A - Overlapping Scenes UVALive - 4994

The Dummywood film industry is infamous for its repetitive
stories. The phrase, “if you have seen one, you have seen
them all” perfectly applies to it. The movies are made by
fitting together existing set of scenes. This reduces production
time, as there is hardly ever a new stunt to perform, nor
the writers need to be creative in bringing out something innovative.
To make the movies lengthy, the producers opt to
repeat monotonous events, such as repetitive breaking of glass
doors or the “bad guys” rolling over the floor. Cutpiece is a
producer who wants to use the power of computers to gain
advantage in this film industry. He has a set of scenes out of
which he wants to make his next movie. He plans to merge
these scenes to make one complete movie. Although, mere
merging of the scenes in some order would make a movie, but
Cutpiece wants to minimize the length of the movie. The
minimizing technique that he plans to apply relies on the fact that, scenes are so repetitive in their
components that, the beginning of one and ending of another may be identical up to a certain length.
Cutpiece has decided to condense these scenes so that the repetitive portions are included once in
the merging process. In this problem, given a set of scenes, you will have to determine the minimum
length of the movie that can be made by merging the given scenes in a particular order, condensing
the repetitive portions during the merging process. Look at the explanation for sample input/output
below to further clarify the condensing process.
The first line of input will consist of a positive integer T ≤ 50, where T denotes the number of test cases.
Each case starts with a positive integer n ≤ 6 where n denotes the number of scenes that Cutpiece will
merge. The following n lines will each contain a string of length at most 10. The strings will consist of
upper case letters only and will have at least one character. Each of these strings represents one scene
and the individual letters correspond to components forming a scene.
For each case of input, there will be one line of output. It will consist of the case number followed
by the minimum length of movie that can be made. Look at the output for sample input for exact
Explanation of Sample Input/Output:
Case 1 -¿ if we order the input strings as ”ABCD” ”CDEF” and ”DEFGH”. Merge the first 2 to get
”ABCDEF”. Here we condense (CD) into a single occurrence since this is the longest length common suffix
of one and prefix of another. Next we merge ABCDEF with DEFGH to obtain ABCDEFGH, giving us a string
of length 8. Any other ordering of the three strings will not yield a shorter final string. Note that,
when merging, we always merge from left to right after ordering the string. Therefore, for the above
ordering, we would not merge CDEF and DEFGH first.
Case 2 -¿ Here one string is a subset of another and we can entirely condense the components of
shorter string to give us a string of length 7.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case 1: 8
Case 2: 7

从这道题我学会了用vector存储字符串,学会了next_permutation()函数可以对字符串进行排列,学会了sort函数对字符串数组排序,学会了c++ string 里边的substr函数,

using namespace std;
int T,N;
vector<string> v;

int  solve()
	string tmp=v[0];
	int len=v.size();
	int i,j,k;
		int a=tmp.length();
		int b=v[i].length();
		int maxn=0;
			for(k=0;k<b && j+k<a ;k++)
				if(tmp[j+k]==v[i][k]) continue;
				else break;
	return tmp.length();
int main()
	int i,j;
	string s;
	int tt=1;
		int ans=99999999;
		printf("Case %d: %d\n",tt++,ans);
	return 0;

