Hello everyone! Just wanted to give you an update on the project.
I did not expect so many people willing to contribute - we got over 60 people on Slack channel at the moment!
Appwish-一个平台,人们可以在其中表达自己的应用愿望(例如,“我希望我有一个适用于X和Y的应用”)并投票支持其他人的好主意。开发人员可以使用Appwish跟踪最需要的应用程序和功能。 他们可以分配自己的项目,创建开发团队并进行协作以满足人们的需求。将来,该平台还可以引入 raising or voluntary donations for the most appreciated developers and teams.
- Architecture: https://app.creately.com/diagram/ToXBd2y63z4/view
- "Mind Map" of features and user journey: https://app.creately.com/diagram/SB1Gc6cyHdD/view
We are planning to use React for UI(with SSR), React Native for mobile, GraphQL + gRPC for communication and mainly reactive Vert.x on the backend - if you want to join us and learn some stuff by actually doing things, join us on the Slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/appwish/shared_invite/enQtODk4MTgzOTMwMjg4Lw ^UwZGFlNjQ5ZWZiMzIyYWRmYjA1NDgyMzVlMjIxNzc4NTU0NmUyMWIzYzgyNzk0YjVlMDkzMjZjMmUzYmQyMTg