jsoup获得css,java - Using JSoup CSS selectors - Stack Overflow


I am trying to use JSoup to scrape some content off of a website. Here is some sample HTML content from the page I am interested in:





I am interested in obtaining a list of all the hotwords in the page (so "Fizz", "Buzz", "Foo" and "Bar"). But I can't just query for hotword, because they use the hotword class all over the place to decorate lots of different elements. Specifically, I need all the hotwords that exist inside a pbk pg hotword element. Note that pbks can contain 0+ pgs, and pgs can contain 0+ hotwords, and hotwords can contain 1+ other hotwords. I have the following code:

// Update, per PShemo:

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://somesite.example.com").get();

System.out.println("Starting to crawl...");

// Get the document's .pbk elements.

Elements pbks = doc.select(".pbk");

List hotwords = new ArrayList();

System.out.println(String.format("Found %s pbks.", pbks.size()));

int pbkCount = 0;

for(Element pbk : pbks) {


// Get the .pbk element's .pg elements.

for(Element pg : pbk.getElementsByClass("pg")) {

System.out.println(String.format("PBK #%s has %s pgs.", pbkCount, pbk.getElementsByClass("pg").size()));

Element hotword = pg.getElementById("hotword");

System.out.println("Adding hotword: " + hotword.text());




Running that code produces the following output:

Starting to crawl...

Found 3 pbks.

I am either not using the JSoup API correctly, or not using the right selectors, or both. Any thoughts as to where I'm going awry? Thanks in advance!
