Hello everyone!
开发人员可以使用Appwish跟踪最需要的应用程序和功能。 他们可以分配自己的项目,创建开发团队并进行协作以满足人们的需求。
In the project and tutorials I'll use all of the following concepts and technologies (& more)
- React.js-用于构建现代Web UIGraphQL-用于UI和后端微服务之间的数据交换gRPC-用于后端服务间通信码头工人-用于包装码头工人 Compose-设立本地发展环境Vert.x-用于创建高性能的反应式微服务Kubernetes-用于容器编排实时数据流 via gRPC & GraphQL微服务建筑
- Istio - additional layer on top of Kubernetes for managing service-to-service communications between microservices
- Many of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation projects like
- Jaeger - for distributed tracing
- Prometheus - for system monitoring
- React Native - for iOS & Android client (or other mobile native framework, contributions are welcome!)
The Goal
该项目的目标是使用最流行的技术创建一个真实的应用程序/平台,并描述教育教程系列中的所有步骤。 如果项目进展顺利,则有一天可能会发布!
Contributions are welcome!
Final Words
If you like (or don't) the idea - share your thoughts and let me know in the comments or on social media - I'd really appreciate it! You can also let me know if you'd prefer the tutorial in the form of blog posts or videos :) Thank you for reading!
Now you can also join us on Slack to learn more about the project - https://join.slack.com/t/appwish/shared_invite/enQtODk2NjË1ODkyMjMwLTU4NTNhYzBmYmI0MzNiNmJjNDU4MzRkNjI4ZTc4NWZmMzMyMTZmNWFjNDAzNTIwMDYzY2U5YWVhMTRkZGIyNmI