get them for all installed languages from db
* and write one line for each language into the spread sheet
* columns are separated by TAB and each line ends with CRLF
concatenate 'This Is Just Example Text!' "#EC NOTEXT
gc_crlf gc_crlf
into lv_string.
* header line
concatenate lv_string
'MSGID' gc_tab
'MSGNO' gc_tab
'Language' gc_tab "#EC NOTEXT
'Text' gc_crlf "#EC NOTEXT
into lv_string.
* data lines
select * from t100 into ls_t100
where arbgb = 'SO' and msgnr = '182'.
concatenate lv_string
ls_t100-arbgb gc_tab
ls_t100-msgnr gc_tab
ls_t100-sprsl gc_tab
ls_t100-text gc_crlf
into lv_string.
select * from t100 into ls_t100
where arbgb = 'SO' and msgnr = '316'.
concatenate lv_string
ls_t100-arbgb gc_tab
ls_t100-msgnr gc_tab
ls_t100-sprsl gc_tab
ls_t100-text gc_crlf
into lv_string.
* --------------------------------------------------------------
* convert the text string into UTF-16LE binary data including
* byte-order-mark. Mircosoft Excel prefers these settings
* all this is done by new class cl_bcs_convert (see note 1151257)
iv_string = lv_string
iv_codepage = '4103' "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty
iv_add_bom = 'X' "for other doc types
et_solix = binary_content
ev_size = size ).
catch cx_bcs.
message e445(so).
endform. "create_content